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Woah - Bills offered HC job to Harbaugh

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anyone think that when the bills finally do announce the head coach......that they will say he was their first choice all along and that they never "officially" offered the job to anyone , despite media reports.



However it is done you can be sure old Ralphy will be yucking it up at the podium. ;)

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I'm so sick of the media and people who say they are true bills fans talking smack about our team. No matter who we eventually get to be our HC I will still be rooting for the bills in the offseason and during the season. It's really going to suck if something terrible does happen to this franchise, ie moving to LA, because I don't want to cheer for another team in the NFL. I hope Buddy Nix and whomever we hire at HC pushes are Bills into the playoffs next year and makes all of these douchebags talking smack or rejecting our HC position eat there words.


Just blowing off a little steam ;)

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Nobody can justify the point that we are not a complete and utter joke. Ralph Wilson is horrible for this team whether you want to believe it or not. NOBODY wants one of the 32 best head coaching positions in the WHOLE WORLD. I'm honestly embarrassed

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There is no need to investigate. Everyone involved in the league knows what is going on with this bumbling franchise. You don't have to be an aggressive investigative reporter to figure out the primary cause of the chaos within the organization. Just start at the top of the organization (ownership) and you have figured out.



You're right. There's no reason to investigate.


This is what an average coaching search looks like. Guys turn you down, especially when you're talking about the absolute best coaching prospects out there, and especially when your team has no QB and no draft pick high enough to get one of the top two in the draft.


There are only two or three coaching hires this year, so it's not so easy to compare, but if we had lots of it going on, we would remember that this is what it looks like.


It's a bit like the colleges you apply to. You might apply to Harvard and Yale, just in case. Then apply to three or four colleges you have a legit shot at, and expect to get into most of them. And then maybe two safety schools.


Luckily, none of the guys we've looked at are the equivalent of community colleges. Leslie Frazier is actually a Haverford or Columbia, as are Grimm and Rivera.

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You're right. There's no reason to investigate.


This is what an average coaching search looks like. Guys turn you down, especially when you're talking about the absolute best coaching prospects out there, and especially when your team has no QB and no draft pick high enough to get one of the top two in the draft.


There are only two or three coaching hires this year, so it's not so easy to compare, but if we had lots of it going on, we would remember that this is what it looks like.


It's a bit like the colleges you apply to. You might apply to Harvard and Yale, just in case. Then apply to three or four colleges you have a legit shot at, and expect to get into most of them. And then maybe two safety schools.


Luckily, none of the guys we've looked at are the equivalent of community colleges. Leslie Frazier is actually a Haverford or Columbia, as are Grimm and Rivera.

continuing the analogy, rw should have been emeritus faculty years ago. There are good reasons so many professions have mandatory retirement ages.
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So we offered the job to a College HC who has a losing record and his only real NFL Exp outside of being an average QB is a couple years as a QB coach?


Holy **** Ralph, Russ and Nix have no damn clue

You are stupid. Jim Harbaugh was an excellent NFL QB-not Hall of fame, but pretty darn good. He was one dropped Hail Mary from taking the 1995 Colts to the Super Bowl against the Cowboys. He could throw the hell out of the ball, had good mobility, and was very gritty and an excellent leader. He was better than any QB we have had on the roster since Jimbo.

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I would bet that Joe Pa and Coach Bowden turned down offers from NFL clubs in the past.

Paterno turned down either the Jets or the Giants in the 70's. He tells the story about it. Apparently he accepted the job, went home and thought about it, called them back the next day and stayed at Penn State.

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Nobody can justify the point that we are not a complete and utter joke. Ralph Wilson is horrible for this team whether you want to believe it or not. NOBODY wants one of the 32 best head coaching positions in the WHOLE WORLD. I'm honestly embarrassed



It doesnt really give a coach much reason to think he could make a name for himself when you have a smarmy prick like Russ Brandon making decisions based on his intuition and also executing the bidding of Wilson, Littman, and Overdorf without question.


Its not an atmosphere that allows for much success. Just look at TO when he got the key to the city and what he promised.... he would finally take the Bills to the playoffs.... Wow, such lofty goals.


the whole front office is garbage, and has only gotten worse as Russ Brandon ascends. Russ Brandon will not be gone until Ralph Wilson no longer owns the team.


Coaches dont not want to come to Buffalo because the weather, economy, rec activities, etc... this has never really been a problem before, and there definitely has not been a gigantic 3-year decline in Buffalo that would sway potential coaches.


They do not want to come here because of the front office. The same front office a lot of us wanted overhauled. Even before Jauron should have been canned. They did nothing to the front office other than a BS smokescreen GM "hiring".

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I need to see it from another source before I bite when it comes from Casserly.

As of now, I don't believe it because Casserly is basically full of it.


You might be right, but if there was an interview and an offer, there would be a big benefit to Harbaugh for his agent to leak this to Casserly.


- Helps keep Harbaugh's Stanford recruits in place (puts to rest rumors out there that Buffalo was targeting him)


- Boosts the recruiting of other players considering Stanford - (publicity that Stanford's coach must be good, an NFL team wants him)


- Why leak to Casserly of all people? Provides quick, wide publicity by getting it on national TV

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You might be right, but if there was an interview and an offer, there would be a big benefit to Harbaugh for his agent to leak this to Casserly.


- Helps keep Harbaugh's Stanford recruits in place (puts to rest rumors out there that Buffalo was targeting him)


- Boosts the recruiting of other players considering Stanford - (publicity that Stanford's coach must be good, an NFL team wants him)


- Why leak to Casserly of all people? Provides quick, wide publicity by getting it on national TV


Even if there was NOT an interview/offer, it would still be a benefit for Harbaugh's agent to "leak" the alleged offer to Casserly for exactly the same reasons you cited. It would also benefit Harbaugh and his agent for Stanford to "know" about such "offer". Having everybody know you are in "demand" helps with any contract negotiations or re-negotiations.


Don't believe any third party sources. Could the source be right? Yes. Could the source be wrong? Yes. And there in lies the problem. We don't know one way or the other.


The only thing we can expect as things drag on is the rumor mill to really start cranking out BS.

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Again, he needs to spend more time coaching in the NFL, not college, to be ready to be a HC in the NFL. But I guess it doesn't matter since he has turned us down now does it?


I was all for Harbaugh.


Those points all mentioned enough experience.


Would it be helpful to have him as perhaps an offensive coordinator for a few years first, sure.


But to say he's not ready is to deny who the man is and who he has become. As Nix stated, they want head coaching EXPERIENCE, not NFL head coaching experience. Turning 2 abysmal college programs into winners in a short period of time certainly passes as having head coaching experience in my book.


And there are no guarantees that the hot coordinator or former head coach will be all that, either, as the Bills recent decade has indicated. Gibbs' 2nd run in Washington was horrible. Jimmy Johnson never got it together in Miami. Even Parcells took longer than usual to find success in Dallas.


Sure, you can always look at a Steve Spurrier and crap the bed, but I'd like to think that he is more in the minority that the norm.


How is Pettrino doing? Atlanta has a coach with no NFL head coaching experience, don't they? How is that going?

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It's funny how the collective intelligence just gets lower and lower around here. This is as true as Cowher being a done deal. Stop supporting the media making stuff up because they heard it from another reporter.


So true. No way Jim Harbaugh get's offered that job WITHOUT AN INTERVIEW!!!!!

Jim Kelly to Harbaugh "hey woos, remember when you smacked me and I told you you hit like a girl? Ralph told me to call you and tell you the jobs yours"

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