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  1. It should be pointed out that Chris, after careful consideration and understanding, has found no reasons for concern or disagreement when it comes to the "Gun Owners of America Inc. Political Victory Fund" PAC. Also, Chris - more than 253 times:
  2. LMAO. Another George Conway Dirty money funded PAC Grift for fools
  3. I stated facts and you went ad hominem. Is ignorance bliss? Cause DOBBS was fought to the supreme court, by a DEM PAC. At a 15 week limit.
  4. That's cute. Now do donations from all the other Pro gun PACS and all the known dark money flowing thru them and the NRA. Gun Rights PACs contributions to candidates, 2019-2020 • OpenSecrets HOW RUSSIAN HACKERS HELPED EXPOSE THE RIGHT-WING DARK MONEY CORRUPTING OUR COURTS Inside the NRA’s Koch-Funded Dark-Money Campaign Donors, key findings, and profiles of the top 15 dark money groups
  5. Please stop with the PAC shtick - you only hate the PACS that are not aligned with your interests like a typical MAGA hypocrite.
  6. he group’s co-founders include retired Fourth Circuit judge J Michael Luttig, attorney George Conway, and former GOP Representative Barbara Comstock and is just another Dirty money PAC influencing perception. Citizens united effed everything up. but at least back then the sane folks were against it. Now they are "Feed me more" to the Billionaire funded tax free companies pushing wedge topics and influencing elections. While they scream democracy and representation. Can't make up how daftly hypocritical they are on this topic.
  7. Just imagine if Some Billionaire funded Right leaning PAC was suing in swing states to keep Biden off the ticket. There would be no reasonable explanation allowed. It would be wall to wall TV coverage about righty billionaires trying to influence the election and attacking democracy.
  8. He does that. But he fits right in a city that embraced Vontez Burfict and Pac-man Jones.
  9. I want about half the Bengals swagger. They signed Joe Mixon to a contract extension after he pulled a gun on a lady in a road rage incident. They didn’t even cut Pac-man Jones after he stalked a women around a hotel. Look how much it took for Mike Brown to cut Chris Henry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Henry_(wide_receiver). Remember Vontez Burfict?
  10. LMAO - Bonnie, it fits the narrative perfectly. What are you going to do about it? Love @Tommy Callahan cheering on the NRA-PVF PAC, the Gun Rights America Super PAC, National Association for Gun Rights PAC and National Shooting Sports Foundation PAC without acknowledging his own hypocrisy.
  11. We wouldn't even have DOBBS if it wasn't for a billionaire funded PAC suing the Mississippi 15-week limit. looking back at it, that was a horrible move by a shady PAC.
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^ raging over another fake story posted by the usual PAC puppet
  13. you got a point. when all the billionaire and Corporate funded PACS align, the easily manipulated will be whipped up to a frenzy. Just going to be a harder sell now with everyone feeling and seeing exactly how bad his polices and actions are.
  14. What's fair about Billionaire funded PACS suing to keep the one polling the highest, off the ticket? and how is that democracy?
  15. Yes. They are every PAC 12 and Big 12 team ever. Fold against every good team. and the chiefs play to their competition and Mahomes is on a different level than any other qb. His receivers are butt cheeks.
  16. I wanna take that bet. Miami has gotten worked by every good team they have played. Their defense is much better and they should know how to take away Hill (as much as you can). Push comes to shove, Miami is a soft, flashy team that backs down when they get hit in the face. Basically, they are a Pac 12 or Big 13 team playing Alabama or Georgia. Always that the SeC in that matchup.
  17. SLOWLY? Democrats Slowly Evolving Into the Hamas Party. Alexandria Piranha-Grimace attacks the Israel PAC AIPAC, calling the Jewish group “racist and bigoted” and “extremist” … It is inevitable that the Democrat Party will softly support Hamas. They will try to talk out of both sides of their mouths, but they have decided: They need those Hamas voters, and therefore Jews are just New York Money Men and Oppressors and Colonialists and they no longer have a place in the woke, racist, savage Democrat Party. https://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=406885
  18. When has the left actually protested lately? Seems its PACS doing the astroturfing and the Black clads get violent. OK, now they wear the headscarf thing. but same script.
  19. I read the same Billionaire funded PAC is starting similar suits in several other states. Mostly swing states like Arizona, Michigan and what not. While their supporters scream about democracy and the others wanting a theocracy. What is it called when the billionaire class/corporations openly own the government? i don't think that's the democracy they keep parroting.
  20. They don't support due process for anyone not a loyal dem. And in a strange twist. There are already Billionaire funded PACs suing to keep him off the ticket in states like Colorado. While the mob screams about democracy and the rule of law.
  21. PACS, Charities, lobbyist, and think tanks. mostly funded by the same small sub section of the top quintile. drive policy, drive wedge topics, sue to keep people off the ballot, harvest and deliver ballots from housing projects and senior living centers and what not. Political spending in the 2020 election totaled $14.4 billion, more than doubling the total cost of the record-breaking 2016 presidential election cycle. That’s according to OpenSecrets’ analysis of Federal Election Commission filings. OpenSecrets previously estimated that the 2020 election would cost around $14 billion. The extraordinary spending figure makes the 2020 election the most expensive of all time by a large margin. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/02/2020-cycle-cost-14p4-billion-doubling-16/ Democratic candidates and groups spent $8.4 billion, compared to $5.3 billion for Republicans. Democrats' spending falls to $7 billion when excluding spending by billionaire presidential candidates Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. When they are getting that much cash, anyone without that kind of support isn't even being seen or heard.
  22. Don't be so sure the Pac 12 is dead. The two remaining schools control a boatload of residual money, a Power 5 vote, and have two years under NCAA rules to get their conference back to 6+ members. That so happens to coincide with the expiration of the Mountain West's TV contract. I can easily see Air Force, Fresno St, Colorado St, Boise St., UNLV, and SDSU (and maybe other teams) joining the Pac 12. The AAC contract is also expiring in that 2 year window.
  23. ^^^^^^^^^ THE MSM parroting PAC puppets are bound and determined to call others exactly what they prove to be, with their own postings.
  24. CNN is pure trash. Bragging and reporting about the lawsuit in Colorado to keep the orange guy off the ticket. Goes out of its way to blow past the fact this is a Billionaire funded Partisan PAC suing to keep an American off the ticket based on crimes he has not been convicted of. while the Left talks about democracy and what not. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/30/politics/takeaways-trump-14th-amendment-trial-colorado/index.html
  25. You guys are very proud about a corporate and elite funded company suing to keep an American off the ticket. Then you just gotta get mass mail voting and ballot harvesting by the same PACs and you got this. Fair and square. Democracy. Smh https://crewexposed.com/who-is-crew/crews-left-wing-funders/ Since its inception, CREW has received financial support from several left-leaning foundations and organizations including the Arca Foundation, the David Geffen Foundation, Democracy Alliance, the Mayberg Family Charitable Foundation, George Soros's Open Society Institute, the Sheller Family Foundation, the Streisand
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