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  1. Oh no...it's just stevestojan. Fuk.c stick racists like roundy were probably in diapers when you were LAMPing away. Hey remember when you complained about the profanity filter so annoyingly and incessantly that SDS changed it so that: Sh!t = stevestojan I'm sure that SDS wouldn't remember that at all! The tape supposedly existed eight years ago.
  2. Some state assets and an open racist that stole Trump's wig are in full melt down mode.
  3. 49 pages and still not one example of systemic racism. Outside the dei based hiring and promoting practices the left promotes. Now that's a system based on race.
  4. Education is racist/white privilege.
  5. Explains better than you saying Liberals had a hand in Jim Crow. Nope, Conservative racists drove that I'll let women and medical people decide that, so should you
  6. Ya, the people fighting racism are the real problem... The KKK agrees with this 100%
  7. ⬆️ Here's where I remind you that I don't read your woke tripe. And I correctly call you racist scum again
  8. All it’s demonstrating is that “racist,” the chief of sinners in leftist theocracy, is code for “white.”
  9. I saw clips of part of his speech. I don't see how this message resonates with African-Americans. You're telling people that have invested 4 years and lots of money into getting a degree that the system is rigged against them and things such as racism will keep them from succeeding. And its all the other guys fault. The fault of all those MAGA people hiding in the bushes and behind every tree plotting against you 24/7. Not you. The head of the political party that controls almost every public and private institution and organization in the country. That's a terrible message. It might play well if you're the challenger against an incumbent but a guy that heads the establishment telling the audience the system is rigged against them is the wrong message. It says, hey I'm the head of the system keeping you down and I'm here to blow more smoke up your ass. Somewhere in some smoke filled back room there's a group of big democrat donors and party officials wondering how they can quietly and effectively get rid of Joe Biden and run somebody else before they reach the convention.
  10. Joy Reid provides a perfect example of why people don’t buy the disingenuous arguments, by the Left, about race anymore…And the polls are starting to reflect that… In a “last ditch” effort, the Left is desperately trying to hold onto their influence over black people…And just like Jussie Smollett, they have to lie and gaslight to protect the narrative… Watch, as racist Joy Reid makes an utter fool of herself…yet again…👍
  11. It’s HIV plus SARS. That was the speculation from the beginning from all the “conspiracy theorists” so chances are very high that’s exactly what they created and unleashed. Created airborne HIV/SARS. But they were initially unsure if they just ended the world. But……..hush money orange man is a felon that’s all that matters amirite. And we’re never going to know. So long as we are distracted by our phones, football, Ukraine war, Gaza, Putin, climate change, racism, and TDS they will continue to treat us like worthless serfs.
  12. Do you have short term memory issues? Is this you just fours ago in this same thread? Fkn hypocrite. And F your racist hero Jack Posobiec.
  13. Sorry for the confusion. Biden's an idiot in mental decline while MTG is an idiot. I wouldn't call either a racist though.
  14. Oh. See, for me, that's the only redeeming quality of the matchup. Do I want to look at Andy Reid's walrus mustache? Pat Mahomes' dumb brother? Tony Romo? A bunch of Chiefs fans chopping at the air like a racist cartoon? No. No I do not. I should BE so lucky as to be shown a beautiful smiling pop star instead.
  15. Just a thought. What if OJ walked into an Andy Dufrasne situation? 😏 How would they have ever defended that. Wouldn't it be easier to win his defense on the sloppy and racist cop work? Of course he still guilty in civil...
  16. LOL. How can you type that nonsense without any link to support it. Oh, I know that you were just being a blowhard, but it is hilarious. "You're a conservative host, so it naturally follows that you are a racist." .
  17. It’s a topic that you are obviously passionate about. So passionate that you are willing to label people as racist, but not quite passionate enough to do anything meaningful about it. Don’t worry, you’ve got plenty of company. Carry on young person!
  18. it’s bizarre. I’ve read this entire thread and didn’t see a hint of racism what’s your take on what he intended? If it’s Dallas, Diggs + 2025 Conditional 3rd for their 24th overall pick this year seems fair
  19. That was the first one, Lift Up Your Voice and Sing. It’s a Christian hymn for anti-racism
  20. Because the first thing you bring up is racism. No one said anything about “brown skin” but you. It’s not the first time you’ve done that.
  21. You are a racist. Your collective contributions here align with that observation. Just embrace it.
  22. Laughable Leftists: - Biden has dementia..."No, Trump has dementia!" - Biden is a proven pedo that showers with his daughter..."No, Trump is a pedo!" - Trump wants to close the border..."No, Biden wants to close it but Trump's party is blocking it!" - Biden throughout his career has proven to be a racist..."No, Trump is a racist!" ...and on, and on, and on... See a theme? It's called projection. And, it's not working anymore. The left is using the playbook of "tell a lie long enough and it becomes truth". Yet, they call Trump Hitler. These leftist tactics aren't working anymore. I have no sympathy for the left today. The left is the enemy of the state.
  23. Calling everyone racist? I don't think so. Calling some people who are openly anti-LGBTQ bigots? Guilty as charged. Yes, there were both Nazi and communist influences. A lot of people on here won't accept that fact that there were Nazis(or Nazi simps-just as bad), unless they were riding a panther into the Ardennes under the Waffen SS Death head banner.
  24. I remember reading an article that said conservatives would be up in arms if a minority was carrying an open weapon into a church and then brandished the weapon against an non-minority juvenile attacker. It went into some fancy pants long worded windiness about how gun control people are racist. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2867904/u-kansas-researchers-racism-doesnt-have-much-impact-on-peoples-gun-views/?utm_source=newsshowcase&utm_medium=gnews&utm_campaign=CDAQsJ_p9tC3mJl3GNK7k4zX9O6jngEqEAgAKgcICjDphoULMJKZggM&utm_content=rundown In my opinion, I want everyone to conceal carry. Everyone.
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