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Everything posted by julian

  1. thats the fighting spirit... bills 31 chithawks 17
  2. I could not help myself from thinking about the peters situation when Shefter reported Burress still had 3 yrs remaining on his current deal. Sometimes i just wish my favorite team had different ownership. Selfish i know.
  3. The team doctors could have told Crowell he needed the surgery at the start of camp, Crowell says no way, im playing and weeks later here we are. That could explain him being told this by team doctors and Juron still being surprised. no?
  4. thanks for the being the only one to honestly answer my question...i respect your opinion and i think you make good points. I'm just so starved for a winner im hurting and i hope we play well while he's not here. I do think if Edwards makes a big leap on the field this year, then that can makes up for a little less pass protection...fingers crossed!!!
  5. As a fan, I only care about winning. I dont understand why people on this board would rather "make a point" by not wanting the bills to give Peters the money. Now i know you have a list of reasons, but at the cost of not having all the pieces in place on sunday? If you knew for fact, that not having Peters play this year would be the difference between a 6 win season and a 10 win playoff season, you would not want the bills to sign him to the contract he wants TODAY? We dont know what him not being here is gonna mean until the season unfolds...but i do know our chances of that playoff season increase if Peters is playing.
  6. Mickey, your not alone with your perception of this holdout. I know dozens of fans whom have never been to a messege board, and a great deal of them(most infact) just want the team to pay peters the $ that hes gonna get in the long run anyway. The mob mentality does exist with this bashing of Peters and i would guess that many on this board do agree with you, but who wants to subject themselves to the insults and bashing you seem to take daily. Anyhow...this board is a very small cross section and the "mob" does not speak for the masses.
  7. what???? wow these boards have gone all to hell lol
  8. ummm...durrr, fries with that? are you kidding me lol...read son read!!! did i say they were good now or recently? or about thier championships? geezz
  9. I cant seem to wrap my brain around the fact that so many "Bills fans" would rather have a team without Jason Peters, simply because he wants another raise. I just want wins on the field, I dont give a chit about anything else. "just win baby!" maybe thats why the raiders and other organizations have trophy cases while the Bills build a roster full of character. Just when the ship is starting to sail in the right direction...whammo!! lets all cross our fingers and hope this offense can operate at full capacity come sunday. Seahawk passrush will provide some answers, im hoping there the right ones.
  10. I dont think a couple series in the preseason is enough for a solid review, and i think Peters is banking on Kearny and peterson to expose our weakness at LT. Im not saying Walker wont play well, i hope to god he does, but the preseason is the preseason, so we will wait and see.
  11. Just my opinion, but i think Lee wants to have a great year and then test the market...unless the bills are willing to make him a top 5 paid reciever. He seems a little to content about his situation for a guy whos anxious to get a deal done. He also may want to see how Trent progresses this year aswell.
  12. wow...well done, I think this paragraph is spot on
  13. I dont think there is any doubt he will suit up again....I'm just hoping the front office of the bills makes damn sure its in Buffalo.
  14. Thanks for a fantastic read...i think everyone on this board should read it. I think Russ Brandon should aswell. I hope JP is back soon, and becomes a Bill for life.
  15. Its always been important to "protect the blindside", because thats were the best pass rushers are. Its really that simple.
  16. He was the best corner in camp, hands down. Good to see the coaching staff willing to play the best guy, lets hope they did the same thing with the QB position.
  17. If this team cant beat the chithawks in a HOMEopener, with all the injury and suspension problems they bring....then they dont belong in the post season. Not gonna say the season would be over, but they MUST win at home to be contenders.
  18. Reading that made me think about the real possibility, that this could be a special year. If Whitner becomes as good on the field as he appears to be off, then IT'S ON !!!!!
  19. Playing with a rookie QB and RB, on a line in its first year together... I thought he was very good. I mean Lynch had over 1100 yrds in just 13 games, and the line gave up the least amount of sacks in club history. With Peters, year 2 for them will be even better. The line as a whole will be considered one of the better units in the NFL. If there is a weak link, its Fowler...no question. With a quality center, this line could be awsome.
  20. me thinks this will be a blow out.... the ralph is gonna be rocking, and last seasons final second loss in the opener will will be a lesson learned.
  21. lol....i actually thought the same thing after i started this thread.
  22. When do we have our first Seahawk troll sighting? Im thinking monday and i cant remember ever wanting to see one as bad as i do right now. bring it on...31-13 bills...MOTHAFUGGAS!!!!!
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