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Everything posted by julian

  1. I’m not mad, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing if McDermott has grown from that brutal display of coaching. Another bone headed mistake costing us games and or a chance at a title, and I’ll be starting the thread to have him removed. For the record, I believe McDermott is growing into his 1st head coaching job and improving just like players get better. That’s my hope.
  2. If he again this year, back to back years is the reason they lose against KC then it’s a discussion. To say any loss against KC would lead to a McDermott hot seat isn’t accurate IMHO.
  3. Last years Jags game will always be in the back pocket of those trying to prevent getting hurt from unobtained expectations. I invite that pain, bring it on. I hated the previous two decades of meaningless games and no pressure of expectations.
  4. I understand your point, but Vegas and the betting public has watched Allen outplay Mahomes in their last two matchups. They will certainly not be going 17-0, I agree but I’m thinking 13-14 wins
  5. Totally valid and I understand where you’re coming from, I guess all I’m saying is relationships are complex and to make assumptions based of vague and limited information may not be a great idea. You said you didn’t believe the taking of a partner’s property to be “normal” and to you it most certainly isn’t, but I can also say in my 30 years of marriage I’ve never been so angry that I needed to leave our home. So in that sense, I could view that as not “normal” IMHO based on my experiences. Sounds like two people who need to take stock and possibly move on or grow up.
  6. Yeah, totally understand many people have many different life experiences. Congratulations on a long and apparently very loving and respectful marriage. I was just adding some perspective, the details that are known here don’t necessarily point towards any domestic violence in any way. I wish I were able to say I’ve always made the right decision at the right time like you’ve been able to do. I did watch my mom pour a jug of kool aid over my dads head when I was a kid lol, maybe a trip to a therapist is in my future haha
  7. This seems like a situation most if not all relationships end up in at one time or another… 2 idiots that refused to understand when they should call it a day and in this case, return her items before she called the police. I’ve been married 30 years, I was refusing to give my wife here phone back once during a disagreement and my son was like, “give her the phone”, I quickly handed her property ba k as my son shook his head lol
  8. These spreads reflect one thing… when you have the leagues best QB you’re expected to win every week. I’m here for it.
  9. That’s the point… it’s absurd
  10. I’m ready after year 4 to declare 17 the greatest duel threat QB of all time, nobody is giving him his proper due in this regard imho.
  11. Well if Zelensky wants it, who are we to argue
  12. That’s valid, it’s possible with Von on the other side that Hughes is excited and finds another gear
  13. I’m not so sure Hughes gives you more production this year, a year older and a year slower than Rousseau Basham or Epenesa. Improvement in years 2 and year 3 for the young ends is very possible. If Hughes was a drastic slam dunk advantage over any of those guys then I’d agree with bringing him back. But Hughes is just an average older DE at this point and that’s probably being kind
  14. Some fans just become attached to players and let that adoration cloud their judgment. Sometimes it’s just the right moment to move on.
  15. If he knows it was racism and give the specifics of the encounter, then the only people being vocal against him would be racists. Who cares if a handful of racists are upset right ? He just did invite accusations of playing the race card with his tweet, the difference being that with no specific details, those accusations actually carry some weight. racists should be exposed, it’s looking more like his opinion of one’s behaviour is related to racism without any proof. just add the details, but I have to assume they’re aren’t any
  16. Everybody receives poor service occasionally if you’re fortunate enough to be able to afford that luxury. Almost everybody shakes their head, tells their friends of the lousy experience and never returns. If Saffold knows for a fact he encountered racism then he should be naming names and establishments and locations. I think everybody would appreciate knowing where not to go and spend money. this vague tweet is lame and just causes division.
  17. Elam is a much more athletic prospect with a higher upside than rookie Tre White when we drafted him at 27 i full anticipate Elam starting week one and being excellent by mid season
  18. McDermott was actually giddy and even had to perform a thigh squeeze to contain himself, that self scouting book Elam whipped out was a direct shot of euphoria into McDermott’s veins
  19. Cook… kamara type impact on the offense please
  20. Especially with #17… Lombardi is the standard by which this front office will be judged… no excuses
  21. After considering the infinite amount of fans compared to the handful of professionals, it’s no surprise that many fans throwing sh*t against the wall will often have plenty stick
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