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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. You don't think the Vegas game next season has a shot?
  2. The craziest part about it to me is everything I have read and seen on the kid he totally seems like a McDermott process guy. I think even back then they knew they would be going after a WR in this upcoming draft. At the end of the day you cannot fill every hole at once(that's what she said)
  3. The games have always been a party but before it was diehard football fans going and getting fired up before the game and of course that still exists but now so many of the younger crowd is there to be seen and and meet up with friends and take pics for social media. The game of football has never been more popular from the mainstream point of view but that has also phased out the old school football fan. A big reason why the game day atmosphere has changed so much in my opinion.j
  4. I agree 100%. The atmosphere is much more cookie cutter now. I guess it's a plus for people who want to bring their whole family and make it a family friendly day but it's not the same atmosphere I fell in love with going to games as a kid at Rich Stadium(yeah I know same place technically) with my old man and Uncles.
  5. As much fun as it's been with the Bills finally looking like a professional football team again I can honestly say the in stadium atmosphere just isn't what it used to be. Still a good time just not a GREAT time IMO.
  6. Thank you so much for not posting about the comeback game...that one's been beaten to death
  7. Not only did the Bills miss the playoffs that year but it would also be the first year the Bills weren't playing in the Super Bowl in four years. I can remember younger kids being confused then "This isn't the Super Bowl the Bills aren't playing in it" Amazing when you think about it after what was to follow
  8. My favorite random part of watching that last night was one of our coaches puffing on a big old stogie on the sidelines . Could you imagine seeing that today? I wouldn't have been surprised at all seeing that if you showed me a game from the 60s or maybe even the 70s but this definitely caught me off guard. Seeing as I grew up during the Super Bowl years I guess it doesn't truly register with me how long ago that was and how different times were even back then. Loved all of the crowd shots too, those fans were absolutely nuts back then.
  9. Back to the original point of the OP....That Giant's era defense is generally considered to be a bottom tier 10 ten defense of all time by most people who know football which I think is fair for them. Of course the top dogs that are debated for the Top 3-5 spots such as 85 Bears, 2000 Ravens, 02 Buccs etc. are going to get more attention and accolades as opposed to the ones a little further down the ranks. But I don't think those Giants defenses get forgotten about at all.
  10. I was happy we got in that year because we finally broke the drought and 17 years(and potentially longer) was just way too long to not make it into the postseason but with that said it always felt weird to me because it didn't feel like a true playoff team. We went 9-7 and didn't even clinch our playoff berth until we received a miracle gift from the Cincy-Baltimore game. It was also weird because a new regime had just taken over and we knew going forward that team really wasn't going to be our team. This season truly feels like the end of the drought years. We have our players that the current regime brought in now and we won at a minimum 10 games(very good chance we finish with 11) and we controlled our own destiny. I know this is just my own personal perception on things and everybody will feel differently about it but I guess my point is I woudn't call the "2017 Backing into the playoffs" a BS narrative, there was definitey some merit to it. Nobody can question the Bills as a true playoff team this year and going forward the Drought years are officially a thing of the past now.
  11. Thank you for sharing this. It's funny i was just talking to my grandmother the other day and she randomly brought up how she still remembers being at my Aunt's apartment when the Jim Kelly retirement was first announced on the news and how she got very emotional and shed some tears as she watched. I will have to show her this now!
  12. I guess I don't care what happens to them one way or another. Going into their stadium on primetime and beating them to clinch our playoff spot is all the justice/revenge I needed for that 04 game. On to Houston!
  13. It was cool when we ended the drought just so we could get that damn monkey off our back finally. But I also thought even at the time that it was kind of anti-climatic because we really lucked into sneaking into a wild card spot that year as a pretty mediocre 9-7 team. I also knew that wasn't our team going forward. This year feels completely different. Now we have OUR GUYS going forward. We earned it. We controlled our own destiny, we punched our ticket in. We are only going to continue to get better. A new era is here. If you don't understand the excitement for this after the previous two decades then I question how you can even be a Bills fan??
  14. I've never seen Buffalo 66 or any of his other movies so I've always just remembered him as that guy who talked about how much Buffalo sucked and how lousy the Bills were in the NFL Films video "A town, A team, A Dream"....I wonder what he's up to right now indeed. GO BILLS!
  15. Family atmosphere. Love it. Now let's just take out all this pain and frustration on Brady this weekend
  16. I understood and was in favor that these guys would probably be moving on to greener pastures after this year going into this season but wow it's really going to be a much more complicated situation now. Not only have we gotten a lot of production out of these guys but these guys really bring some bravado and have become a huge part of the defensive identity of this team. It seems like both guys have bought into what McDermott is selling. I am all for getting as much continuity as possible but the biggest question will obviously be can we afford to resign both of them or at least one of them? Because you know all the McBeane draft picks White, Edmunds, Oliver, Milano will be getting extended offers. Will be the most interesting offseason of Beane yet.
  17. No I'm right there with ya bud, on both accounts, it was that kind've weekend. Luckily I don't go back to work until tomorrow. Best road game I've ever been to
  18. Yes getting on the road in about an hour. Will be at the Bills Backers tailgate and possibly the party at Mario's Saturday night. I still have nightmares from the game at the Ralph in 04. I really, really, really hope we can repay the favor this time around
  19. Sounds like there's alot of cold ones in the forecast for this weekend
  20. Another blast from the past. I miss the days when players and coaches would call it like it is in the post game interviews. Nowadays it's all standard PC babble. BORINGGGG Or Fred Smerlas too...it's a shame we had two great Nose Tackles sandwiched in between the Super Bowl runs while it was clearly a huge weakness during the actual run.
  21. If he can get the deep ball going consistently we can call him "The Cannon"
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