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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. cool....our secondary is going to be SUPER fast. Won't be able to stop anyone on the run, but boy we'll be able to chase the guy down from behind!
  2. True dat! I watched the draft on nfl network, not espn. BTW, I noticed that ESPN was way behind. After NFL network announced the last pick at then end of round 3, i flipped over to ESPN, and they still had 3 or 4 more picks to report. I thought that was odd.
  3. At the current time that is probably true, but only recently...not since he has been covering the draft.
  4. Want an example that Kiper knows nothing? He had Yobouty as a 1st round pick. He was not, he was a 3rd round pick. Had roles been reversed, with Kiper doing the drafting and the NFL teams the criticizing.....kiper would have drafted him in the 1st round, and the teams would have laughed at him (all 31!) saying this was a reach, b/c the player is a 3rd rounder. I stopped caring what Kiper says long ago. He is a blow hard, doesn't know much. And they guy Mort, who is best friends with Tommy Don-the-ho, obviously has an axe to grind now with the bills, so cross him off the list. Gil Brandt, who i trust way more than kiper (brandt was ran the scouting sept for the cowboys for like 20 yrs), had McCargo was rated right alongside Bunkley and Nata. AND, he had Whitner rated as the #1 safety. Oh, and Brandt didn't have Yobouty in his top 7 for CBs, unlike Kiper who had him as a 1st rounder. So unless you have the list of all the teams draft boards, you can't take kiper's (or others in the media) as the determination of value.
  5. no, now is a great time if u can get him. No reyes, you don't know if u can sign him...therefore more need to draft OL. Now, there is less of an urgency for them to focus as much on OL. I am thinking they go safety with #2
  6. There are also cap advantages for them if they think the other guy is ready to play. Carolina saves $$ this way.
  7. While he was still playing at UCLA (or soon after), he was involved in a fight in an alley behind a bar in westwood. Apparently that time it was just him against two other guys (brothers) who were wrestlers or something like that. Story was they wanted to beat up an NFL player, and manning defended himself. Manning beat them up pretty bad, so they pressed charges looking for $$, but the case was thrown out. If this story is true, it is disgusting. Still not clear if Manning was actually involved, or if it was his 'buddies'.
  8. trade value chart: http://www.theredzone.org/2005/draft/draftvaluechart.asp for the 8th pick, you could get 2 1st round picks (21 + 31)....of course u need a dancing partner. If u are able to move to 15th, you would expect a mid 2nd round pick in return. So your trading partner would give up their middle 1st and 2nd round picks for the 8th. that would give us #15, 42, ~45, 70, and 73 on day 1. Most all the mock drafts i have seen have ngata, bunckley, and justice gone by #15. Not sure what direction u go in that case, maybe a DB like jimmy williams or tye hill. This could mean that marv brought in ngata and huff, and wasn't impressed enough with either to take themn so high?
  9. the bills really need to advertise that a little more -- i had no idea they offer that stuff. I have an even to plan for ~150 people in the fall -- am going to give them a call 2morrow!
  10. Great ideas folks. And what kid wouldn't want to have a birthday party at the stadium? Adding a HOF and restaurant/bar would be another stopping place for tourists even in the offseason. May not bring them to buffalo, but that, along with the falls, bass pro, a casino, frank lloyd wright, and a semi developed waterfront combined would make a good spot for tourists just to come visit. And maybe also pull some folks over who go to NF canada for a day trip. Other ideas: pave the dang parking lot. Place looks like a dump outside. Install WiFi thru the stadium honestly, i would like some different choices for food. The concessions at the stadium for the most part in my opinion is crap. Nachos, hot dogs, same old crap. Jalapeno poppers, fried this fried that, wings, and so forth is just nasty. It would be nice to be able to eat some decent food like in other newer venues. Look, I'm no vegan, but i don't need a hit on my cholesterol just because i got to a game. Some alternatives would be nice, such as sushi, turkey burgers, spring rolls, salads, some ethnic choices (mexican, pizza, etc). And of course, SELL THE NAMING RIGHTS I work for and with a few large entities in WNY. They all have large xams parties. One at HSBC, which is really cool. No reason why the bills couldn't host these big events. I went to one in toronto at the ballpark...they had it set up so you could hit at home plate in the batting cage, kick field goals, and so on -- was a HUGE hit!
  11. i can't get it either....i am listening to wben. But the sound is awful, sounds like the guy is talking into one of those orange roadside cones with a pillow stuffed in it.
  12. Justice might be ok, but not at #8. Don't discount the 'Ngata doesn't fit our defensive philosophy' as just a smokescreen. I still would prefer to MOVE DOWN. THis is a pretty nice draft, and trading our #8 for example to denver for 2 picks would be excellent.
  13. I have a friend at west virginia. Apparenty they are pissed at UB, because they had a deal to play at WVU this season.....then backed out when Auburn agreed to play them. So now WVU has a hole in their schedule. This is almost unethical by UB! Is this anything less than pimping out your football players to make some $$.
  14. The one thing I DO NOT like: New England is interested, and wants moulds. That makes me think we ought to do everything humanly possible to KEEP him! Every time they dump somebody, we jump on them and they end up sucking. Shouldn't that be reason enough? Last time this happened, Antwoin Smith ended up with a superbowl ring!
  15. Or they could just go to a 2-4-5 defensive scheme...some colleges run that pretty effectively. Would be hard to scheme against us, and keep lots of speed on the field. (JUST KIDDING!! -- sort of....could it be any worse)
  16. i thought GB wanted moulds plus our 3rd round pick plus a 4th next year, in return for walker and GBs 5th this year. I don't think Walker for a 5th rounder str8 up id realistic. Brandon Lloyd went to washington for a 3rd + a 4th in 2007. Walker is worth at least that much
  17. Still, if all these teams are interested in Eric, I have to believe they are also interested in Javon walker, right? That will have the reverse effect to reduce Moulds value. If I was a GM, assuming javon is healthy (big assumption), I would rather have walker.
  18. not a chance. It looks like Eric is worth a 5th round pick. Using the draft value chart, which is what the GMs utilize, the #1 overall pick is worth 3000 points. The #8 overall is worth 1400. Our 5th round pick is worth 38, our 4th 86. Our 2nd round pick is worth 500. Add it all up, and we aren't even close to the 3000 it would take. We would have to throw in next year's #1 pick also. Not gonna happen. Funny, but if we wanted to package our #8 and Moulds to move up in the draft, we might be able to move up one spot only, to #7. If we packaged our #1, #2, AND Moulds...we could move up to #4 this year. I would prefer to move down, not up!
  19. Some of you are overestimating the value of moulds at this point. If you think a str8 up trade moulds for walker you're nuts. Walker is a premier young receiver who has his best years ahead of him. Moulds has declined every season in the last 5 years, and only has a couple of potentially OK seasons left. In the NFL, he's an old man. Brandon Loyd was traded to washington for a 3rd rounder this year and a fourth in 2007 (sound familiar?). Like Walker, Lloyd was also a malcontent in SF and wanted out. That is setting the market for a leading receiver. Walker if healthy is better than Lloyd. So in essence it is that same deal, plus Moulds for a 5th round pick. I think washington, as usual, overpaid for Lloyd...which is hurting us hear. If I was Marv, I would consider it if Javon is healthy. It sounds a little pricey to me. I might argue that Moulds is worth at least a 4th round pick, rather than a 5th. So either they give us their 4th rounder this year, or we give them a 5th rounder instead of a 4th in 2007.
  20. I really like Bunckley! I started watching him at the senior bowl practices....he clearly stood out from the other DTs there, and has gotten nothing but better. However, I wouldn't say that he is better than Ngata.....Ngata did not play in the Sr. bowl (only a Jr), and did not work out at the combine. So you and the 'Mel Kipers' have not had the chance to see him as much. Even tho I like Bunckley, I haven't been able to see Ngata at all, so I can't make a judgement. And, as smart as I am I still am going to rely on the NFL scouts who have been evaluating players professionally for over 20 years! From what I am hearing, NGATA is better than Bunckley....at least that's what the experts say. How can you compare them side by side? (I assume you didn't go to Ngata's pro day?)
  21. Asked about how it was being in a losing situation in buffalo, after being in NE, now going back on to a winning organization like Atlanta (a-hole question). He says, no matter about the money or all that, "Losing sucks". (funny, he didn't say anything about feeding his family, or that he lost, but everyone in his family put on 15 lbs in the last 2 years, so it's all good!). He went on to defend the bills, and his experience there. He said it was great being on a top defense that finished at the top 2 years in a row. when asked what went wrong last year: 1) laughs at 1st doesn't want to answer 2) Really thought they had a good team going into last season 3) key injuries....TKO 4) doesn't want to get into it, some decisions made not great ones 5) lost a lot of close games, not a tough mentality team, just couldn't get it together Played hurt last 2 years....forearm and hand. Had surgery, was basically playing with one arm last year, and wasn't the same player. Feels healthy now and will be back to his old self next season. Lawyer came off as a stand up guy...he didn't bash his old team on the way out the door by taking cheap shots (ahem, bledsoe....cough cough). Pretty consistent feedback as i hear nate, lawyer, TKO, etc interviewed...it's all decisions that were made. Sounds like they blame management and coaches for the tanking last year. It's more and more clear that Tom Donahoe ruined this team, and brought forth a culture that was counter productive, full of paranoia, and generally weak minded....and his poor decisions with personnel.
  22. Probably true. I don't think AZ is on the list, with Fitzgerald and Boldin. With Loyd gone, SF needs a WR badly. Seattle perhaps. Even Pittsburgh....they've lost Plaxico and Randle El in consecutive years. Atlanta, San Diego, Carolina also have needs. Wouldn't count out NE or the jets either.
  23. HAHA, NO NO NO, Nostradomus. You have been saying the bills will trade Moulds to the Eagles for Owens. T.O. to the Bills was your lock. That did not happen, you were proven incorrect (Good thing you didn't take my bet, you'd be owing me some cash!). Nobody said Moulds wouldn't be a possible fit at WR for Philly. It's obvious, they need a WR, and Moulds might be available. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=39031&hl=
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