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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. Seriously?? You really think it will ever be back in detroit? And, soon!??!
  2. Hmm, I'm kinda guessing that at $720K, dude is getting granite kitchen countertops (BTW, if u deal in real estate in SD, $720K here is probably 1.5 million in SD, depending on location). Hmmm, adding more square footage now would be stupid.....much cheaper to do it during the building process itself, rather than after the thing is already built! Plus that way it is rolled into a 30 year mortgage. Are u really a real estate guy, or are you just being silly?
  3. gotta pay nate, especially at that price. I do not wanna go back to the days when teams threw deep on chris watson every play. And hit 80% of them. The CB tandem might be the biggest strength on the team...without that, what is our strength (assuming we don't know how TKO comes back)? Moorman/Lindell -- deadly combo?
  4. I heard from a good source that Flutie's hands are pretty small too !!
  5. sounds like a nice smoke screen to me -- i would 'leak' it out that the bills are very impressed with cutler. I would bring him in for a workout and do everything to make it look like the bills will take him. That way, the trade offers start rolling in.... the more interest there is in cutler, the better off we are
  6. we need big fat physical guys, no question about it -- but if u make a pick at #8, u must get a player who can be an all-pro and a starter for years to come, regardless of position. Last thing you need is to make a reach at #8 for a player who is a late 1st or 2nd round pick, just because u have needs at that position. Then you end up way overpaying for a marginal player -- you haven't solved your problem, and u have a big hit against the cap. Chances are that it will be 2-3 years before your draft picks make a big impact anyway....so your strengths and weaknesses in 3 years will be different than they are today. Mike williams was drafted #4, and he is now the highest paid on the team. U can't reach and miss again. If stuck picking at #8 and ngata or brick are gone, u have to go best available player. If that's a CB or a safety, that's who u draft. I agree I'd try and trade down, but how many more years does milloy have? Get Huff and he is a dominant safety starting in 2 years. Then u have to look to get a DT in round 2, and to free agency for another lineman or 2. Marv's philosophy has always been to draft the best available player, and that is the right approach. If DeAngelo williams was sitting there at 8, would also be hard to pass up...but i'd hate to pull the trigger.
  7. I've thought we may be better going to a 3-4 also. Have the LBs for it, and plug in NGATA as NT and u have a good lineup. If adams comes back, he could play DE on 1st, 2nd down, bring in a pass rusher on 3rd? Still would have posey and spikes coming off the edges, with fletcher and crowell in the middle.
  8. i still like bunckley (DT, FSU) -- i didn't watch the whole game, but the plays i did watch, he got off the ball fast, and ran thru the guy blocking him on almost every play -- just like in the practices. Unfortunately for him, he is only 6'2" 286...he'll never be a 320# guy in the middle. I would take him round 2
  9. I saw Jerry Grey this AM on a downtown street corner...he was wearing a dirty trench coat....walking down the street mumbling, "blitz.....blitz.....red dog....blitz....bring the blitz...."
  10. we have so many needs, i would be against trading away picks to move up a couple of spots. We should get an excellent player at #8, probably the answer to DT. (hopefully) Interesting that the DL coach was the 1st assistant hired....wonder if that says anything about the way the bills are leaning with that 1st pick?
  11. Clearly -- if you've been really bored and watched some of the senior bowl practices, this guy is tremendous. He is big, very athletic and has LONG arms. He isn't a big fat guy, he has great feet and could easily put on another 20+ pounds. He has been absolutely dominant in the practices. NFL network shows the one-on-one blocking drills of each O-lineman vs. D-lineman...The Brick is killing these guys. Given, not dwight freeney he's going against, but the top DLine draft prospects can't touch him. If the Brick falls to us, we can build our house with him! Get the brick, build your house!
  12. Jauron + Fairchild + Bates --> Levy WooHooo!! Buffalo Bills goin' to the SUPERBOWL!! (just postin' here to move that stupid TO FOR MOULDS TRADE thread back to the bottom where i don't have to look at it anymore)
  13. geez, the kid has only played a handful of games -- not even a whole season. It's still too early to tell. Eli didn't show anything the 1st half of last year. ALso, look at Matt Hasselback, now he has a few years under his belt, and he's an all-pro. But it takes TIME. Be patient, grasshoppers....
  14. No, we have as good a shot to get parcells to come be the defensive coordinator next season.
  15. Apparently, even though GB stuck this year, the Pack defense was in the top 10 -- a huge turnaround for them. I would have no worries about bringin old teddy C back into town either. You KNOW how great defensive players named Tedy are....maybe it's true of coaches to. Did Cotrell ever have a stroke?
  16. NO CHANCE -- Bunckley will go in the 1st round. He is likely the 2nd DT taken. We'd be really lucky if Brick is there by the time we get our 1st pick. He is grading out really high at the senior bowl...may entice the jests or titans to take him. I don't think its a lock the titans take a qb -- I heard Wychek on the radio last night -- they have lots of needs, have Volek and hoping to get another year or two from McNair. Given the Raiders took Gallery so high, they might not go OL, and SF has lots of needs, and spent their $$ on Jonas last year. So hopefully they don't pull the trigger on Brick. Reallistically, we'll be taking Ngata or Bunckley with our 1st pick. IMO
  17. Inside Source: early on, cutler isn't jumping off the page at the senior bowl --> Alabama QB Brodie Croyle is tearing it up....is suprising many scouts and looks like he may be a favorite coming out of the senior bowl. Another DT that looks awesome is Bunckley from FSU....he will be rated right with Ngata....about 30 pounds lighter, but extremely explosive and great quicks. The Brick will be a top 5 pick -- he is absolutely dominant and could easily carry another 20-30 lbs. Reincarnation of J. Ogden.
  18. Even a broken clock is right twice a day... He was 100% wrong on the one and only real question we were trying to answer...
  19. Soprano -- I suggest that you resign from this board....i was really hoping you had the inside scoop. Turns out it was just a pooper scooper. You have no credibility.
  20. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/5257526 Amazing how many incidents there have been this year. The NFL has created a monster, and some idiots don't know where to stop. Besides this and the mike mularkey stories, Tommy Maddux's house was vandalized in Pitt. There was also something with a pizza delivery guy and T.O.'s house.
  21. Curious -- what films of his this year did u break down to arrive at this opinion? Who were the better DLineman that he faced, and how did he fair against each of them? Are these better Dlineman projected to be playing on sundays ??
  22. I can't billieve this stupid thread continues. Jdunkin Donuts...at 1st you said this is a 'done deal'. Now you are saying it is a possibility. Glad you are softening. WHY WOULD THE EAGLES WANT ERIC MOULDS AND HIS $11Million/year SALARY ?? They had TO at $7 million/yr. Your trade just does not make any sense, not only for the bills...but not for the eagles either.
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