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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. It's also the KIND of pass he called -- that was a very dangerous type of pass to throw, especially down there, where the DB is going to be playing tight because he doesn't have to worry about getting beat deep. A pass over the middle, to the tight end or a WR running accross the middle would be safe -- if not open JP throws it into the seats. A timing route on the outside means JP has to throw it without necessarily knowing if the WR is going to win his battle. It's not just the pass, it's the type of pass that is a problem.
  2. After this season, Moulds goes directly to the Dallas Cowboys, and does not pass 'GO'. They win 1 playoff game next year.
  3. Problem is....now next year REALLY is another rebuilding year. No way this team finishes better than .500 next season, IMO
  4. Milloy is the one who got torched on that play....Nate was in underneath zone coverage from what i remember. If u recall, a few plays earlier, against a cover 2 zone, chambers ran that same play, but ran a corner route. He was wide open, and dropped the ball on a good throw. Miami came back and ran the same play on that one, and chambers faked the corner route this time....milloy bit on it like Gerad on a Subway Sandwich. But this time chambers took it to the post and left milloy in the dust. Amazing play by Fletcher to get back there. Fletcher has had a great year this year, and played a great game today.
  5. What does L. Tomlinson have to do with how well our play action pass attack works?
  6. I thought JP played well. Look, he is only starting his 6th NFL game EVER. He is not John Elway right now -- but the point is John Elway was not John Elway his first year in the league. And Troy Aikman was not Troy Aikman, and the Manning Bros. were no good either. So, if you are expecting him to put this team on his shoulders and make all the plays to lead them to a win, you are setting the bar awfully high at this point in his career. Good thing is, he continues to get better, and he was able to move the ball via the passing game. And he had them moving that last drive -- he was close to winning the game on his arm. Today, the passing game was a better weapon than the running game. When was the last time u could say that? The red zone was a nightmare, but not JPs fault. Moulds went out of bounds....if he didn't we got it on the 2 yard line. Willis chopblock moves us back 15. If we are able to punch those in instead of kicking FGs, this is a totally different conversation, and we're saying how awesome JP is. Those who are pissed that we lost this one must've still been drinking the playoff Kool-AID. STOP IT! The playoffs went out the door last week. Let's be real, it is over. OVER!! So the pressure is off, time to sit back and enjoy watching JP get better every week. We'll need him to be the man and the leader next year.
  7. I think our biggest need is a run stuffing DT. The biggest, fattest, nastiest son of a b*$#h we can find. If nobody is available in the federal penal system, then draft him with the 1st pick. But 10-15 might be a little early for Ngata, who fits the bill. Maybe a trade down ?? Knowing TD, he picks Rod Wright, DT from TEXAS --> #1 ranked, but his weakness is that he can't stop the run. He is a 'pass rushing DT', whatever that means. Sounds like another way of saying 'high motor'. In 2 years he'll be experimenting at DE and dropping passes in the endzone. Nobody is thinking this, but I wouldn't be suprised if they draft a LB early..maybe 2nd or 3rd pick.
  8. Justice 'sucks'?? You don't know what you are talking about. Like a lot of these players he may be overhyped, but no more so than the others. If he is beaten regularly, why has Leinart only been sacked 13 times this year? If you actually watch any of the USC games, Reggie Bush is usually not even touched until he gets into the secondary. No, Justice is a very good player. He plays RT, which is Leinart's blind side. However, to me I am concerned about another Mike Williams, as he does have some character issues, which would make me worry about his discipline and work ethic. He has been suspended for pulling a gun on a student (turns out it was a fake gun!), and arrested for soliciting a prostitute that was a cop. Makes me wonder about all the things he has NOT been caught for! Just based on that, if there was an equal option I would stay away.
  9. Being a UCLA alum, I have watched every game Marc has played in the last 3 year. Simply said, the guy is a beast. No one can cover him, corner to LB. UCLA loves to line him up at WR in the red zone and throw fades to him. He played hoops at UCLA before giving it up, so has a lot of the same ball skills and body position instincts that the other former hoop TEs have -- Gonzalez and Gates! He is a better receiver...decent run blocker but not his strength. That said, given the Bills needs and the fact the drafted a TE last year, I'd rather see them go OL or DL. Marc will make a great pro and have a solid if not spectacular 10 year NFL career.
  10. OT --> For more stupid examples of political correctness...there is a website that is pretty funny/sad at the same time: http://www.tonguetied.us/ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,176167,00.html Gotta love this quote: "I'm a minister of the First Amendmist Church of True Science and I can't raise funds or anything else because all the coins say that we believe in God, and that's completely against our principals," he said. --from a guy trying to get 'In God We Trust' off of our money
  11. Geez, this country has gotten to be completely backwards and ridiculous with all of this mindless political correctness. There is no consistency....if you just substitute one religion for another (Islam vs. christianity) in these stories, you get a totally different result. I'm not terribly religious, but I find all of this to be disgusting. We can't have Xmas anymore, a college student can't read the bible in his dorm room, but the Giants set aside parts of the stadium for prayer. What a bunch of absolute crap. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,174719,00.html
  12. To me, that's pretty scary. Didn't the dude watch any film in the days leading up to the game? If he did he would have seen Gates destroying people and doing things that other TE's in the league cannot do. If he prepared properly, and the coaches reinforced how Gates is a major part of their offense, I can't believe he would be saying that krap. Did he think that big fast guy running by him for a TD sucked and couldn't catch the ball....that's why he didn't bother covering him? If he doesn't have any respect for gates after watching film, who IS he going to have respect for?
  13. Nope, it was Petros Papadakis...he was a RB at USC. He started at Fox Sports Southern California, and until this year was a massive blowhard and homer. He's gotten better this year, I've heard him do the color for a few UCLA games, and he's definately improved. He's obviously had a 'talking to' by management. Not sure who the play-by-play guy was...it most likely was tompkins.
  14. RIAN LINDELL Hit a 53 yard FG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT was amazing. Great kick, he really is having a good year, despite a few misses. I think most were ready to cut him last year.
  15. If Bledsoe was back there it would have been 9 sacks, more fumbles, and fewer points (no running to set up the TD). The high number of sacks tells you how much pressure he was under. Maybe one of those sacks you can put on JP. The O-Line absolutely sucked. Even when they went max-protect he was getting sacked. The O-Line, to me, seems worse now than it was a month ago. You should also consider the WR drops on a number of catchable balls. Nobody is saying he's Peyton Manning....we are pleased that he has made progress, and is clearly getting better.
  16. I would abstain from deciding who was wide open from the TV broadcasts! You only get a very very limited view, much different from the QBs vantage point. I don't doubt he didn't throw to an open WR a time or two (I didn't notice any obvious cases....but it's not like there were open WRs running all over the field). On TV you can't see who might be braking in from off the screen, etc. So I don't think this is a fair assessment. You can't really make an accurate assessment from watching the TV broadcast. I think JP was good enough today...showing improvement, and an uncanny ability to escape the rush. Look, he's definately not pushing for the pro bowl, but that shouldn't be the measuring stick right now. From last week and today, in my opinion, he is now almost equal to Holcomb in ability. That's a step forward for JP, showing he can play in the NFL. To me, he has done that. He can play.
  17. The one I like, was on Lindell's 2nd missed FG. It started out straight down the middle until it got to the goal line, then turned right at a 45 degree angle...clearly the wind took it big time. Cross says, "That missed FG was poor execution, the conditions had nothing to do with that miss" The FG kickers combining to go 0-4 might suggest conditions were difficult at the game, dontchya think??
  18. haha, i agree. I tried to turn on the radio broadcast to get away from that numbmutz, but with the delay it is impossible to watch. Cross did play for Vermeil at UCLA, which would explain why the go was so pro KC. But geez, he is an idiot. I like him explaining how difficult the switch the left guard for MW was. 'He's used to having his right hand down and now he has his right hand down and um, steps back with his other uh, foot."
  19. Ray Lewis should have won POW, even tho he didn't play. Look, he had 5 tackles http://www.ravenssuck.com/
  20. The NFL's own stats on Tedy shows he only had 2 solo and 5 assisted tackles, everyone is right. 10 Tackles?? What a joke. http://www.nfl.com/players/playerpage/3189
  21. You obviously forgot the most important point from that NFL press release on Tedy: "The 32-year-old linebacker raised his arms early in the game to energize the Patriots' “12th Man” and called signals in the huddle" Sorry, but I didn't see any other players raising their arms last week.
  22. I wouldn't say INCONSISTENCY was a problem....the Bills have been VERY CONSISTENT this season.
  23. Same here....but i hate WGR. To get away from it I plan to stop going to work.
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