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Everything posted by SnakeOiler

  1. It is simple, really: Holcomb gives us the best chance to win 4-7 games this season and 4-7 next season. JP gives us the best chance to win 3-6 games this season, and 10 games next season.
  2. Bush is not nearly as physical as caddy. Caddy outweighs him by 20 lbs. Running between the tackles is the question mark. In college he was faster than pretty much every defensive player. In the NFL, many of the guys chasing him will be just as fast.
  3. yeah, but....yeah, but.....yeah, but.....yeah, but....didn't KH throw for 400 yards in a playoff game?
  4. You must be mistaking the bills for the USC trojans
  5. we could have had Leinart, rather than a guy sitting at home in Ohio.
  6. We coulda had Leinart. We coulda been a contendah!
  7. He's talking about Troy Vincent. Troy made references to last year that kelly was more ready and more comfortable, which is real important for a QB. From the vets perspective, Troy said WE HAVE TO WIN NOW...players and coaches in this league are losing jobs because their team doesn't win. Vincent did say JP is a year more experienced and looking better so far this camp. He didn't come right out and say it, but vincent did leave the impression that he favored holcomb...at least last year, with more of a question mark this year.
  8. If u listened to the interviews on sirius yesterday, one thing stuck out that still bothers me. When they were finishing up with holcomb and willis, kirwin said, "OK, thanks Kelly....now go win that starting job" then there was a pause, and then Kirwin says "PLEASE win that job". Those are the last words b4 the commercial starts. What the F was that? He's obviously biased ok....but "PLEASE win that job"? What could the underlying meaning of this be? Could some of the former +/- current players really dissed JP to Kirwin off the air? That has stuck in my craw for the last 24 hrs. I don't like it one bit.
  9. totally agree -- the 'experts' can't possibly follow all 32 teams as closely as we follow the bills. I know that lots of reporters who cover college sports get a lot of info from boards like this.
  10. Dude, it was a 10 minute interview....what do you think, i stayed at a holiday inn last night? Hey, i said i was getting excited about fball season -- i didn't say we are going to the playoffs!
  11. No, that's not true....from the sabres website: Television The majority of the Sabres 2005-06 regular season schedule will be broadcast on MSG with at least 75 games being carried on the network. The broadcasts will be available in Buffalo, Rochester and parts of Syracuse on basic cable services. The games will be televised unless a game will fall under NHL blackout restriction rules. MSG Network is currently available on all Time Warner Cable and Adelphia systems. Dish Network will be broadcasting Sabres games on a channel between 445-451, but the post game show will not be aired because it is Dish Network's policy not to broadcast shows of regional networks. Sabres games will be shown by DIRECTV with a rotating channel. The Sabres' post game show will not be aired because it is also DIRECTV's policy not to broadcast shows of regional networks. More information to come. http://www.buffalosabres.com/az_guide.cfm#linkT
  12. I get your point, Lv...i agree this is great radio. Maybe I've gotten used to WGR so I don't expect anything more. Still, I think the team and players probably give Sirius guys special treatment as it's the NFL channel, a national program, and they're only in for one day. TKO just on, and they didn't pull any punches. Asked him if, when Whitner blows a coverage against NE, TKO will get in his face and tell him he should have been in camp when they installed that part of the defense! TKO said Fuel will not let him on the field if he isn't ready, and everyday he is falling behind. TKO is ready to go, and this D is going to punch some people in the mouth. He Loves the new D, he will be unblocked and running free a lot in this system. Mcargo is next....
  13. not true -- the team can cut the dude at any time if he sucks, and wash their hands of the contract. 5 years would mean he's a free agent and due a big pay day one year earlier is he's good...or even decent.
  14. I am totally in support of time warner's stance...I think the NFL is too big for its own britches. I noticed that TW has removed ESPNU as well. Not a huge deal, but there are college games that I like that are only on ESPNU. Still, I think cable is too high anyway, so while the zillionaires fight it out, i signed up for dish network last night and verizon DSL. I compared direct tv and dishnetwork...and geez, if u have HDTV direct TV is ridiculously expensive. Dishnetwork: 27 HD channels, and i got 2 TVs hooked up to HD (one an HD DVR), and 2 standard TV's with DVR. Startup cost = $200 Direct TV: 7 HD channels (!!??). For a similar package, startup costs would be > $600. In the end, monthly fees are very similar, i'll come in around $100 for either package. Oh, u should know that Dishnetwork does not have YES, so no yankee games unless u order the MLB package. OLN is on dishnetwork, not sure about direct tv. Sabres games on MSG are on both dishnetwork & direct tv, but neither one carries the Sabres postgame shows with Rob Ray & Robitaille. In the not to distant future, we should have another option: Verizon is putting in FiOS (fiber optics) into the area...will give u an internet connection which is significantly faster than a cable modem (and cheaper!), and they will offer 'cable' TV also...I know some people in the southtowns that have it already and they love it.
  15. Wow, what a great interview. This is the 1st time i've really heard him interviewed and speak for a long period of time. This was ~10 minutes with DJ. All I can say is I come away extremely impressed. He's a straight shooter, honest and down to earth. Extremely well spoken, and u can tell he's very smart. I can see why Marv loved the guy, and why players play hard for him. He won me over big time with this interview! I'm finally getting excited about football season!
  16. Same here....noticed the HD channel is still on, but i'm sure that will go away soon. Bye bye cable, i am switching to the dish
  17. No way, i want to know who is going to be in a sabres uni next year. it's the 1st day of practice, in shorts no less. It's not like they broadcast from the field and do a play by play of practice. I think they have the balance right for now. Personally i am more interested to see how and if Briere is with the sabres next year than i am to know how Mcargo 'looked' in a walk thru practice with no hitting and no pads! I'm just not that interested in football yet.
  18. Linkage "I'm not doing something anybody else who was there would not have done," Austin said of the decision to sue. "I asked for compensation for pain and suffering for the injury to my leg." Suing the bills for 'Pain and Suffering' ? What a bunch of crap. I am all for him getting some disability if he can't work, and his medical bills should be paid...but C'mon -- $$ for pain and suffering ?? That's garbage. Another example of what is wrong with our society. I have busted my knee up and had it scoped twice...torn ACL in fball and torn cartilage with a dislocated knee cap skiing. Bummer, but torn cartilage may or may not need surgery, and the surgery is just a cleaning up type procedure. Should I have sued the ski resort for putting a mogul in a bad spot? If I was that dude, I would not be suing the buffalo bills over that. I would want my medical bills paid for, and disability if i couldn't work for awhile, but that's it. And that most likely should come from the security company he was working for, not the Bills. Why is it that the people who sue for 'pain and suffering' are the ones who are pu$$ies and feel much more pain and suffer more than the typical person? I'm sure not everyone will agree...but if u don't you are a pu$$y too.
  19. Hey, you boys better shut your pieholes, and get out to support our own WNY women's football team, the EMPIRE STATE ROAR!! They open the season against the Albany Ambush next w-end. Empire State Roar While your fat a$$ is sitting on the couch, these broads are out busting heads. Check these ladies out, they'll skin your knees dragging you across the parking lot. Women's version of Willis Coy Wire? JP ? Does McNally know about this one ? Check the Bio "I love the game of football. I only wish I had started playing earlier. I would rather play on defense, because there is no greater feeling than slamming someone in the backfield. " ==> If only Tim Anderson had that much attitude! Ralph could learn a thing or two about marketing from this franchise -- the 1st home game (vs. New England ), Randolph Mantooth (yes, the guy from Emergency!) is doing the cointoss...then u can pay to go to a BBQ with him and the players. SWEEET! I'll see you there!
  20. You can say that about any position....go ahead and pick one. QB? 8th is way to high for a QB. Tom Brady was taken in the 6th round. Trent Green, Dellhomme, Mark Brunnel, Bulger, Matt Hasselbach....all second day draft picks.
  21. they need to increase losman's speed...is only 68. He's faster than that
  22. Was George Seifert in first class or coach?
  23. AIken sorry if this was already posted
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