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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. He is by and large objective and respectful. What do you have against him other than him being a Pats** fan? Dammit
  2. That conversation should have happened after the Giants game. If it did and the Pats** game was the result, then it was fairly useless.
  3. How things change in the NFL. Till 2 weeks back, the Niners looked invincible and Shanahan was a God of offense. nFL defenses have a way of catching up with every QB.
  4. Or OC? I am not advocating it, but if McD concludes that the struggles are due to Dorsey and his schemes, then it is a logical turning of the page. But won't happen in this short week.
  5. Looks like a distant dream at this moment
  6. imo, BB will test the middle of our D early and often to see how the DL and LBers hold up. This is a good test for our new LBers. I doubt BB will let Jones (or whichever scrub plays QB) test the perimeter with passes. Our D will have to cover the middle of the field.
  7. My avatar is from the Jethro Tull album "Too old to rock n roll, too young to die". The character's name in the album is Ray Lomas
  8. What will you want to do to McD if the Bills are up 17-0 by end of 1Q?
  9. You are saying that those family events are a sport? 😁
  10. Unfortunately not on usual TV packages. Easiest way to watch is if you have an ESPN+ subscription. And you would have to wake up at 4.30 am ET
  11. None from your list. World cup cricket finals on Nov 19th 😃
  12. He is not paid to be the 5th option. Imo, more like a 3rd option. At this point, even post TE-university, he is what he is going to ever be. If there isnt a poison pill in his contract, I would be in favor of trading him. This season, we need him to help Brown out. But in the off-season, get a stand alone RT and trade Knox. I hope Kincaid develops this year as a blocker and receiver as he has much better hands than Knox
  13. The throw was not good, agreed. But Knox should have made that catch. The ball was not thrown away from his direction of motion. Knox is getting heat from many in here, including me, because of his history of the dropsies. He has cut them down but is not a reliable pair of hands. I am certainly more willing to give Diggs the benefit of doubt than to Knox.
  14. Imo, this is more about replacing the red zone threat that Harris was. And less about yards per carry. Plus the Superbowl experience won't hurt.
  15. I remember @Simonposting about the reasons why the FO decided to cut bait with Lynch. He can confirm but there was concern within the FO that he was showing a pattern of run-ins with the law and that the next one would get him suspended for a long time .
  16. I will go with your opinion on the first part but vehemently disagree with the second.
  17. Imo, he will go to a team with a QB having potential or to a team with a top 5 pick where he can get his own.
  18. A die hard Bears fan told me that he is hoping Belichick gets fired so the Bears can get him. I pointed out his poor GM record and his retort was that it can't be worse than it already is, at least they will have a competent coach for a change. He made his point
  19. That truly was an absolutely insane play by Allen. The scrambling, the scanning and then the throw. A beauty!
  20. Are you honestly blaming Allen even in the slightest. Admittedly I wasn't able to watch the first half but he played a fantastic second half. He was very good in the Jags game as well. I have appreciated his maturation and I think the turning point of his career was the Jets game. He is now patient and even under heavy duress, does not play hero ball. My love for Allen has taken a big step up after the Jets game. If he had more reliable weapons and not serial droppers like Davis and Knox, there isn't a QB in the league who would be close to him
  21. I didn't think it was PI tbh. I think it was a good play by Taron and a non-flag was the right thing
  22. You seem to be bitching. It's better this way than the other way round
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