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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. I don't know if that's on Kincaid or Dorsey. I would like to think that being a rookie, he needs coaching on running NFL routes and in this scheme. If his depth of target is low, I have to first look at Dorsey. Anyways, I can't see who voted for which option. what's your top reason?
  2. Sure. Nothing in life is caused by one reason alone. But this poll is about your opinion of the top reason
  3. There are lot of reasons being thrown out for the Bills not performing up to expectations. I wanted to isolate the Offense and get the community's feeling on the top reason. The question is simple - what is the top reason for the Offense's underperformance? Don't weigh in with "its a combination of reasons". I am just looking for your opinion on the top reason. My opinion - it's Dorsey and his schemes.
  4. Two penalties in particular were terrible. One was roughing the passer and then the intentional grounding ( I am pretty sure Davis screwed up his route on that one)
  5. Good post but I wholeheartedly agree with especially these two points. Burrow was getting rid of the ball very very quickly. An adjustment to the D was warranted but we kept giving up big plays at critical times. Incredibly frustrating game. A Bengals fan hosted me for the game and is anything he was being kind to me. I don't know when I will get the opportunity to return the favor.
  6. If he keeps falling like he did today with the fumble, it may happen sooner than later
  7. Understood. We all have our days. Speedy recovery, sir.
  8. You were expressing lot of frustration in the other thread yesterday and being uncharacteristically salty. That's why I was connecting two things. Guess my attempt failed and sailed over your head like an EJ Manuel pass
  9. But the next person who asks "why wasn't Joseph signed earlier" will, right? 😀
  10. I am going with Kincaid as well. On D, I am going to pick Bernard if Joseph is playing (with limited time to learn)
  11. He is? I could have sworn he is on the wrong side of 30.
  12. I can't stand Mike McDaniels. There are few coaches in the NFL who annoy me and he is definitely one of them
  13. To do that we need to be firing on all cylinders. Clicking ain't going to do that.
  14. That's what I am questioning. Williams was ruled out prior to the game. That sort of stuff gets Dorsey roasted over here
  15. To the last point, why did genius OC Shanahan call 9 running plays to the left side knowing Trent Williams is not there?
  16. So, its not only defensive minded head coaches who load up on defensive talent?
  17. Did anyone mention yet what a sweet smile he has? (I am a guy yet freely state that)
  18. The kid would have had his 1st td earlier in the game if the tb defender didn't deflect the ball at the goal line. Allen shoukd have floated it to kincaid
  19. I dont see an issue with such a meeting as well. In an organization, employees sometimes feel the need to commiserate and talk about issues openly without the presence of management. I have encouraged such meetings as I feel there are some things which I am better off not knowing (as with kids) as long as the outcome is positive for the employees. In this case, perhaps they wanted to air out and sort through issues between themselves. Shows leadership of Miller and Allen. Lets give them kudos instead of bashing them - Miller has earned his right to mentor and teach others. The outrage expressed in this thread is baffling.
  20. I disagree about O deserving far more criticism. Obviously they have underperformed in the Giants and Pats** games, but they came back with a strong second half this past Sunday. They left with the lead against one of the presumed worst offenses in the league and messed that up, similar to 13 seconds. After having poured lot of resources on the D, here we are again with shallow depth. Close games happen in the NFL, to the best teams. Yes, O needs to be bolstered but the D should be able to hold up its end of the bargain
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