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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. Ticket to the game: $30 2 bottles of water: $6.00 Watching SU beat the h*ll out of BC and cost them a $14 million BCS bowl bid: Priceless Chanting "A-C-C! A-C-C!" as the Eagles walked off the field with an angry Coach Tom O'Brien: Pure Comedy Gold! I have never had so much fun at a college football game in my life.
  2. Nice to see someone spending their free time and resources helping needy people instead of making a rap recording. Thumbs up to Warrick Dunn!
  3. When plastic cups are outlawed, only outlaws will throw them. BAN THEM NOW!!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
  4. David Stern had to send the message that it is NEVER acceptable for any player to go into the stands. Lucky for Ron Artest, he picked on the few Detroit fans who weren't armed. Yes, the incident could have been uglier than it was.
  5. Boston Globe: Ron Borges' football notes The Dude abides.
  6. I didn't notice the wrist band. I was distracted by the giant fork sticking out of his back.
  7. Before everyone hyperventilates about this report, I just want to point out that Yankees GM Brian Cashman wasn't at this meeting. Just sayin'
  8. BINGO But I also think the Bills coaches gave up on the run too soon, and put the game in Bledsoe's hands. That's asking for disaster. Drew never learned in his pro career that just because you can throw a ball reall hard, it doesn't mean you always should. Even the three stooges in the ESPN booth could tell he was looking for Moulds and no one else; how hard is it for the Patriots or anyone else to figure out what this mouthbreather is going to do?
  9. They should start somone who isn't a bleeping mouthbreather who throws into coverage. That excludes Drew Bledsoe.
  10. I can't believe I bought tickets to watch Syracuse get creamed by BC in 2 weeks, but the bright spot is I can say I was there for Pasqualoni's last game. If you catch the game, look for the person with the orange colored bag on their head.
  11. What does it say about the guy when he is the head coach in Buffalo for several years and the fans *still* can't spell his name right. How good does his defense look today against the mighty Bengals?
  12. Thank god for rap music....at least it kept Russell Jones from trying to squeegee my windshield for money.
  13. Guest = Jerry Sullivan Nice tongue bath you gave Tom Brady today in your column. Are you saving a back rub for Bill Belicheck tomorrow?
  14. The ABC affiliate in Boston isn't showing it either. The candy@sses are afraid they will lose their FCC license if they do. They are showing Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's "Far, Far Away" instead.
  15. Northern Colorado? Was Brockport State busy? And don't get your panties in a knot....I'm an SU grad. But I know Jimmy B enjoys cupcakes. The first big test is Dec. 7 against Oklahoma State.
  16. Overstock.com is selling this 2-disc set for $16.99 Link
  17. Dead-on accurate!!! Fred will smootch Patriot behind as long as he gets a paycheck in NE. Let's not forget that the @ssclowns on WEEI also pronounced the ALCS as over when the Yankees went up 3-0. They are also the ones calling New England's win over a crappy Rams team a huge win and inspiring turning point for the Pats' entire season. C'mon, they feed up to their audience whatever they think the "fellowship of the miserable" want to hear.
  18. Who's got Peter King's e-maill address? I know he takes reader mail, but his address isn't listed at MMQB.
  19. Dan LeBatard of the Miami Herald kicks Wanny while he's down and out: Miami Herald column
  20. Arrrrgh! Those Bengals uniforms made my eyes BLEED!!!!!!!
  21. IMO Gray looked pretty bad when he called the safety blitz on Quincy Carter's TD pass. No way you leave McGee out there alone with no help.
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