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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. I kant stand peepul who kant spel No you're role!
  2. I wasn't born and raised in Buffalo, but I enjoyed reading it. I thought it should have been called "Me and Big Russ". The book is really more a Tim Russert autobiography than about his father. However, he does give the proper amount of recognition to his father and the jesuits for the values he learned.
  3. He's upset that Moorman didn't make the pro bowl..... seriously I am concerned that his injury is worse than being let on, and he doesn't want to talk about it.
  4. Guffalo, you can root through my dumpster for Christmas dinner anytime buddy.
  5. At least the incoming Athletic Director is there in person tonight, and is seeing firsthand what he has to fix.
  6. We've got a fever....and the only prescription is more cowbell!
  7. I've given to the Jimmy Fund at least 3 times this year....and I didn't have a bet with Foxboro Mike either. Does that count for anything?
  8. Surprised no one has mentioned what deep **** the Patriots will be in if they don't get Ty Law back soon. A patchwork secondary will only get you so far in the playoffs. OK, back to your regularly scheduled bloodletting......
  9. They had the excuse that one of the couples in our group got engaged Saturday night.....I would have thought that would be an excuse to drink hard liquor myself.....
  10. LMAO....yeah, that's them. I can't believe they brought champaigne and champaign glasses to a tailgate....yuppies to the core. But nice people. If it was warmer weather, I bet they'd have brought those little cucumber sandwiches with the crust cut off. They made me leave with 7 minutes left in the game! The nerve. Claimed they lost feeling in their extremities.
  11. I just got back from Cincinnati last night. It was nice to see Lori, AiO, Jay and Jack in Syracuse at the tailgate. I only saw #89 briefly as she refused to get out of their vehicle to stand in the cold! My friends from Cincinnati and I ended up parked between them and Pinto Kenny's group. I finally did a bowling ball shot...or two. My friends were impressed by the enthusiam and rowdiness by the Bills fans in such adverse conditions....what's a little snow and cold, eh? I will have pictures to post by the end of the week. The Bengals fans sitting behind us at the game saw my Bills hat and yelled, "WHO DEY?! WHO DEY!?" at me when I came in. After TKO scored, they were pretty quiet. LOL Thanks to UDonkey again for coordinating festivities! BTW, that stuff was wisnowika -- Polish Cherry Vodka. 100 proof! Yummy!
  12. EZCBoston: you should try to find out if anyone from the BostonBillsBackers is driving up when you want to go. Maybe Jeff could send out an e-mail to the group for you.
  13. Just another example of the lack of imagination and creativity in Hollywood. This was already a good book and movie. It's like the wretched movies Hollywood makes based on old tv shows (Flintstones, Beverly Hillbillies, etc.) More regurgitation. I like Depp and Burton, but c'mon.
  14. My mother was treated at Roswell. The staff there is terrific. Hope your dad is doing better.
  15. Cincinnati has a terrific offense. I saw some of the NE game today, and I'm impressed with their wide receivers. However, their defense is their big weakness. They gave up 35 to New England today. 48 to this same Browns team. Could be a real shootout next week. We shall see.
  16. The Red Sox also signed P John Halama to a 1-year deal today. he will probably pitch in long relief out of the pen. And they aren't finished dealing yet.
  17. I did hear that the Red Sox were going to pursue Renteria. I have also heard they might offer a Millar or Mientkiewicz & prospect package to Tampa for Julio Lugo and Jose Cruz, Jr. Tampa needs a first baseman since Tino Martinez is probably gone, and that deal would give Boston the stopgap SS and backup OF they need. However, I have also heard rumors that they are talking with San Diego about a trade for Dave Roberts for a SS, so we shall see what the winter meetings might bring. Gotta love hot stove season.
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