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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. All CBS said was that it was a neck injury, but he had feeling in all extremities. Thank God. That was pretty scary to see him motionless on the field. Speedy recovery to #68.
  2. Gotta love how someone with a total of 5 posts slags the board godfather..... Try checking out all of a web site before you post. Stadium Wall Hall of Fame
  3. Is it true Arafat got AIDS from having sex with a goat? I heard it on the radio this morning.
  4. I'm a woman. Just what the h*ll are you suggesting?!?!?
  5. Miami Dolphins linebacker Junior Seau will miss the rest of the season with a torn pectoral muscle that will require surgery, and said Wednesday he's unsure whether the injury will end his 15-year career. AP wire
  6. If I see Jan, I'll tell her you all said hi.
  7. Party this weekend? I'm going to a little parade in Boston.
  8. leave the poor guy alone i'm sure he feels pretty crummy right now
  9. The Buffalo Boneheads? The Orchard Park Pretenders? The Eire County Fair-ies?
  10. Let Wire play on special teams.......but keep PP at starting safety. Please.
  11. Is Jennings going to play today, or is he out with the concussion?
  12. Vols beat the Georgia Dawgs 19-14 between the hedges in Athens today. Ainge was as good as Greene was bad today. The kid appears to have a bright future.
  13. I hope he's ok too. I also hope taking "time off because of physical exhaustion" isn't a euphemism for rehab.
  14. Well said Mickey. Although the referees made their share of mistakes, the Bills shot themselves in the foot yesterday so many times that they have no one but themselves to blame. You can't make boners like the Bills did yesterday against a team as well coached as New England. Plus there is the added factor of New England being the "Ken Jennings" of the NFL. Jeopardy's tv ratings went up with the geek's streak, and IMO the Patriots will tend to get the breaks on the calls as long as their much-hyped winning streak continues. It benefits the NFL to have viewers tuning in to see if they can keep their streak going. IMO the game was lost when Jonas Jennings was knocked out by a cheap shot. Bledsoe wasn't getting any protection from that side of the line after that. Price is completely inept.
  15. BTW Major League Baseball did the same thing to Keith Foulke of the Red Sox this year. He had an American Flag decal on the side of his hat in honor of American troops, but Commissioner Selig told him he had to take it off because it violated the uniform code.
  16. Hugs to you today Cindy. 27 years ago I was probably trying to decide if there was anything uglier than the uniforms our hs school marching band had to wear. I played tenor sax that year, but looked like a pumpkin in our orange and black unis. Go RFA Black Knights!
  17. After he hit someone west of Syracuse at 7 am, he was weaving in and out of traffic at speeds exceeding 90 mph and throwing beer bottles out of the window of his pickup truck before the accident between Utica and Herkimer. It's a MIRACLE he didn't kill anyone else!!!!!
  18. I don't have a problem with Peter King criticizing Mike Williams' perfomance on the field, but to question his character based on hearsay? Wow. BTW, you'll never hear anyone on WEEI ask Peter King how much time he has spent at Bill Belichick's summer home in Nantucket during the off-season. I'm just sayin'.
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