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Golden Wheels

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Everything posted by Golden Wheels

  1. hello mon ami......too bad you weren't here in boston for the victory parade.....send me a pm if you want anything like the highlights dvd
  2. The Boston Globe is reporting that Wells and the Red sox came to terms last night to a two-year deal. Sox Ink Wells The Red Sox have made the contract incentive laden, but I have to wonder why they would sign a fat 42-year old with a bad back.
  3. Wells has not signed with Boston as of this time. ESPN News has already retracted their earlier report. Wells' agent Gregg Clifton has gotten offers from both Boston and Cleveland according to mlb.com I won't believe any rumors about a Wells signing until he has passed a physical and signed on the bottom line. Steinbrenner could always swoop in at the last minute, as he did when Wells almost signed with Arizona.
  4. Nothing definite yet. The rotund lefty is also in talks with the Indians.
  5. BTW, I see an amazing resemblance between DC Tom's avatar and Star Jones Reynolds in a fur wrap. Just sayin' B)
  6. "Cancer can take away all my physical ability. It cannot touch my mind; it cannot touch my heart; and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever." Amen.
  7. Happy birthday #89. Maybe I'll see you at the Bengals game in 2 weeks.
  8. Nothing like hijacking a thread about a decent celebrity like Michael J. Fox with a totally off-topic, "Look At Me" post. Thumbs up to everyone who performed in the game yesterday.
  9. Sorry to hear that BuffFan00. Did you know Jags' backup QB David Garrard was diagnosed with it this spring, had some of his intestine removed in May, and was back playing this fall? That's one tough dude. I hope you can find the right combination of meds and treatment to help you too.
  10. What boggles the mind are the fanboys who are STILL defending Barry Bonds and saying he still would be hitting all those home runs well past his 33rd birthday without performance enhancing drugs. Of course, these are the same people who say he gained 60 pounds of muscle by just hard work. Kinda hard to explain away that head the size of a watermelon though.
  11. If you have a Heredia, shouldn't you wear a truss?
  12. Check out the California brand called Smoking Loon. (No it's not owned by Ricky Williams.) Decently priced syrah, merlots. etc. Smoking Loon If you're REALLY on a budget there is Charles Shaw aka "Two-buck Chuck". It's available at Trader Joe's in certain states: Two-buck Chuck
  13. that's because they don't serve beer at alumni stadium you lush
  14. I heard the Cardinals were going to start their third QB this week. John Navarre, former Michigan QB.
  15. I know I posted this previously, but here's a quote from a Nov. 21 football column by Ron Borges of the Boston Globe: Borges column
  16. Hi Mike. Hope to meet you @ the tailgate.
  17. I heard Davis already has been wooed by the Florida Gators.
  18. I have to admit I tune into this show on Home Shopping Network every Monday night before the football game. I can get decent deals on Bills stuff that I can't get where I live.
  19. 3 way tie: Topher Grace Daniel Radcliffe SDS That sensitive, but strong geek type is so appealing
  20. biggest frauds? hard to say the self appointed geniuses -- mike martz & brian billick? or how about mike holmgren -- either he or his team were horribly overrated i have to go with the guys wearing the san francisco uniforms -- they don't even resemble a professional team
  21. there is an ap article linked to the TBD front page about this
  22. classic trap game miami is playing better since they dumped wanny not much better but i don't see alot of quit in that team they are still playing hard bills better play hard too and eliminate the mental mistakes signed, ee cummings
  23. I'll be excited about this deal if it brings in significant tax revenue. Gov. Pataki should be talking about keeping the Erie County libraries open. Or sherriff's patroling. Or fire stations operating. I get the impression that Whacky Pataki's pals in Albany could care less.
  24. Despite the 3 bonehead int's you have to give him credit for stuff like the drive right at the end of the first half. Actually some good clock management there too, which has been a problem previously.
  25. I was at the game yesterday. The way the team performed against Boston College, and carried Pasqualoni off the field on their shoulders when it was over told me alot. They want to play for this guy. There's no excuse for the Temple loss, but I can't believe Jake Crouthamel would end his career at Syracuse by giving Pasqualoni the boot when the program is starting to turn itself in the right direction. This is a young team that has had problem with inconsistency all year, but they are playing in a bowl for the first time in 3 years. Maybe I'm wearing orange-colored glasses today in the afterglow of yesterday's win. I'm not saying Syracuse should be happy with mediocrity from their football program, but maybe their fans and alumni should have more patience.
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