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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. they took a shot and failed. did it come at any cost besides ownership's pockets?
  2. I have to wonder how much these self professed "analytics guys" actually have any education on the matter. it wouldn't take much to know that the statistics they have available don't support the conclusions they draw from them. yes data science is helpful but only if you know how to do science properly.
  3. it was a learning opportunity and they used it to teach the young QB exactly what to do.
  4. maybe. maybe not. i don't know and neither do you.
  5. "hot take" - you flatter me. it is simply one observation i was not stating a hard fact or rule. i agree with most of the rest of your assessment. allen himself said the game is faster than he expected. and of course it is, his own experiences have been at a slower pace. i don't know about you, but when something is new to me i have to practice it a bunch of times, and slowly, to get it right. i'm a musician and i think the experience is similar. i decided to learn drums in the past year. trying to drum an normal speed at first was impossible. i was terrible. i got hours of practice in at a slower pace, concentrating on what i was really trying to do. one day i woke up and suddenly certain beats were easy to play. our brains are plastic but it takes time for change. Allen has not played at this speed yet. now he is. as his brain adjusts itself to fit his new experiences, he will improve.
  6. terrible is maybe a little too far, but you are correct. allen even said it himself after the Cinci game "faster than i expected". almost every throw was behind. practice should slow things down for him and then we will see what he can do.
  7. is there a way to bet against this? the actual chance of mcdermott being fired is near zero.
  8. my take is that the game is a little too fast for Allen right now. he said so himself during preseason. some practice in real games should get it all to slow down.
  9. yeah what are we gonna do without that 7th we are screwed now
  10. really, you can't think of a more annoying kind of person? if so consider yourself blessed.
  11. people try to make statistics mean more than they actually mean. if it were only for football that would be good. fact is, stats are used incorrectly in much more important areas of life...there is a lot of terrible medical research done by doctors who think they know something about the scientific method. once again: statistics say very little about the future of a specific player. PFF makes me laugh, it is impossible to take them seriously.
  12. you don't know this. statistical analysis of past qbs does not predict the future of josh allen.
  13. do you identify with everyone else that has similar interests? neither do i...
  14. "zero empirical evidence to support him becoming a reasonable NFL starting quarterback" these sports people and their "scientific" methods...there is zero empirical evidence for many things in this universe that doesn't mean they don't exist or are not possible. i mean, no one has ever seen an electron but we build computers based on our theories about them that work...such shoddy reporting. "analytics" is so often just bs.
  15. sigh. journalists just throwing out references without knowing what the hell they are talking about.
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