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Everything posted by dickleyjones

  1. wow everyone in this thread knows how good josh allen will be in the NFL! what are you guys doing here on a message board? you should have jobs with nfl teams...
  2. haha indeed. add my comment to the rest
  3. "The Room" is quite bad, but for some reason i enjoy watching it.
  4. i am equally glad we have yet another comment regarding repeated threads...
  5. 2005 Honda crv. first car i have owned that i actually like, i will drive her till she can't drive no more.
  6. how could he be 'certain'? he'd have to have a trade partner all lined up, with some sort of contract written so they can't back out. he doesn't have that.
  7. well now that we know what is going to happen i suppose there is no point watching the draft this year. you people and your time machines.
  8. i'm not sure how the threads are sorted here, probably by most recent activity, but a voting system would bury threads no one cares about pretty quick. otherwise, deal with it. if you don't like a thread, don't read it.
  9. that's a nice opinion you have there. too bad you don't actually know.
  10. what kind of news is this? it would be news if he said we would NOT consider his family...
  11. ...and The Shape of Water wins. were there really no great films this year? if you are wondering what the supposed big deal is with this film, you are not alone.
  12. While I agree Get Out is not typical best movie material, I enjoyed it, it was fun and well made. Definitely superior to The Shape of Water which was shockingly boring imo...Del Toro is great but the movie was not great, so predictable, hokey, pandering, i feel like that movie has been made 1000s of times just not with a fishman. i only watched it because it is getting buzz...bleh. I liked that movie better when it was Tom Hanks and Daryl Hannah. Disaster Artist was good, but I'll rewatch The Room and probably never rewatch Disaster Artist. so how's your sex life? I have not yet seen the rest of the movies on the best picture list...working on it.
  13. despite his weaknesses, i kind of want Tyrod to stay now.
  14. i went to high school with Tim Bosma, who was killed for no reason other than being alone with his truck. Thankfully those two and this newest guy shall never see freedom again. there is some terrible evil in this world.
  15. some Canadian content: Hayden - everything i long for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzQY7yRDil0 (this was the 'single', album not on youtube) Rheostatics - Introducing Happiness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqIyaJiwNys&list=PL76ADA3795478B841 Sloan - Smeared https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RHf07SA3vg&list=PLD9FNg1JJ-NmGxvoyXq0HK27z7ODRRUnv (their first full album, they went in a totally different direction after this) and perhaps the most obscure: Sianspheric - Somnium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz-DpzIn4Mw (Hamilton, ON's shoegaze) and this, on repeat, ad infinitum (including my 'our song'):
  16. i recommend going to see a potential new dog when you can see the parents as well. temperament is hereditary. purebread vs mutt, it does not matter...meet the parents!
  17. white was great. i hope he spend some time catching balls, if he can hang on to a few more ints he could be the best in the league.
  18. yeah, but DCOrange can predict the future don't cha know?
  19. of course they can both have ambition to win and keep dennison. i couldn't even read your post since your title is so idiotically hyperbolic.
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