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Everything posted by C.Biscuit97

  1. I’m a great guy. I was being humble! 😉 I’m also honest. Did a lot of regrettable things, especially when I was younger, like speeding and worse. I got lucky that things didn’t end up worse. Looking back it was pretty stupid but I would be a total hypocrite to crush this guy.
  2. Well we need to stop Allen from doing that then. Because Barkley sucks (nice guy). Same thing with Kyle allen. This team should be good enough where a backup can step in for a game or 2. The Eagles won a SB wirh a backup. It shouldn’t be taken lightly. henne sucks and was never good. He would have killed KC if he had to play. I liked Minshew but he wasn’t that good this year and was responsible for 2 of their 3 losses. I thought Brissett played really well. He also sounds like a great lockerroom guy. He also asked if the sun is so hot, why is space cold which blew my mind!
  3. Meh. He had a nice run during the SB year but that trend on the tire is worn out. The life of a running back sucks now. also, he is in the Trent Murphy club if them looking 45 years old and only being 30. Old looking dude
  4. At first, it seemed like no big deal and something almost everyone has done. But I didn’t know it got someone killed, which could happen any time. Don’t think it hurts his stock that bad but it’s a really bad look. also, because of the defensive talent around him, imo, this guy is a bit overrated as it is.
  5. It’s definitely going to McDermott. I think he is a really good coach and great leader. But the stakes are so high. We just “retired” a DC who consistently had top 10/5 defenses. if we don’t make at least the championship game, I think the seat is going to get really hot for Sean. It might not be right but that’s what scapegoating is.
  6. Agreed. We matched up really well against Lamar. Speedy LBs. Watson before all the allegations was a top 5 qb. He was amazing playing on a crappy Houston team. But the browns giving him that much and guaranteed is so wild because he had no real leverage.
  7. Tylor Taylor is a hall of famer next to MM. guys like Taylor and Fitz were never too tier starters but they had better careers than a lot high 1st rounders like MM.
  8. Dude sucks, they ran an high school offense because they didn’t want him to throw the ball, he’s made out of glass. and he acted like a baby when he was benched. Other than that, I like him.
  9. Andrews is a beast but he came into the nfl as rookie with Lamar after being drafted in the 3rd round. So apparently he wasn’t that much of a beast to nfl teams. Lamar deserves credit for soem of his success. Isiah’s likely stepped in when Andrews got hurt and also was successful.
  10. I mean I get it because we have Super Bowl aspirations and the bar is set higher. But Frazier by every metric is better at his job than 90% of the world is at theirs. He obviously has flaws but what was he supposed to do this year? All the safety injuries, Miller, Tre White not being Tre yet, and spending high picks on d linemen who just might not be that good. easy thing in the world is to blame the coach. What if the talent isn’t really that good?
  11. This thread is sad. Never seen a classy guy who constantly had a top 10 unit get so much hate. celebrating a good guy not doing the thing he loves to do (and not knowing the reason) seems like very bad mojo.
  12. Because you foolishly lumped him in with Jackson, who has been a much, much better player. and you try to annoy people you don’t online? Sounds like you have a fulfilling life. I’ll bet you Lamar ends up with a top 5 contract and way more than Daniel Jones. Wanna bet, genius (a smart person uses better punctuation)? So if ends up getting what he wants, is he still an idiot?
  13. Peyton manning didn’t win his first playoff game until 27. Lamar is 26. Lot of time to change things. and his stock is “down” because he doesn’t have an agent and wants all guaranteed money. If this wasn’t the case, the Ravens would have signed him already.
  14. Well that would be beyond awful. Given where we got Poyer/ Hyde and where they were drafted, safety shouldn’t be a high pick unless you are guaranteeing Polmalu or Ed Reed.
  15. The fact that the Sabres have missed the playoffs as much as they have in a league wirh more playoff berths is way worse than the Bills drought. Plus, they have constantly have had top 5 picks, which the Bills rarely have. So it’s more than Tim’s they have a good team. this Sabres team is very entertaining. Love making money betting their overs. As someone who loved hockey and grew up playing it, I’m so happy they are fun. It would be awesome if they made the playoffs. And I would love any Buffalo championship. But hockey still feels a little minor league in the big picture. But I would have a lot of fun celebrating. Bills would be a national story and it would feel so amazing. Settle down Doug. Sabres haven’t even made the playoffs yet.
  16. Completely disagree. Which FAs that we really wanted have we missed out on? According to that logic, why aren’t Miami, the Chargers, and the jets/ giants getting all these great FAs? and Poyer will go wherever he gets the most money. I mean they live near Miami so it would make sense. But it’s a cash grab and I don’t blame him. It was great FA signing, respect the guy a lot, but i trust McDermott and company to find a good S for much, much cheaper.
  17. Huntley has gone 3-5, thrown 3 tds to 5 ints the last 2 years. Lamar has went 15-9, thrown 33 tds to 20 ints. Dumb take. Even dumber is Lamar almost has thrown for more tds in his mvp season than Jones has thrown in his whole career. In Jones’ “breakout” season, Lamar threw for tds than Jones did in 12 games. Awful, awful comparisons.
  18. Did you just compare Jackson to Jones? Awful. Jackson wins 70% of his games and has won a MVP. Awful, awful comparison. Or he was limited in a run he’s at offense with terrible receivers.
  19. Yeah, that’s a wild take. Team cuts a guy in the first year of his contract and the player is supposed to loyalty no matter what? I don’t think that poster knows how pro sports work
  20. I always hated that saying. I know you don’t mean it but always thought it was degrading to teachers haha. getting off my high horse, I do think the lesser players are better coaches than the stars. I just have friends who grind so hard in coaching but never get their break because they don’t know the right people.
  21. Good for him. It’s also wild that guys can just get nfl jobs over guys who have been grinding for years. The best is when he gets a head coaching job for “fixing” a guy who was considered a borderline top 5 qb before last season.
  22. You’re overreacting. It’s negotiations. I don’t totally agree with it but dude is going to get paid big time.
  23. I like Lamar more than most on this board and want to see him real receivers. I also think most agents are jokes and just steal from talented people. that said, he’s doing himself a huge disservice by not having someone negotiate for him. The Ravens want to sign him but I don’t blame them for not guaranteeing everything. And I don’t blame him for wanting it. But there needs to be some wiggle room.The Browns screwed everyone.
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