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Everything posted by C.Biscuit97

  1. I’m not that old! And I know he’s not Morant. But I think morant was nothing but praised that when he got called out for trying to be a tough guy (this guys a gangster, his first name is Clarence), he couldn’t handled it. Happens all the time. We have politicians who have temper tantrums when they get called out on their lies. Our society is so soft now.
  2. I know he had his issues but I think Edmunds is going to be a pretty big loss. I know we were losing Poyer last off-season.
  3. So Diggs shouldn’t have been called out for having a temper tantrum? I hate most social media (like looking at pictures on Instagram, I’m simple) so I hate fans who talk wild crap to players. And I don’t follow or pay attention to Diggs. But how bad were the comments? personally, Diggs is from the generation after me. The generation that wants all praise and act like babies when they get called out for doing something dumb. So sensitive. Diggs acted like a baby (he’s the only player who cares about winning!!!) and fans said he acted like a baby. Just admit it and don’t try to troll to a great fanbase who been really great to you. Also, I know everything will be fine but it’s like ja morant. These dudes want all the praise and none of the criticism. We are raising a generation of sensitive little female dogs.
  4. Dear lord this is dumb. Congrats you love Jones and are his number 1 fan. I salute you and your many super bowls to come. I’m sure he won’t disappoint you and the New Jersey fans/ media won’t turn him quickly with this contract. Best of luck!
  5. The only people I have punched in the face are close family and friends 🤣. Other people know better. But I’m sorry that happened to you. 🍻 on me! Peyton started that! but you have to admit receivers are divas. Also why troll (if that’s what he is doing) a fanbase that has been nothing but great to Diggs? It’s not we are treating him like he’s Leslie Frazier! But again I ask, why do if to bills fans, who have done nothing but give him love? If it’s the case, it’s super corny. bills need to start a social media class for the receivers.
  6. He was starting to blow up in the lions game and McDermott had to talk to them. I’m sure there have been other times as well. Obviously, I want him on the team but let’s not pretend like it might get annoying. Wrs are the most annoying position on the team. When do o linemen ever have temper tantrums?
  7. Oh god, this crap again. Daboll is a great coach but I guess no one in the nfl has ever made a mistake at player evaluation (also I know a ton of football and was probably a better college player than Daboll!!! 😮‍💨). This argument is so dumb. Nfl coaches/ executives screw up all the time. I guess it wasn’t a mistake that Belichick hired a former DC/ STs coach to be his OC this year. I guess it’s wasn’t a mistake to give Matt Flynn a bunch of money because Pete Carroll knows more about football than me. You know this sounds really dumb right? and couldn’t give 2 craps of dorky, dollar general Allen. But it hilarious that teams are hesitating to pay former MVP like Lamar and giving this much to a guy like Jones, who has 15 tds and 700 rushing yards (which would be like the worst season of Lamar’s career)!
  8. The Pats will be slightly better on offense but they are by far the worse teams. But damn, if the Jets don’t get league worse qb play, they will be a problem and Miami is loaded with talent.
  9. Is this serious? Dude is awful and it’s wild he keeps getting jobs. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/PettMi0.htm I’d rather fail with a new guy than give the same losers chance after chance. I hate the buddy system in the nfl. There are so many good coach’s who never get a chance while losers like Hackett and the husky Ryan bros get chance after chance.
  10. There is something really wrong with a system that pays Jones and his 15 td passes in his “breakout” system $40/ year and Barkley $10. Every other positional player should strike until we stop have a system of garbage qbs getting paid massive money. It’s embarrassing and insulting to every other position.
  11. Rodgers might be the most annoying person in sports. What is going on in GB where there hall of famer qbs go from awesome success stories to attention starved divas? that said, Rodgers would be really scary in NJ. If I’m them, I do whatever it takes because that team is so irrelevant.
  12. I don’t even know if he was there but this dude sucks. But football “fans” got more upset about a guy taking a knee than a guy on tape breaking a woman’s jaw. Couldn’t imagine rooting for a scumbag like Mixon.
  13. Weird that the guy who acted like a diva in Minnesota is doing the same thing here. I love Diggs and it’s stupid to overreact but let’s call it like it is, he’s annoying and kinda of a baby. He acts like he is the only one who cares about winning and just needs constant attention. I really want us to invest in the receiver position big time this off-season and move him next offseason. I played receiver through college so I can said it. Wrs kinda suck.
  14. Weren’t they battling s ton of oline injuries? Also, when do we fault the draft picks on the d line? Because constantly blitzing Mahomes is also a terrible plan. im playing devils advocate here a bit. But I think Frazier is taking all the blame when players (especially the d line) and injuries also played a major role.
  15. I love the Poyer singing and he was a really good player for us. But we took a chance on a guy who wasn’t really established in the league and then paid him a lot of money. He should be thanking us. I mean, I guess he is. But he also played college football, is one of the best offensive coaches in the nfl, and is making millions. I’d take being called a tool on a bills message board for that deal.
  16. Next to murderers, pedophiles, & politicians, there aren’t Too many worst human beings than Antonio Brown. I wish him the worst. Garbage person.
  17. Under Frazier, our defense (minus the first year because you inherited a group from a fired staff) finished an average of 5th in nfl. I pray all you guys are right. But man, talk about a guy being scapegoated. Imagine being in the top 5 of your field for 5 years and people not thinking it was not good enough.
  18. Something about him annoys me. He gives off douche vibes and is in serious decline. I mean I won’t complain if he ended up on our team because he was a beast. But you always need to be careful with aging, former stars. See Green, AJ. He is made out of the stuff Sammy Watkins was.
  19. That’s like one of the biggest parts of the weekend. It getting hammered and making connections. i e it the combine but it is the most overrated thing in all of sports. If you put much stock in it, you are not too bright.
  20. I really really really like Knox. Great dude who has gone through a ton. And he is going to be on the top for a while. But will he ever be a dominant TE? Because you know what would be awesome for the Bills to have one day? A legit dominant TE who defenses have to game plan for. Have we ever had a legit top TE? Think about all the teams that have won SBs wirh dominant TEs. I’d argue that a legit awesome TE might be more important than a receiver. We always neglect that position. I just want a monster for Allen to throw to and csn bully d backs. side note, that Georgia TE room is so filthy. Maybe the greatest collection of college TEs ever.
  21. He played a drive where they ran the ball for most of it. Henne had more career ints than tds. He was one of the worst backups in the league. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/H/HennCh01.htm I think he also retired. But he is was bad but good for him for being a good guy and getting a nice check.
  22. Considering car accidents are like the 4th leading cause of death, I’d argue a lot of people and cars don’t go together. I actually would bet the % of football players involved in car crash/ violations is lower than the general population. Check you local news and you will see a bunch of terrible car related stuff. I’m really sorry to hear that. Another issue this country sucks with is DWI laws. In some countries, you lose your license after one. Here, we have people with like 5 or 6 or get a slap on the wrist for killing someone. sorry again. Can’t imagine that feeling .
  23. Well said. Mac Jones is slowly nodding his head I would honestly love to see a truth poll of people who have sped and drove recklessly.
  24. I would bet the majority of college kids won’t even think about someone being drunk and racing. Sadly. I mean Vegas can’t pick him right?
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