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Everything posted by BigdaddyinOrlando

  1. He does so much work here in Orlando for his community! He truly is giving back and making a difference!
  2. I agree and can see him posting upwards of 8 sacks and much more pressure up the middle which will as a result lead to better numbers from the outside! I’m excited to see him this year for sure
  3. Me too, as I’m going to the Bucs game and the Jags game ! So looking forward to it!
  4. Long shot but the Vikings for me, especially if Rogers saga gets really nasty and he isn’t there and they don’t over take the Packers.
  5. RIP! He was a solid linebacker and played hard and was always in the right spot it seemed! Enjoyed watching him play! Condolences to his family and friends, passed way to soon.
  6. That was a great watch! Keeps the juices flowing! Dam love the makeup and leadership of this team and organization!
  7. I think he will be in the same pitch count as AJ was. AJ was definitely hurt by not having the mini camps ahead of time, that is invaluable teaching points. He will very much benefit from this and will be fine. JMO
  8. We are planning on going, haven’t made any definitive plans yet but probably will so shortly looking forward to it for sure!!
  9. True, josh is much better but the Browns this year play a third place schedule, though the Bills are still better overall.
  10. Like these two picks for depth, also with the big contracts needed soon w Josh and potentially Edmunds, as well as Neal and Taron Johnson being free agents after this year we will need more and more cheap talent to play and play well. JMO
  11. Dam really was hoping Smith-Marsette was gonna be there for us
  12. Good lord remember about ten years ago when we drafted and they went to commercial break every time! Lol my how things have changed, I hope! Lol
  13. Gotta admit as the draft got closer I wanted Etiene , but some good players out there that we didn’t expect!!
  14. I actually laughed when the picked Toney! I actually liked him for he possibly at 30 but dam seems kinda early!
  15. Man have a hard time in believing this will happen given today’s social media instant backlash. Think it would get ugly for any team.
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