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Everything posted by kota

  1. He is open often. I think he compliments Clay very well. Happy for him.
  2. Shady has and always will do what Shady wants to do. He has a different opinion than most. He is more outspoken. I also think he is a bit of a loner by nature. I personally was surprised by it. Do i think it's any different than kneeling no. I personally am with those that are protesting. The swamp has turned into a cesspool.
  3. Good lord. This is the problem. You didn't have to mention skin color but everyone knows what you are talking about. These issues you speak of stem from poverty. Minorities do not have the same opportunities as others. It's a fact. There is a reason why the Rooney rule exists. http://www.stateofworkingamerica.org/fact-sheets/poverty/
  4. You would have to be a fool to not understand that social inequality is very much alive in the US. At this day and age it's really sad. If we are to ever advance as species this needs to end.
  5. Nope to much money involved. People put aside the risks for millions.
  6. I would take Semien over Tyrod any day. Running QB's aren't successful in this league. Running QB's that are 6 foot nothing are less than successful.
  7. I was done with him the day he stepped into the building.
  8. Sigh..... it's pretty obvious that the DT's in this system are there to eat up space for the linebackers to make plays. You won't see a 10 sack season from Marcel in this system. people seem to think that two 4-3 defense are the same. Schwartz's system has penetrating DT's. Marcel was given that fat contract while under that system. People seem to want to blame that on Marcel. You should really be blaming ownership for changing coaches every 2 years.
  9. You throw deep to Zay or Holmes. Similiar speed to Watkins. Watkins is better but not having a deep threat isn't a problem. Its the guy pulling the trigger. He is unable to find throwing lanes and is to quick to run when the pocket starts to collapse.
  10. Blake Bortles would have made that throw. Peterman would have.
  11. i think people are confusing Schwartz's 4-3 defense to the current one. Just because they are both 4-3 doesn't mean they are the same defense.
  12. Only REx would have 3 defensive coordinators.
  13. jeez you guys worry to much about Schemes. Every offense has vertical deep threat throws. it doesn't matter if its west coast, north coast, south coast or east coast. If the guy gets open deep you throw it. we have deep threats on this team. Zay jones, and Charles Clay to name two. They actually threw the ball deep to Mathews once. People need to get open and a QB needs to see it. the only issue on this offense is the guy pulling the trigger. He doesn't see the field well at all.
  14. I saw nothing of the sort. he is still the #1 problem on this offense. The few plays he makes with his legs doesn't add up to the missed throws he has down the field.
  15. I don't think you have looked hard enough. He has given several interviews.
  16. Glenn makes that line work. Without him we will be in rough shape.
  17. Chemistry is great. Did the Bills of the 90's have chemistry? I thought they were labeled as the Bickering Bills? It's all for nothing anyway if they don't win. I personally don't like the number of players that are jack of all trades but a master of none.
  18. The ineptitude of Beane. Boldin supposedly backed out at one point. Then he is signed and then considered as part of the deal with Watkins. Should never have signed him.
  19. Not really. I think their moves so far have been suspect at best. Not picking up the 5th year option on Sammy Signed a 36 year old receiver that factored into the decision to trade Sammy retired. Got a Ok CB in a contract year in return. Could be gone especially if he has a good year. Traded Darby for a receiver in his contract year. They are now trying to replace Sammy with two guys. Jordon and the guy they traded for today. Makes no sense. Traded Ragland away when all of your LB"s are in a contract year. Seymour was kinda meh. All of this for a 2nd and 3rd round pick next year. Next year we will be replacing good players with draft picks. Players that will be in their prime. They now have a ton of picks to trade up for a QB but how many will they lose to get him? Meanwhile Veterans will be leaving. They are keeping Tyrod as starter who looks lost with Watkins. No i don't trust them.
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