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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. Gee, do you at least get Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow?
  2. That would be fun. Too bad they can't schedule games where both teams wear throwbacks.
  3. Why? It's true that the Eagles are 9-1, but they haven't been dominating. Does this look like the same team as last year? The Eagles can be beaten.
  4. That interception by Mahomes was very Billsy.
  5. I could not believe that College Gameday went there for when they played Colorado State. They did not deserve that type of attention.
  6. I think he disappears when he's taken off the field.
  7. He needs to win 20 more games as a starter to pass Joe Ferguson and become 2nd with total wins in franchise history.
  8. Ty Johnson played very good tonight. Very inspiring. Serious question... what happens when Damien Harris is healthy again?
  9. I'm not a fan of Dodson, but I have to give him props for how he played tonight. Bravo!
  10. And I said that I would rather see Fournette instead of Johnson.
  11. No love for Greg Rousseau? He's looking like a damn good player on defense.
  12. Off to my Bills Bar. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! Was it over when Walter Peck shut down the containment system?! No! It ain't over 'til it's over! Go out there and kill the Jets! And someone on special teams deliver a flying helmet shot to Saleh's head! Win this damn game, and don't fall for the banana in the tailpipe!!! GO BILLS!!!!!
  13. Murray has been very good for us. Yet, I'd rather see Fournette than Ty Johnson.
  14. Is he responsible for all of the contracts that goes to every player on the team?
  15. Did I say anything about Len Dorsey? No. You make it sound like Josh Allen were Dawson Knox's agent and arranged the contract. Get real.
  16. What makes you so certain of this? What proof do you have that this is the case? I'll give you the answer.....You don't have the first clue.
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