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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. You do understand that Williams is a rookie, right? Not every rookie has instant success. Some of them take time to become better at their game. See, Terrell Bernard.
  2. A Guard for an Offensive Coordinator? Is this a joke by Fozzy Bear?
  3. That means McDermott is 2-6 while being dominated. Interesting.
  4. I like it too. It's good to see some color now and then, instead of having to see white pants the entire season.
  5. Almost all of which can not be made today. RIP, Sir.
  6. You mean the same way they were last year against the Chiefs?
  7. I thought after joining the military, that made him ineligible to be a pro player.
  8. Are we going to get our first tie of the season?
  9. But Zac Taylor is a genius. Right @Buffalo619?
  10. To be fair, Collinsworth did say that Mahomes was inbounds and disagreed with the call. Although he wasn't exactly wailing about it.
  11. If they are so concerned about terrible officiating, which they appear to be, then they should complain to Goodell about it. He might listen to broadcasters, because he certainly doesn't listen to fans.
  12. Especially when you remember that the Bills beat the Chiefs on the road last year.
  13. Tirico & Collinsworth will not let this phantom penalty on the Hail Mary pass go. Sheesh!
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