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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. Off to my Bills bar. Enough talking, now is the time to go out there and dominate! We know what you can do, now do it! GO BILLS!!!
  2. Damn! I was so hoping that this would fail. I listened to the game on the radio. Not willing to give the NFL a penny in this rip-off of the fans.
  3. Theoretically, that could happen, but doubtful it does.
  4. I've never watched his show, but I'm tired of him on College Gameday. He is the biggest kiss-up to the home crowd of wherever they go. Such a tool.
  5. Martin is a great Punter? I give him credit for the Monthly recognition he's earned, but let's not pretend that he's been doing this good all season. He's been serviceable, and I think the Bills can do better at this position going into the future. Bringing in another Punter next year in training camp vis free agency or the draft is not a bad idea. Martin is also 33, bringing in a younger and less expensive player would make sense too.
  6. They can bring anyone they want. Are you completely against giving Araiza a second chance?
  7. What harm could it do bringing Araiza back for training camp?
  8. Annoying, but not dangerous. No one should be afraid of a Vrabel coached team.
  9. Commercial free. Yeah, right. There were no paid ads, but we had to listen to Mike Tirico constantly plug upcoming events exclusively on NBC. It's not like we were watching players on the sidelines and seeing the fans in the stands during this "commercial free" period. As for the Chiefs-Dolphins game, I'm not even going to watch. I'm not downloading the app, I don't care how cheap it is. The NFL gets enough money from us. The playoffs should be on network television. If I breakdown and have to absolutely know how the game is going, then I'll listen to it on the radio.
  10. Jim Harbaugh & the Michigan Wolverines ended Nick Saban's career!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
  11. I've been wondering this too. Was there an injured player at the end of the play?
  12. Sounds like we have a new candidate for a Bildo toss in Orchard Park next year, except that this guy will enjoy it.
  13. This is the worst game I have seen him play all year. Stunning. GO BLUE!!! NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!
  14. Those tickets can still be purchased by other Bills fans.
  15. What if we go with Joseph and bench Poona Ford?
  16. We have to show up the same way the Cardinals did against the Steelers.
  17. That's different than criticizing him over every single play he does.
  18. Maybe he gets a deal that Zay Jones got from the Jaguars?
  19. I've been there for a game, it gets very loud. Impressive for an open air stadium.
  20. Which is why the Bills defensive performance in the second half was even more impressive. Even though Tagavailoa was never sacked, the scheme the Bills defense played worked effectively with good tackling, recognition, and pass break-ups.
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