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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Or be tricked via text: Bills: Our friend Doug made THOUSANDS/MONTH doing almost nothing!!! Emailing PRON at work, chilling on his bosses YACHT! Getting crazy haircuts! CLICK HERE if you are interested!!! Rooney Candidate: Who is this? How'd you get my #? Bills: We're sorry, this interview is over.
  2. I sure hope so, but that's all it is, hope. It was 3 years ago, and for the record, Tyrod only played in 1 game that year and had no passing or rushing attempts, as far as I could tell.
  3. Thanks John, this post does a great job of summing up my concerns. What happens when/if Dennison finds out that TT can't/won't throw the ball to a receiver in stride or go to a second read? To me, how they handle TT, especially in regard to moving the pocket to open up throwing lanes and getting him to take a few chances is what's going to dictate how this season pans out. This place will explode if we take 1 step forward on D and 2 steps back on O. Like Confucius said, the eternal pessimist is the only man every truly pleasantly surprised.
  4. I was just thinking about the great mistake that the collective fanbase made when Rex was hired, and how we all assumed that our defense would be equal or better than it was in 2014 with him at the helm. This has me reasonably concerned that we are making the same mistake with the offense, assuming that TT and Co will be able to run Dennison's offense nearly as efficiently as they were able to run the Roman/Lynn offense. Where do you think that our offense ends up in the standings this year?
  5. I had no idea right until the end, lol. But if it makes you feel better I was recently reading a very loooong book, and about 80% of the way through I was telling my old man about it and he said "isn't that the one that turns out it was the sherriff who was killing everyone?"
  6. Don't you mean we were excepting it? Sorry, couldn't help it. But for the record, this thread was already off the track when the OP created it.
  7. LOLz, anyone else see what he did here?
  8. Nice, would also have accepted "Mcfiftyfirstdates"
  9. still would be a nice change of pace for Shady.
  10. Maybe read the whole thread instead of just the first post.
  11. I love that movie.BARNAKY?!?! HE OWES ME MONEY!!!
  12. Or maybe someone who has short term memory loss?
  13. Bruce Willis WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME!!!
  14. I like it, its like calling the fat guy "slim"
  15. I guess it depends who you were talking to, if you were one of these guys who bought the helmet, you'd probably be legitimately upset. On a separate note, does anyone want to buy an authentic game worn Tayrod Tyler jersey?
  16. Look at the context from this article: "On April 27, 2010, Manning sent an email to Giants head equipment manager Joe Skiba asking for "two helmets that can pass as game used." The email was initiated after Manning was sent a note by Alan Zucker, his marketing agent throughout his career, to come up with some equipment to satisfy his obligation to provide such materials to sports memorabilia company Steiner Sports." My guess is that Eli's camp is going to issue the following statement: "Eli wanted the equipment manager to find 2 (of his many) actual game used helmets that were scuffed up enough to look 'game used', so that the buyers would have a more authentic piece of memorabilia. Any lack of clarity in the message can be attributed to the below:
  17. Sorry, its taken. Stii available are:Chest LaRue Busty St. Claire Hercules Q Rockefeller
  18. I read it (a long time ago) and I remember them obsessing over Youkilis for half the book, God of Walks, or something like that. OPS was the super-stat, if I remember correctly, and the key was valuing players by sabremetrics over old fashioned stats. Good read.
  19. No worries, I've been saving cereal box tops. The formula goes: 15 free agents lost - 17 free agents gained - 2 net comp pick loss then: 7,743 box tops x 0.0004 box top to comp pick conversion ratio 3.0972 box top - 2 net comp pick loss SAM DARNOLD We're back in the black, baby!
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