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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. When Schwartz got signed awhile back I was initially in "aww shucks" mode. ...I am back in aww shucks mode right now.
  2. I absolutely love this team and have for a half century. and I am almost cartoonish in my belief in them. but I refuse to close my eyes about who they are and where they are going until they actually win it all.
  3. I like him a lot...but I 100% agree with you. More was needed. It wasn't there...it just honestly wasn't there and not even close.
  4. Boy, I am sorry I don't have anyone in mind...but just a good, reasonably aged Olinemen that is plug and play. A real, live plug and play and not a, "YES, he's awesome, we sure...oh wait...wow...eww...ok...well," player.
  5. I am no being sarcastic...nothing with respect to the Rams and a 35 year old Matt Stafford coming off an injury? They are staying put...not even drafting ( and yes I know they have no picks, but that is also my point)?
  6. Stamp, Amen. How many times do we have to say this? Why is this even a point of contention with anybody on this subject?! Scratch out any dates. The years don't matter. The stat reference should essentially be in any given year, "Josh Allen, QB. Thousand yard receivers: Stephon Diggs and ____________."
  7. The actions of him, chargeable or not, provable to the degree that they were explained or not, we’re terrible, either way. The thing is what was the big picture? …we were all, including the Bills, listening to and literally doing determinations and making decisions by the soap boxing of attorneys….zealous advocates on behalf of their client. (paraphrasing what was expressed): we didn’t want any of this we wanted this settled we tried to talk to the bills our hands were forced all we wanted was an apology
  8. Turk, I absolutely hear you, brother, and that is part of the point.
  9. Poor Giants and their fans. Those 60-75 (or even more) receptions are going to be a noose around their necks. A panic decision by them at $870,000. I know, I know, I know. I'll apologize now. "We had so many good receiver in front of him," "if he were that good he would have proved it on the field," "he couldn't block or play special teams," "yada, yada, yada." "They Bills know way more than us, and we are just stupid plebes." "Don't question The Process." "They've been here since 2017 and you've only been following the team for half century." "You are going to die without seeing them ever win a Super Bowl and that is completely OK." "We Jack***es coming in with 🙄 emojis in response to this post have it all together and know how wrong you are, because even though what you are saying actually happened and is frustrating, the contrary result is better for us in the long run because [insert stupid reason here]." "I would take you more seriously if you didn't [insert grammar or punctuation error here]." "Eat at Joe's, because the chili really isn't that bad." "The best thing we could have ever done was get Lamonica off this team." OK, OK, there...are we good? I will eat at Joe's.
  10. Blank Stare, it was definitely a scummy situation by him and a crime if the young woman and her attorneys are to be believed. HOWEVER, everything we saw in the lead up to him being cut. Everything made it seem like that at the very least this guy was getting charged with something. Crazy that he wasn't. A friend of mine stated the obvious, "well it is tough to prove," and I don't disagree. ...but man, the guy didn't even get charged. What does that say about either what we were told, who was telling it, and how the guy was deemed guilty before even getting out of the gate? What was definitely on him is that something was up and he knew about it at the time of the draft and should he should have been forward about it with teams (I believe...I could be wrong, that a continuing investigation was taking place...please correct me if I am wrong). Did the Bills know? Should they have known? Man...
  11. The Eagles rebuilt and kept building. We got an MVP worthy QB and seemingly since have been “tweaking things,” other than laurel resting on what have been quality late round picks. …and when we try and say we are “always looking to improve at positions” it never applies to coaches (continuity my ass, when it comes to things not working it doesn’t apply). I’m sorry, I just feel like we are so far away. Go Bills.
  12. I love Serena…however, not really an authority on teamwork.
  13. A really good Oline sure does make things look easy.
  14. I'm so sorry, Malazan. My mom passed away on New Year's Eve a little more than 20 years ago. She died slowly and suffered from cancer. Some people like to compare, which is easier, slow or quick? ...neither...all we know is that the beautiful women who gave us life are gone. Peace, and I know you carry here with you every day. She knows that, too.
  15. 😂 Go home, Billl. You've achieved a lot today and there is no reason to over do it, or wreck your stock value.
  16. 11-6, but if things fall into place, 12-5. I believe either Miami or the jets will compete for the division and I hope we eeck it out, even at 11-6.
  17. Oh man, 1oneman, I am so with you on that. Dude check your watch right now…honestly the game is 50 hours away. That or I have the slowest watch on planet earth. I’ll have grandkids before 3 pm. Baby step to 3 o’clock. Baby steps to 3 o’clock.
  18. I’ll state what I have stated numerous times recently and I am someone who likes the Niners. The best team the Niners beat all year…is the Chargers…on November 13th.
  19. Your handful of words, JR, are 100% what this all comes down to. See, UK! They do it all! Hot or cold, rain or shine.
  20. please forgive me, but I slept like a baby. I’m not being arrogant, or cocky. I worry about every game, but honestly just not last week and not today. Doesn’t mean we are a lock to win, but the game just doesn’t worry me.
  21. Additionally, a lot of Talking Heads have been bringing up the fact of Josh’s shortcomings on our offense. Whether they be turnovers, or him being confused by defenses, or otherwise. However, why in the world is no one talking about the problems the bills offense causes for a defense? Like what the heck are the bills gonna do? Are they gonna run? They do that really well. Are they gonna pass? They do that really well. Are they gonna drop bombs on you? They do that really well. are they going to use their tight end a lot? They do that really well, too. Oh, I’m sorry I can’t believe I forgot… Is their quarterback gonna take off and be a running threat?! What is this offense going to be today? Almost what the hell difference does it make because they are successful at everything. Sorry it F’s with your “offensive identity politics” narrative, NFL, but that is your problem…in more ways than 1 as listed above.
  22. i can complain all I want in my other post, but… … …yeah, I think she’s pretty good looking.
  23. He was a project. Everyone said he was a project, even Kiper who loved the pick. He was supposed to sit for 1 year. Everyone expected him to sit for 1 year, even Kiper who loved the pick. …he sat for about 15 minutes in career game 1. Looking back no one ever brings that up except us.
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