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Donuts and Doritos

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Everything posted by Donuts and Doritos

  1. Already a thread on this. Please merge.
  2. If they stop to do this for every piece of steel they install, this is going to take forever. (Chop, Chop. Time is $ people)
  3. To be fair, Buffalo was among the top teams in the NFL prior to Brady too. 2022: Buffalo Bills players catch rates among the highest in the league https://buffalowdown.com/posts/buffalo-bills-players-catch-rates-highest-league-01hfwshwqnt6 Gabe Davis has the lowest catch % in the league. Though he's hardly the only culprit. (McKenzie used to have a bunch of drops too). Shakir meanwhile had the best catch % in the league this year. Maybe it's on having better receivers. I wonder if Josh throws the ball harder than other QBs & it makes it harder to catch? (No basis to rely on for this, just a question). I agree it's a problem that needs to get fixed, just seems like a bigger problem than Brady.
  4. https://www.nfl.com/news/2024-senior-bowl-day-1-standouts-wrs-ladd-mcconkey-roman-wilson-separating-from-pack
  5. Yep. Don't care. Won't watch this NFL rerun (If a tree falls in the woods & I'm not there, what the F do I care if it makes a sound). I'm on to the draft & 2024 season.
  6. Good! Now let's fill out the position coaches quickly & go get a WR1
  7. And while we're at it, let's get Tom Brady to be our new QB Coach. I'm sure he too has no better options like commentating for a gazillion dollars.
  8. Its when its the same 1 over & over that the 31 others really start to get ill tempered.
  9. Ralph was a part owner of the Lions before starting the Bills... 🤔
  10. So sick of KC & Taylor Swift. But the thought of Brock Purdy winning a SB before Josh.
  11. Topic for analysis of 2024 draft class at WR & discuss who would be available & a fit for the Bills.
  12. Every fan base has some bad apples. That doesn't represent everyone. You left out the part where fans donated over $7,000 to Bass's charity after the loss to support him. No other fan base gives back and turns heartbreaking into heartwarming like the Mafia. Make sure to tell your friends and coworkers that. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-fans-donate-to-cat-rescue-shelter-to-support-tyler-bass-following-missed-field-goal-in-playoff-loss/
  13. And, there's the Fire McD Topic #14 we've all been waiting for.
  14. Kind of like the comment Nannie's - don't like it don't read it. Since Sunday these are the fire McD topics: 1. McDermott excuses valid but concerning 2. Can we afford Bill Belichick 3. What realistic coaching changes do you expect? 4. Harbaugh to Bills (would it work?) 5. Would Belichick be a good fit here? (Merged) 6. So we're firing McD, right? 7. Why can't McD win with all this? 8. McDermott will scape goat himself using injuries as an excuse. 9. Buffalo (McDermott) & Syracuse (Barbers). (Merged) 10. If we get a new head coach, would we make the playoffs? (Merged) 11. Do we go after Jon Harbaugh l, we he consider Buffalo? (Merged) 12. Playoffs under McDermott. This is the 13th repackaged fire McD topic. Getting kind of hard not to read it. But you're probably right, it's not overkill, don't comment on beating the dead horse until we reach topic 50.
  15. McD was the D coordinator this year, Leslie was DC on those others. Putting things in perspective means taking into account the injuries, you can't ignore them. It also means taking into account all of this season not just the last game. He got them to the playoffs, there were points his banged up D was better than our healthy O. There was a marked difference between what the D did when healthy & what it did after loosing players the last 2 games leading up to KC. & Bill Belichick would be a disaster here. He would demand to be GM too, so Beane would be out, & that's an incredibly mediocre roster he built in NE. He doesn't do mobile QBs who invent on the fly. Josh would love having his wings clipped by that guy. McD may ultimately have to go, but after the job he did w/ the D this year as a whole, he gets another year (no way Pegula will fire him right now) & not a hope in hell it'll be for Belichick. After next year maybe they'll move on for McD, if so I would hope they'd go w/ a young OC minded head coach (somehow I suspect McD gets more than next year from Pegula though).
  16. Literally the only players that can't be touched are: Allen Kincaid Shakir Cook Bernard Milano Oliver Taron Johnson O-line minus Mitch Morse Literally anyone else can be traded or replaced & I'm fine with it (that includes Morse). Build around those players I mentioned. Get younger, healthier & cheaper. Rebuild, reload and open a new window. Blow up & rebuild the WR Corp (except Shakir), Safeties, D-line and build the depth at LB, CB. The goal should be to build a bully on offense. New philosophy, make them score to keep up w/ us. Lean in to Josh Allen. Give him all the weapons.
  17. WR & if not that, then a WR, or a WR. Better be a really good WR. Watch they're going to take DL just to F w/ us. GD it!!!
  18. "I hope it's a fortune Clark" - (Cousin Eddy Xmas Vacation)
  19. Philly said the same thing about Andy Reid. I'm not saying McD is the guy or that his seat shouldn't be hot. But he did a better job w/ that shell of a D than most would have. & We won't win w/ some of the players we've got no matter who the HC is. There's no legit WR-1 to help Allen on this team. Diggs is a WR-2. You're 100% right we are wasting Allen's prime, that WR Corp only has Shakir as a reliable weapon for him. We've got Kincaid & Cook, but we need more/better deep threat weapons so when he unleashes that cannon someone actually catches the GD ball.
  20. He took a D missing tons of key players and back ups & went on a 5 game winning streak. Absolutely Josh deserves credit. But there were times in those games the O fell asleep, Josh had turnovers, & the D held it together. They had no business doing as well on D as they did w/ those injuries, they even won the turnover battle in those games. He also made the right call replacing Dorsey w/ Brady. Yesterday the injuries on D, which got way worse in the Pittsburgh game came home to roost. McD isn't perfect but if you don't see how good he coached that D, it's bc you don't want to. It wasn't McD missing kicks, dropping passes, missing blocks or throws or tackles, that's the players. Yesterday's loss was the Jimmys & Joes not the Xs & Os.
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