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Eastport bills

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Everything posted by Eastport bills

  1. Allen reverted to rookie Josh in the 2nd half. The Steelers overwhelmed our O-line and smothered Josh on QB draws. If our playcalling doesn't slow down good D-lines with a decent running game Josh is going to be physically under major duress. That offensive game plan was sad. Why was Josh in empty all 2nd half. Wasn't it obvious we couldn't hold their rush long enough to allow these long patterns to get separation. Josh looked confused and his decisions were questionable. All these teams have prepared for Josh running on short yardage. We need the perception of a run game.
  2. So Star opted out last year in fear of Covid. Now he is back, unvaccinated and not practicing. Forget the vaccinated issue for now. Is this guy a waste of a roster spot.He needs to be available or go away.
  3. Listen Hapless, Josh will slide and get down to avoid punishment. I'm talking about low hits, late hits and head shots. Try and hurt our guy and take him out, the O-line will have to do what's necessary. The Steelers should be ready to deal with physicality.
  4. Anyone tries to injure Josh must be made an example of. All bets are off especially with a piece of excrement who threatens a great player and a great person like Josh.
  5. They'll get snaps but it's a rotation. A fresh Hughes and a fired up Addison looking to change perception after underachieving is also something to look forward to. All in all the Bills front vs the Pitt O-line is a mismatch on paper. Big Ben should be ready for punishment.
  6. You're dismissing the human element of competing against the best in the sport. It’s the motivation factor. Have you played competitive sports?
  7. You'd be surprised how many players know what the ex-players say about them on 24/7 NFL news cycles. These shows help form public opinions with fans. Endorsements come from the public's jersey consumption and social media involvement.
  8. This is always bad karma when these shiftless noaccounts start making headlines with prognostications. The Bills will be must see TV, but it's better when expectations are lower. Now teams will circle the date when they play us and figure their reputations will be made beating us. These SB pickers didn't do us any favors.
  9. The idea of picking the Bills before seeing them in a real game is sweet and popular with Bills fans.If they stay healthy they should make the playoffs. Can we see how teams on their schedule come out of the gates before putting them in the SB.
  10. I'm confident the Bills will score enough to win most of their games. The question for me is can our defense hold elite offenses ,(ie. KC,Bucs,Colts,Titans, even NE,) under 24. That will be the difference between 14 vs 11 or 12 wins. If I had to predict, we win 13 games. I think KC, Bucs and NE once , with an unforeseen clunker.
  11. But my biggest issue with him is his holier than thou attitude with the anti-Buffalo rants. The guy is a fan with a paste on goatee.
  12. Nick Wright has been given the license to be silly and make imbelic prognostications in the interests of being controversial. He should be dismissed by all rational observers.
  13. Sorry, being a fan is commendable, but reality must be a consideration. Kelly was great and accomplished a lot, but in the biggest moments, he fell a little short. Brady came up big in more post season games than anyone in history.
  14. Not disputing her rights,but at the same time, in 30years if the evidence is substantial, CB ha the right to be presumed innocent
  15. With all respect and compassion for victims of sexual abuse, after 30 years to file a complaint against an ex ballplayer to extract a monetary award is a little much. To pile on this guy because he had a previous conviction is just the wrong precedent to set. He should be given the presumption of innocence until overwhelmingly evidence is presented. Why would any victim bury something that was so damaging for 30 years? These exfootball players are easy targets.
  16. With all due respect and compassion for any victims of sexual abuse, filing a complaint aft
  17. Of course, I speak to him every day. He knows he's toast if he's pedestrian this year.
  18. Knox is like the little girl with the curl. He can be spectacular and then inexplicably drop wide open passes or miss a block that blows up a play. Why are constantly trying to get a more consistent TE for either down field production or better blocking. I'm rooting for Knox to realize his potential.
  19. Until he makes crucial plays and stops the critical drops and missed blocks, he's on probation.
  20. This is a move that doesn't make sense unless he's coming back. Knox has ability but will break your heart with untimely drops. Gilliam is a blocker and short yardage diversion. Hollister was one of Josh's favorite targets at Wyoming and was a contributor on a good Seattle team. If the reason was they thought Sweeney could bring more, I'd go with experience on a SB contender.
  21. Josh reminds me of the awe inspiring QB play of the 1990 KGun Kelly. The ball comes out so fast with such command of how to move against any defense. Factor in the run threat and the fact that his freakish arm strength can fit balls in the tightest of windows and you have something very dynamic.
  22. A team player. Common sense move. The league will squeeze these unvaxed players and make their lives miserable. As a fan, I applaud McKenzie.
  23. This position has a dark cloud hanging over it. Star is a potential Covid protocols problem. Phillips has a knee injury and Boogie might profile more as an edge guy. That leaves Zimmer and Ankou with Butler, who they were looking to offload. Not my idea of positional strength. If we have problems stopping solid running attacks, Beane's inability to bring in a Dtackle will be the reason.
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