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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. Do you work at the airport and do fans showing up make that work harder? Otherwise, I really wouldn't sweat it. Coolness factor or not Actually a plant from the No Fun League.... No!
  2. The whole page refresh thing kinda lost it's charm after 10 times. But I got my vote(s) in!
  3. Ryan Bates Matt Breida Cody Ford Taiwan Jones Tommy Sweeney Wait, did you say TOP 5 ??
  4. Everyone will have their stop watches going for punts on Sunday now. We REALLY need some more analytics on this one!!! Like pronto! Really. 🤪 Did he hold for placekicks tho?
  5. Adapt and overcome. That's what the great QBs do. I'd like to think that Daboll and Josh will get that into their heads here and when teams dare them to run, then run it down their throats! That also has the benefit of opening up play action if the D adjusts.
  6. Glad they finally ditched Gronk. He was awful
  7. Peyton would talk non-stop if folks let him.
  8. I like that Josh is hard on himself - that's always a recipe for improvement, but there also comes a point where you can take that too far to a place where it isn't helpful. Hope he can find the sweet spot in there somewhere...
  9. Well as long as the new guy has his head in a good space, I guess that's all that matters.
  10. Agreed! Here's hoping the gamble pays off. So far so good... Call me an old softy but I still like putting a beat down on the Phins- however we do it!
  11. I guess McD has to balance what he wants to teach them to have in his back pocket and how long it'll take to teach them new tricks - and do it effectively. The risk will always be, too much experimentation that doesn't always go as planned, might lose you some games early on that you need for those prime playoff seeds.
  12. Not sure I'd put Spain's time up against Williams. Two different guys, and there are always factors we aren't always privy too - either business oriented or personal that go into those kind of switches. Look if he sucks it up big time, then yeah maybe it'll be time to give someone else a shot. I'm just not there yet.
  13. Fair enough. Yes, rookies start all the time and it is definitely a league of what have you done for me lately... But I'd still like to see if his performance thru TWO games is the start of a trend or just 2 bad games. Considering his body of work over ALL of last season I think buys him a little more rope. We'll see if he hangs himself on it - or pulls up his play to what we got used to last year....
  14. I could be absolutely wrong and it was just an opponent-specific plan to rush from the secondary early on, but also wouldn't surprise me if they're throwing in a bunch of plays like that to make sure they get seen on tape - to possibly confuse some of the younger, less experienced QBs they'll see this year. Just a theory. I'm starting to think as well, that McD's teams take about a half season to really get everything figured out and then really hit the gas. We shall see of course... Thanks as always for sharing your thoughts!
  15. -1, -2, -3.... Always good to kick the tires at the few areas where we don't have a lot of depth.
  16. He may be, but now we've got some tape on him. I think the defense will be able to rattle him into some mistakes....
  17. What could possibly go wrong on THAT video shoot? "Experience" = LOTS of alcohol.
  18. With gobs of pressure right in his face. Thought Brissett did a good job too - especially given how few reps he probably got this past week.
  19. Kind of hard to believe this was so concerning it required a post....
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