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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. I suspect this thread is headed towards another "pause" shortly....
  2. There's a difference between a mandate for the general public (at any level) and a mandate as a term of employment (military of private sector). Conditions of employment can change (and they often do) based on changing circumstances. It's not unprecedented.
  3. Darn details and facts. Funny how they always get in the way..... It's just so much more fun to just yell "I'm gonna sue!" Oy
  4. Probably the most important question in response to the OP's take is.... Does Mitch have ANY experience holding for punts??? If he does, maybe it's something to consider, but doubt the coaches really want him spending valuable practice time working with special teams.
  5. For the folks who have done their part to help quell a PUBLIC health issue, not a PERSONAL choice issue, but a public one that affects everyone, this comes as an "about time" announcement. Empathy and understanding for folks that don't want to to get the jab, let alone go see the Bills in person, is loooong gone my friends. Sorry folks, but for all the pain covid continues to cause (physical and financial) this is just the way it's gotta go. You can hate whatever organization or entity you want but the VAST majority of folks know it's the right thing to do. I applaud OBD on this one. Honor systems are a joke. I for one WANT to see fans in the stands - just not having to worry about a ton of them getting sick! Went to a concert down in DC recently where you had to show proof of vaccination to get in and still wear a mask while inside (city order). You know what happened? Everyone still had a freakin' awesome time!!! No issues, no worries, no complaining, no fuss. I'm sure I'll get lots of snarky responses, but you know what? Don't. Care. Go Bills!!!!
  6. Clearly the fans were stuck in preseason form here as well. We ALL need to step up our games and stop making the silly mistakes that fans make that clearly cost the team on the field. C'mon guys - get with it!!!! 😉
  7. It was my fault. I was supposed to fly back home to upstate NY from DC on Sunday morning but the flight was cancelled at the last minute with no other flights until late at night, so rented a car one way and drove home in 6 hours getting updates on my phone the whole way - not the safest thing to do I might add. But more importantly I wasn't there to fly my Bills flag from the front porch (which I do EVERY game day). So sorry, this one's on me. I won't let it happen again!
  8. Maybe we just need to understand that Josh is going to have a bad game here and there. ALL - and I mean ALL QBs have 'em. Just sucks that it was on opening day for sure, but it's unreasonable to think he'll never make any mistakes and play error free though out the season. If he starts stringing together a bunch of bad games, THEN I'll start to get concerned. I suspect we'll see a better Josh against the Fins next week....
  9. Absolutely!!! I am VERY aware of that these days as well. When I see most other QBs passes, they just look slower - even when you can tell they're trying to throw hard. Some folks call it arm arrogance - whatever - I call it Awesome!!! So much fun to watch! 100% Agree! That's his killer desire-to-win attitude.
  10. I don't know why, but this pic from the Diggs-14 website made me chuckle.
  11. Better be good stuff - or he'll get run out of town for sure!! 🤪
  12. You are TRULY a diehard!! 👍 But sadly, the answer is No. 🙁
  13. Here's a group of 7 with the ranking being more obvious. Can't imagine it would be too hard to drop 1 rank, but also figure the HOF icon could stand alone being a bit different.
  14. Bubble wrap, armed guards, and a teams of doctors standing by in case they so much as cough!
  15. Texans are like... "what is that? Sounds like a phone, but where did we put it? Ok, where did the phone go??!" Their brass will even manage to screw this one up too.
  16. Or Really crappy luck. There always seems to be at LEAST one team that just gets decimated by injuries all season long. Might just be the Raven's turn....
  17. Yeah, but it's great for fantasy owners of Mark Andrews. Like ME!!!!
  18. I hear a hurricane is coming down from Canada....
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