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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. Fixed. The Kelly era Bills had a better OL, several excellent blocking TEs, big powerful Fullbacks, and Thurman Thomas backed up by Kenny Davis. We could run when we wanted to run.
  2. Could be the elbow. I also believe that teams have figured out our passing game. Double Diggs, put CB1 on Davis - we don't get enough out of WR3 (we miss the Beasley of 2-3 years ago), sometimes we ignore the TE, sometimes Allen goes deep and ignores the RB in the passing game. Throwing shorter and spreading the ball out to more players should help set up the bigger plays. Josh needs to be patient.
  3. Dan Darragh was not very good at all. You may be thinking of Dennis Shaw, who was the offensive rookie of the year 1970, he was mediocre after that. Darragh SUMMARY Games 17 Cmp% 42.9 Yds 1353 Y/A 4.6 TD 4 Int 22
  4. Not a thing at all. Diggs has passion to win which is great. He exercised self control when talking to McDernmott. Just the media being dramatic.
  5. It is all about the W and we got it without relying on Allen to gain 95% of the yards. Allen gets a break and no turnovers. We out rushed Cleveland and they out passed us, so that was interesting and unexpected. Bills Mafia assisted player travel to the airport making a nice side story. Game balls to Bass, Milano, Poyer, Singletary and Cook. This was a rough week with injuries, sickness, missed practices, extreme weather, and a crazy trip to the airport to play our home game on the road. They started slow but they persevered and they can build on it. One complaint was the uneven officiating. I don't know what defensive pass interference is anymore. On to Detroit again next week The team will get some rest and will likely get very little practice due to the Thursday game.
  6. Pretty much all nickel with exception of short yardage packages.
  7. True, but Mahomes has been to the SB and has a ring. No players make every play every time. We have a hard time seeing errors with Allen because he is so damn good most of the time and such a stand up guy that puts it on his shoulders. Without him we are a .500 team.
  8. I think he stopped because he ran the play and Josh missed him when he had the inside step on the CB - but you need to ask Davis that question. Maybe he should have kept running regardless? To me Davis was not getting good separation on a lot of plays. He is looking more like a #3, not a #2 in the past few weeks. To my eyes, McKenzie is definitely not looking like a #3 and he makes a lot of mental errors. Maybe our receiver talent was a bit overrated, and team know how to defend us? We can blame the wide receivers on all the plays that don't work but I don't think that is correct. Josh missed a lot of throws.
  9. He is a great player. Best player on the team, one of the best in the league - OK. He is clutch in some moments and not so clutch in other moments. Like the past two Sundays.
  10. It was a bad pass no doubt. More than that, given that it was not fourth down, it has to go down as another very bad decision. We all hate to say bad things about Josh because he is the franchise, lots of people look to blame other players with "what ifs" - but the reality is he is not yet a clutch performer. Maybe he will be someday? Right now, he still tends to make erratic and desperate plays when he does not have to. Our team record is close games bears this out.
  11. Learning on the fly. First it was McDermott, now Dorsey. Certainly, Dorsey is bright guy and a hard worker. The 2nd half performance in the past 3 weeks are a big concern and Dorsey is the man in charge of the offense, so he is the guy on the hot seat. We need something more than Allen pass and Allen run. As far as the lack of a consistent running game, I look at the interior OL and see a bunch of mediocre players.
  12. New sport coat? That is funny. Did you ever see Wawrow? He is a disheveled guy. Doubt he owns a sports coat. He probably does know something's that would surprise us, but his twitter stunt is just looking for more clicks.
  13. Allen missed a briefly open Davis. He got the ball out late and it was behind him. All on Allen. Mostly we had a lot of poorly designed routes that were well covered. McKenzie actually brought more coverage onto Davis because of the route he ran. All this talk about what Davis could have done and should have done is garbage. Once they blew up the screen the Vikes played it by betting we would be impatient and go for the TD and they covered it. In the second half, once we reached the red zone they took away the end zone; it was not like they covered us on one play and got lucky - they knew what to do on multiple red zone plays because we do the same things. They never had to think about the run, or check downs.
  14. Fourth and 2, how about calling a play that has receiving options to get either a TD or the first down? Allen got out of the pocket and there was no one to dump the ball to. I cannot describe how bad that play call was is in that situation. Once we got to 2nd and 2 none of the plays they called worked. Allen had a few tight window low percentage chances but for the most part the Vikes covered everything. They blew up the screen on 2nd down and covered the endzone in 3rd and 4th, even though we needed only 2 yard to get more chances. The book is out on Buffalo. The Vikes never even considered a run play other than containing Allen behind the line of scrimmage. The fact they never tried to get the 2 yards and keep the clock moving tell us a lot about them. Same for the final drive which ended due to a lack of patience on 2nd down. This is a repeat of the Jets and GB second half. The difference since the break is that we are not taking what is given. Dorsey is calling a garbage game, especially after halftime adjustments. The stockpiling of RB's made no sense when we did not even try to establish a running game, even when we had a two score lead. It appears that we trusted this season to a rookie OC and that may be a mistake. McD should get more involved with the offense because Dorsey is a bit over his head right now. I dread the Cleveland game if we have to play in wind, rain and snow.
  15. Bringing in Riech at mid- season, or anyone else for that matter, would be one of the worst moves ever and could only create problems and confusion. Beasley and Sanders? they are both old and finished. Why not push for Lofton and Reed, that is just as likely to happen If Riech ever does come to Buffalo it is for McD's job, not Dorsey's. The only thing here that it is not outlandish is OBJ.
  16. Thanks for the replays. Looks like the book on Allen is getting written these past few weeks. The 2nd and 2 broken play and toss into the ground is why we need to try to run at least a little more. Why was 26 not in there? Maybe Allen hangs in there and runs over to his left end. If the defender stays on Knox, Allen has a run for the sideline, and he picks up the first down. If the defender leaves Knox then he can get open. I am surprised that Allen threw it away so quickly and never let anything else develop. The 3rd and 2 play required Josh to hit Davis in stride and immediately - instead he waited too long. Knox was getting open in the right corner, would have been a safe play. Allen was locked onto the middle of the field. The 4th and 2 play was covered the whole way and never a threat. The D never worried about a run. Allen was flushed out of the pocket and was contained behind the line of scrimmage. The one-dimensional offense fails, even with an elite QB. No runs. No RPO's. No play was even designed to get the ball to Diggs, our most reliable weapon.
  17. Great all white uni's in white snow, our QB will have trouble seeing receivers down the field. A snowy game helps Cleveland. They have Chubb, we can't or won't run.
  18. We could have run or passed for 2 yards on second, third, or even fourth down. But for some reason we don't take what is there. Is Dorsey telling him to go for 6 at all costs, or is it Allen? It is low percentage losing football. One of many tactical errors that we keep seeing the past few weeks.
  19. Agree. You take the 3 and make them score two TDs. We get the ball back in between those possessions and another 3 wins it. What hurts is we didn't even try to get the 2 yards on 3rd or 4th down, keep the drive alive and chew more clock. We lucked out that they missed the extra point.
  20. No sense in arguing this, we all "hear things". If the problem is contracts, then that could be the price of success and Beane has to take care of it. With a salary cap, not everyone is going to get the big payday. All that other stuff (Araiza, Beasley, even Daboll,) are distractions from the past and they are not part of this roster. I have read Warrow's postings here and in SabreSpace. I don't know why he would bother to post on fan forums when he always seems to let other posters rile him up, and then he disappears. I feel his tweet was unprofessional, especially given the position he carries in the Bills media. Not a fan of his.
  21. Morse and our guards are pretty week when it comes to getting a push on a play like that. You just knew the middle would be stacked and they would cave. The Vikings were looking for the sneak. The play I like best is put to a FB in the backfield to sell the dive up the middle, fake it to him up the middle so that he can help stem the flow on the Interior OL, Allen rolls right for the RPO - Allen could run or pass if it is there. We needed about 5 feet to have room to take a knee. The snap is critical, even having Allen taking a safety was a better plan, although I would not design the play to take one without trying to get out first. Taking the safety would be his instruction if the play is a bust. It is such an indictment on the offensive team's preparation that we can't execute these situational plays and secure the game. That falls on McD and Dorsey.
  22. While Poyer did want to renegotiate, even though he is not up for it, the Bills did make a move to improve his incentive clauses. Poyer chose to ride in a car for 17 hours to play against KC when he could have stay home injured. Not the sign of a malcontent. You basically made up everything else - like Diggs' contract, Araiza, Beasley ... all conjecture on your part. You have nothing to support these claims. The only thing that might be realis Daboll and McD maybe not on the same page, but even that is conjecture since Daboll's ultimate goal was to be a HC. Sorry, you are grasping with no facts, you are just throwing things out there. This is why a "journalist" like John Warrow, should either report the whole truth, or nothing at all.
  23. Poyer being unhappy - Poyer was given incentive bonuses because he could not be restructured again. Football is a business. Diggs being unhappy. - Complete fabrication by you. behind the scenes with Zach Moss - He did not perform or fit in with the future plan. Football is a business. Araiza - I doubt anybody on the teams even thinks of a 6th round rookie punter that spent about one month of the summer in camp the teams handling of Beasley - Beasley was a very good player that has reached the end of his playing career. dabol vs. McD - his players were happy to see Daboll get promoted and do well. Allen lobbied for Dorsey. Nothing to see here.
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