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Everything posted by gobills404

  1. I was just gonna say anyone but Tampa, but now I wanna see Green Bay win it all (if the bills don't) cause it'll be funny watching people let Rodgers winning a ring get under their skin.
  2. That's true motivating your defense is a super important trait for a QB. That's makes Brady the goat after all.
  3. Ravens last 5 games with LamaRB: 19.2 ppg Ravens in 5 games with Tyler Huntley and Josh Johnson: 21.6 ppg GTFOH
  4. If any of these backs run a 4.39 at 225 lb I'll take back what I said
  5. There aren't any elite backs in this draft
  6. It's an instinctive response people who prioritize political parties over their own values use when their hypocrisy is pointed out. "Noooo you're not allowed to point out my hypocrisy that's a heckin no good whataboutism. You're only allowed to talk about what I tell you."
  7. Getting bailed out = avoiding consequences. Pretty simple concept that I know you understand but are pretending not to. Do feel the same about anybody whoever said "F**k [insert right wing politician here]"? In before "wHaTaBoUtIsM".
  8. The left will preach about consequences as they try to ruin someone's life for saying mean words, and then donate to bail out rioters and protest to keep black murderers from being executed.
  9. Mac jones and somebody who the media thinks he's way better than
  10. You want 2 rookie tackles, a rookie center, our franchise LT to play guard and a 6'8 310 lb RG? No thanks.
  11. Also made that punk Judon look like a little b***h on this play
  12. Ineligible man downfield goes uncalled 90% of the time. Even the Bills get away with it all the time.
  13. I must've missed the part where he said healthy people aren't capable of catching it. He'll probably be feeling completely normal within a week just like I was.
  14. We're complaining about 7th round picks now?
  15. If you're gonna troll at least come up with better bait than that.
  16. Edmunds actually got off his block and in the gap between 67 and 47 to force the cutback. Both DTs were easily handled 1v1, Epenesa completely lost the edge, Milano got excavated from the play entirely, and Hyde took a terrible angle. Y'all just hate edmunds and your confirmation bias is off the charts.
  17. Giving up 5.7 ypc to the other teams running backs when you know they're gonna run it is embarrassing. If it wasn't for the wind Mac Jones would've been brutally efficient against all the stacked boxes and the pats likely would've scored 30+ just like the titans and Colts.
  18. I think our offense can get back on track this game but I'm worried that Dane Jackson and Wallace are gonna get massacred by Evans and Godwin.
  19. Nobody on the Bills line has significantly improved or become the best version of themselves under Bobby Johnson. Meanwhile Quinton Spain and Teller escaped and have been 2 of the best guards in football this year. It won’t matter who we sign or draft if that bum still has a job here.
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