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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. You should count Diggs because he’s under contract for the Buffalo Bills. Should the Bucs not count Brady or Gronk on their team yet?
  2. But we weren’t worst. We were a playoff caliber team. The Rams were 1 and done the year before they went to the SB. This is the NFL. Every year is different.
  3. Luckily, he didn’t look like he was out of control on that video. However, a Texan football star not being allowed to walk by some local Texas cops is not good either.
  4. Favre played a few more years and made the NFCCG. So how much closer to the end was he than Rodgers? Do you think Rodgers has 5 years left?
  5. ARod was a wasted pick too, I guess. They should have drafted Roddy.
  6. I thought this as well, but then I remembered the 7th seed exists this year. Maybe an 8-8 wild card team? It’s looks like last year the Steelers would have made it as the 7 seed.
  7. The game is stupid dude. It’s a game. Everyone makes the same amount when they pass go in the original. Giving women players more money when they pass go is really stupid. The game sucks. Don’t make the NFL into Ms. Monopoly. That would suck too.
  8. Remember when the Pats got beat by the dominant Broncos in the playoffs, and they drafted Jimmy G in the second? I don’t remember Tommy crying to the media that he wasn’t going to finish his career with the Pats. Rodgers is and always has been a mental midget. He shares a ton of blame for not winning a second SB.
  9. It’s a board game. Who plays games that are made inherently unfair? Also, who would be so deluded to think that giving women players of a board game an advantage for a reason wholly unrelated to the fictional game to correct an injustice is a good idea? Should men get an extra turn at the Game of Life because they die at a far more alarming rate in the work related accidents compared to women? If I was a woman, which I’m not, I would be outright offended that a game with a strictly level playing field, unlike real life, decided to change the rules to give me an unfair advantage. “Sorry you get paid less, but we’ll cheat so you win 12 hour games of Monopoly more!” Nice message being sent. The makers of this game should be embarrassed.
  10. Somehow you don’t seem to understand that Love contributing this year is not the goal. “Love won’t help them win a Super Bowl this year” is not a good argument, it’s a demonstration that you don’t understand longer term investment strategy. No GM makes every move with “how does this win me a Super Bowl this year.”
  11. Oh yes. When you pass go, the women playing the game get $240, males get $200. It’s incredible.
  12. It’s a designation to skirt larger cap hits. Davante Adams wouldn’t start for the Bills?
  13. Post June 1st it is not. I bet they like Love more than you do.
  14. Wow, did anyone else hear about this and maybe fill 7 pages of a topic on it already?
  15. I hear what you’re saying and I agree. I’m just saying if you bring in Cam to a team like the Jets, or the Browns, if Baker/Darnold struggle for the first six games, there will be some pressure to switch QB’s. That doesn’t exist nearly as much with Barkley or Chase.
  16. Fan and internal pressure. Most QB’s aren’t secure enough to get through half of a poor season. Foles is the perfect example. Wentz struggled the next season, Foles had to step in, and the QB controversy was on. Chase Daniels doesn’t bring that with him.
  17. In all seriousness, tying a competitive advantage to social inequality efforts is just stupid in a league which is supposed to promote a fair arena. This is no less dumb than giving higher picks to teams that donate the most to charity, or whose team has the least amount of players arrested in the offseason. It’s just dumb. Regardless if you think the inequality is an issue or not.
  18. Sure. I know you’re talking hypothetically, so am I. His post June 1st hit next offseason is quite reasonable. Cut or trade. I’m not saying their cap hit will be zero, but it’s affordable. We really are treading water still on this lol. I agree with you that it’s really LaFleur vs Rodgers. And we aren’t there behind closed doors. I think there’s an aspect of belief that Rodgers’ talent at this point in time doesn’t excuse his behavior. 5 years ago, LaFleur may have said “okay Aaron, we’ll do what you want.” But at this point in time, that organization is not playing softball with him anymore. Rodgers is closer to an Alex Smith when the Chiefs got Mahomes. They are gambling on their next QB. We will see what happens.
  19. You didn’t see the beating they took in the NFCCG, huh? They weren’t tanking. They are paying Rodgers a zillion dollars. They lost some decent FA’s and signed others to replace them. Rodgers cap hit doesn’t make it easy. So are you telling me they should have drafted Roddy and not Rodgers? They can get out of Rodgers contract next offseason. This is going to be his last year in GB. Rodgers’ play has declined, he is an ass to every coach he’s ever had. He’s already clashing with his new coach, who took a 6 win team to a 13 win team. If you are working in GB, it’s easy to see why they are planning an Aaron Rodgers exit strategy.
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