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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. MLK was the most successful black reformist in history. Lol
  2. They absolutely are. But if we really want progress, you need to try to come to a middle ground. Not destroy the opposition.
  3. No, he doesn’t. Not one person who disagrees with what Brees said anything close to defending his comments. They haven’t expressed that they understand where HE’S coming from. It’s been basically blind rage. There’s this idea in this country that if you have “bad opinions,” rather than come to a middle ground, you should be shouted into the stratosphere. Did Ed Reed calling Drew Brees a “sucka” 15 times change anyone’s mind or do anything positive? No. He’s backpedaling because it’s a good PR move.
  4. I actually disagree with your characterization. Why doesn’t Brees get the benefit of the doubt saying something that he believes, even when it will earn him backlash? Because Malcolm Jenkins disagrees? Also, laugh out loud funny that, “it was a Green Beret’s idea” is a real defense. The “I have a black friend” defense. No one person speaks for everyone. Kaepernick went out of his way to be divisive. He wore the pig socks to practice.
  5. At the same time, Drew has a right to his opinion. His opinion wasn’t hateful or hurtful. More ill-timed than anything. These guys are under a lot of pressure to speak up and use their platform, but we forget they are not MENSA members. But yeah. 100% agree, very stupid. Especially in what could be your final year, this could fracture their locker room.
  6. Of all the dumb things that NFLers have said over the years, I don’t find what Brees said to be particularly egregious. The real problem (for him) is that he pissed off his teammates. He needs a real Rememeber The Titans moment
  7. COVID is over. The cure was something more politically expedient to talk about. We should hold journalists personally responsible for every covid death for not rolling out the cure earlier.
  8. Lol, Trequan is keeping his mouth shut so he can get 200 targets next year.
  9. You legitimately cannot name another young QB. That says it all I think. Wilson is proven, we all know this. I’m not discounting him because he’s great, I’m discounting him because it’s OBVIOUS. He won a Super Bow and played excellent on his rookie deal. Oh wow, he took a 7 win team! Dak took a 4 win team. Talk about the young QB’s currently. Watson is up for extension next year. What do you think about him? Again, the point is that you cannot name a QB that hasn’t won a Super Bowl that you’d pay. So that’s the standard you’re obviously holding Dak too.
  10. Lol I actually agree with Alpha on a lot, but he knows once he mentions Watson and proving championship caliber, I’m going to tear it apart. 31 NFL QB’s don’t win the Super Bowl every year. 20 don’t make the playoffs every year. 4 get bounced in the first round every year. I get it, some folks have expected more out of Dak and the Cowboys. But if one more playoff game is the difference between paying him or not, well that’s just silly.
  11. What bigger games did he not show up for? The reason why I continue to ask the questions is because you are not specific. If they had two playoff wins, do you say pay him? You use Russell Wilson, a guy who won a Super Bowl by his second year, and then vehemently deny that Dak needed to win a Super Bowl to earn an extension. You continue to say these vague things to “prove” Dak isn’t worth an extension, BUT you also refuse to tell me what young QB’s have earned that stamp of championship pedigree approval. I will ask a THIRD time. What young QB’s have proven their championship pedigree? RUSSELL WILSON IS 31. He is on his THIRD contract. He does NOT COUNT. I will give you credit, Alpha. I went back and you were one person who has been incredibly consistent about paying Russ from the jump. Lots of folks in 2015 were saying it was all the talented team around him and you weren’t.
  12. I never said you said he needed to have won a Super Bowl already. Stop taking rhetorical questions as quotes of yours. What expectations are those that they have not met? Like you keep talking about how they haven’t achieved what they should. Give a tangible goal. What young QB’s have proved their championship pedigree to you? Please answer these questions. My personal theory is that you, like many other folks in this thread, WON’T like to answer those questions because your opinions fall apart with cursory examination. Because once you put them into the larger context of the NFL, they are silly.
  13. I’m not sure he thinks it was a mistake. He doesn’t say they shouldn’t have done it. They could have stayed pat at 22 and drafted somebody or traded multiple picks for Diggs. A team happy with their offense would have done option 1. A team desperate to improve their offense would do 2.
  14. What is your definition of “underachieved?” What young QB’s ARE you sold on their championship pedigree? Don’t mention QB’s who have already won Super Bowls. The reason why there is a disconnect is because I guess some of you expected Dak to have won a Super Bowl by now? Or some other lofty standard?
  15. I agree with all of this. But there are some folks in this thread acting like Dak is Jay Cutler and that is just completely off base.
  16. Georgia may lead CFB in playoff losses. Georgia is a good program. They aren’t as good as Alabama. Part of that is their QB hasn’t been as good the last 2 years.
  17. It was one year dude. Peyton Manning went 6-10 his fourth year. I have no idea why so many folks are so quick to write off a dude’s entire body of work because of one down TEAM year. If Josh Allen next year goes 12-4 and wins in the playoffs, then the next year we get unlucky and the the team steps back and Allen continues to play EVEN BETTER, and we miss the postseason, we’d say let this bum walk? I don’t think so.
  18. Andy Dalton has had some good teams. Zero playoff wins. Dak has thrown more TD’s and less INTs than Dalton in the postseason in less games. Dalton’s passer rating in the playoffs is 57. Dak’s is 95. Your opinions are laughably bad, right up to “Josh loves Buffalo and will take much less than market value.” You believe this because he plays for your favorite team.
  19. Allen loves Chippewa! @GunnerBill we got a live one! also a big hearty LOL to the bolded. Andy Dalton has always DOMINATED in the postseason. He’s like Brady combined with Montana. Everyone knows this.
  20. That sounds like it may be on your end. I think most people agree he was a major disappointment at RT. Yes he was a rookie. But he was a highly drafted rookie. This isn’t Seantrel struggling. Ford is barely a step up from Kujo. Who was another bust.
  21. Yeah they love Alabama and LSU because they are good. They used to love Alabama and Georgia when they were good. Where was the LSU love 3 years ago? Bama is loved because they have been good for a decade. They haven’t lost more than 2 games since 2010! I like Jake Fromm. I think that playing against NFL talent in the SEC is probably the best preparation for the league. But don’t be foolish. He’s not anywhere close to Tua’s level and to even argue that is because of “Bama bias” is absurd.
  22. Yeah, you showed Dak’s receivers didn’t drop as many. Does that mean it doesn’t matter? Yeah that sportchart website sucks. Who thought aggregating playoff and regular season stats was a good idea? Lol, the Cowboys offered him $35M per year. Don’t worry.
  23. That website includes playoff games and is irrelevant. Josh was not ninth. PFR has the difference in drop% between the Bills and Dallas at 1%. Buffalo at 7, Dallas at 6. NFL median is around 4.9. So it wasn’t as bad as the Bills, so it doesn’t matter? Cool. I guarantee 90% of the folks espousing on Dak watched two or less Dallas games this year. The dude with 14 career GWD’s in 3 years just doesn’t show composure or lead well. Lol sure.
  24. So Ford kinda sucked last year. And it’s a prediction thread. Do you get it now?
  25. The reason why I think that stat is incorrect is because that website is including playoff and regular season. Which is really stupid.
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