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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Nothing says competence like holding the disgruntled face of your franchise hostage because you screwed everything up trying to trade for (at best) an utter creep.
  2. I get that he's a great player but the multiple teams fawning over this guy (and the NFL in general) is pretty gross. If I were a player it's definitely a guy I wouldn't want to interact with more than I had to.
  3. As others have said, the defensive line has not had a true leader and now we have one in Von Miller. I don't know that Mack would be able to do as well in that regard and you need to give up picks for Mack.
  4. Okay. I'd like you to show me how he's not the player he used to be, which has always been a very effective DE. To be more direct: Where has his game suffered over the years that's a concern for you? I don't see how 17ish million a year is an overpay. It's very similar to Chandler Jones, who is by all metrics around as efficient as Miller. Better yet, show me a player with a similar statline who has gotten paid much less this season. I don't think you're going to find it because this is a very fair market value. "Players make players better". Well I'll say that I hope that's true, because of one of the benefits of having a superstar leader like Miller is that your young DE core gets to learn from one of the best ever.
  5. This reads like you had a few too many beers. You keep talking about how Miller has slowed down/regressed except the numbers don't reflect that, in fact none of the metrics that you associate with DEs say anything like it. What they do say is that he's still a highly effective DE with excellent body control, a great pressure win rate, bend, and someone who needs to be accounted for on the field by offenses. He was much, much more efficient last season (a very down season, according to you) than anyone the Bills had. If you're going to make the claim, back it up with facts. Playing with Donald is not a negative, and it's ridiculous to somehow hold it against him (playing with Darnold is something entirely different). These are poor, low information takes that don't make much sense. You're railing against a contract you're willfully not understanding; you're calling a player bad when the reality he's better than anyone the Bills currently have rostered. It's just silly.
  6. Which is perfect when you look at the rookie deals we have for Basham/Rousseau. As Von Miller slows down these guys should be able to pick up the mantle (assuming development pans out).
  7. It's a good thing the structure of the contract has clear and easy outs for years 4-5-6 with little to no guaranteed money. It's also really easy to go find this information by this point of the news breaking. Also, Chandler Jones is almost the same age as Miller, and by most metrics is not as efficient as Miller. I think you can argue that Jones might be a better asset but it's not nearly as clear cut as you're making it out to be.
  8. This is a great TE2 signing with tremendous upside. Add in the fact that he's on a cheap "prove it" deal and it's hard not to like this move.
  9. Doug Whaley works at night, but it's only to go on podcasts and act like a petty baby and pout about the Bills to Tyler Dunne.
  10. With Jordan Phillips likely being signed with the Bills I think it's unlikely that we'll invest anything meaningful into the DL now. Still possible but I wouldn't expect it in the early rounds. CB/WR have become much more likely to me.
  11. If anything, I'd love to get Hughes on a team friendly 1 year deal now. I doubt it'll happen though but I think it could be a killer combo.
  12. They were excellent in pressure rate, but it didn't materialize into sacks. I think this season with the line additions and the signing of Von Miller the sack production is going to jump up. Not necessarily from Miller, but I see us collapsing pockets and getting interior pressure that turn into sacks. Should be super fun to watch.
  13. I think there's a contingent of Bills' fans who aren't NFL fans, and they know that Von Miller who was on the Broncos and the Broncos weren't great, ergo Von Miller must not be as good anymore. He's not Superbowl MVP caliber anymore, for sure, but he's way better and more efficient than any DE that was on the Bills last season and that's by a large margin.
  14. I'd love for you to explain how he's "not that great" when all of the metrics say that he's better than guys who got similar contracts. Pressure win rate, tackles, hell even just sacks are better/more efficient than a guy like Chandler Jones.
  15. 9 sacks in the last 8 games he played. All of the advanced metrics point to Miller being slightly more efficient than Chandler Jones, who everyone seemed to want.
  16. There has never been a bad OJ on the Bills. Career year confirmed.
  17. Bigger when you see the implications. Mario Williams signing might have been more fun though with all the buildup. This came out of nowhere really from the fan perspective.
  18. With the details of the contract leaking, this is a phenomenal signing. The Bills just got a legit leader on defense with superbowl experience. I love this pick on so many levels. The development of our pieces on DE, our win now chances, and the fact that we didn't give up any assets. BEANE KNOCKED THIS OUT OF THE PARK.
  19. It's being reported that it's more a 3 year/53 million dollar contract with all the outs.
  20. He only seems older in the mind of football fans because he's been a legit superstar for so long.
  21. Pretty wild signing. In terms of a leader for the DE room, you definitely can't ask for better than Miller. This is an established superstar professional. The contract is nuts, but I suspect it'll make more sense when we see the details with void years and all that.
  22. I don't see anything wrong with this if you're signing him to be a depth piece at a depth price.
  23. I don't see us signing a higher profile WR at this point. I definitely think it's possible we draft one in R1-2 of the draft though.
  24. It's my understanding that we save 1.5 million this season if we cut him before June 1st, but if we cut him afterwards then we can save almost 5 million this season. I'm in no way a salary cap expert but they've said similar on WGR and Cover1.
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