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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Allen might have one of the greatest work ethics I've ever seen in a football player. Who else even compares? Bruce Smith? I know he famously stayed in game shape year round.
  2. My guess is that the Bills extended him a lowish offer before signing Lawson again, and Hughes just decided it wasn't worth the beating his body has been taking. He was a solid pressure style rusher, even though he didn't get home enough. Appreciate everything he did for the Bills over the years.
  3. Banking on late round guys to be breakout players is an objectively awful teambuilding strategy. Guys like Gabe Davis are the exception to the rule, not the expected norm. WR is a major need, in my opinion (and I hope that opinion is shared by Beane). Having effective weapons that are cost controlled is really important to the future of the Bills.
  4. Feels really possible that they don't think Bates can replicate what he did last season if he's moved to RG, hence the low tender. I think he was a quality starter last season in the 5 or so games but I don't think the Bills should pay him more than 3-3.5 a year. I think they'll find some quality either late in the draft or with a FA that the new OL coach is familiar with.
  5. There are some rumors that Brady would be interested in becoming a part owner of the Dolphins if the opportunity presents itself.
  6. Considering that the Chiefs would 100% never trade him to Buffalo, I don't know what you're getting upset about. Calling Miller a "rotational DE" is disingenuous for sure too.
  7. Beane probably loves this guy, he looks like a McCaffery lite. I wouldn't mind this pick early day 3.
  8. Olave is my dream pick for the Bills. It'd just be so damn fun.
  9. I don't think you should trade a ton of assets for a top WR when you have obvious serious doubts about your QB situation, and frankly I don't see how this really helps your offense so much when you already had a guy with a similar physical skillset in Waddle. Hill was so dangerous because A)His speed and B)The guy throwing it to him could put it anywhere on the field. Tua can't push the ball like that. He can't extend the play like Mahomes could so Hill would have an extra 2-3 seconds to burn his man. He's an absolutely excellent player. Is he worth 5 draft picks and a mega contract when you don't have the QB piece settled? I don't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. Just seems like a backwards way to build your team.
  10. I don't really understand this trade, or know how to evaluate it anyways. You already had a guy with a similar physical skillset in Waddle, you don't have a QB who is excellent at getting the ball out quickly or pushing the ball downfield. You've given away a lot of picks, albeit for an excellent player. I'm not saying that the Dolphins got fleeced, but I don't understand why they'd want to do it. They weren't a WR away last season, like we were in 2019 with Diggs.
  11. Butler was about as close to garbage as the Bills had on their starting lineup. Good luck to him but the guy did basically nothing during his time here.
  12. I'm confident they're going to find a way to sign a vet CB, they're just waiting for the market to crash and ***** up one of those guys on the cheap.
  13. Feel bad for the guy. He made a poor choice in FA, Judon was one of the guys I really, really wanted the Bills to make a run for.
  14. I like this signing. Cole Beasley-esque production for a guy who is cheaper, younger, and slightly more upside. Crowder has never had a talent like Josh Allen at QB, so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I really still like the idea of drafting a WR at round 1 but I think this takes the wind of out the sails a bit. It could still happen but CB feels a lot more likely now.
  15. This thread is pretty silly. The fact of the matter is every time we're handing off the ball to the RB we are taking the ball away from our best player on the field. The need for an "elite" RB is inversely correlative to the ability of your QB. If we had a poorly rated QB, then you need an elite RB. If you have a middle of the road guy, then you have a balanced attack. With Josh Allen, I just want a guy. For now, Singletary is that guy and he's effective enough. Wasting resources and cap space on "elite RB" is just handcuffing Allen by taking snaps away from Allen. By all means, draft a RB in the 3rd-4th every year and sign a guy like Duke Johnson or McKissic. I don't ever want to pay for production that takes away from the passing attack.
  16. I know, just joking, Whaley is still really salty about it though if you listen to even recent interviews.
  17. But if Whaley gets a job, then who will be Tyler Dunne's anonymous source to ***** on the Bills for literally anything they do?
  18. Cap hit aside it's pretty nice signing for the Bills. Definitely a guy who could win you a game if he goes in for two weeks. I really hope that the cap number can be finessed somehow though, that's a lot of change for a guy you hope never sees the field.
  19. Veron Butler was worse than Phillips and still barnacled his way onto the roster. I think Phillips has a much better chance of being on the final 53 than Lawson.
  20. Clayton was great, loved his segments on WGR. He will be missed for sure.
  21. I wonder what the chances are that Lawson just gets cut before the season happens. I'm not saying that I want that necessarily, but that's a log jam of a DE room again now. I don't see the Bills making one DE inactive again every game.
  22. I'm sure I'm not saying anything new here but the situation is just gross. Yeah, there are a lot of scumbags in the NFL, but that doesn't change the fact that at best the Browns just hired a creepy pervert to be the face of their franchise. The contract is absolutely bonkers too. It makes Allen again look like a steal by comparison, and I don't think there's any way that Watson is going to be worth what was given up and the guaranteed money. I don't blame anybody who jumps ship from being a Browns fan.
  23. Rodgers signs mega contract precluding them from any big FA signings and the team trades away their only legit threat WR. You love to see it.
  24. That feels like way too much for Robinson, but good on him for getting paid.
  25. I'm sure his attitude isn't the best, but looks at how the Browns have handled this. As far as I'm concerned, Baker didn't really cause any of this, a completely incompetent FO did. Just trade him to Indy and get some assets. Absolutely stupid for the Browns to continue to escalate the situation that they created.
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