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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. Holy crap I hope you’re being sarcastic-the league and America hate the Bills? That’s why they have been on prime time so many time over the last couple of years-the league always puts teams on that no one had an I retest in and they they hate. Not sure you could’ve made this more of a “whoa is me” statement if you tried. if you were going for sarcasm wow did you miss…..by a lot
  2. I believe it was selfishness though-backup corner/safety getting the game clinching interception….he wanted it. It shows he wasn’t situationally aware-everyone knows if you knock it down the game is over. That play epitomizes what the team lost with Hyde and Poyer going down. If you remember back to the Colts playoff game, Hyde had an opportunity to pick off the final pass of the game and just simply knocked it down leaving no doubt. Lewis wanted that glory
  3. Von has delivered several times this year, including today. Josh has definitely had a tough stretch but you’re really making a stretch saying he hasn’t earned his money. Interesting that you conveniently left Diggs off your list….
  4. Show us where you know for a fact that's exactly what he's doing. Prove it or GTFO
  5. Should've never gotten to that point if Lewis knocks that ball down
  6. To me this loss comes down to 2 plays - going for it on 4th down when they should've just kicked the field goal and Cam Lewis going for the interception when all he needed to do was knock that ball down. Both were inexcusable
  7. Then that probably makes up for the holding Jackson clearly had on Hockenson last drive in the end zone
  8. So did Blackshear *ducks out of the way of thrown objects
  9. Do you think this thread would have gone 110+ pages if people didn’t think that? If he definitely wasn’t going to play wouldn’t he have been ruled out already?
  10. I don’t think anyone is claiming they would run the table-not sure that’s would be said even if they beat the jets. It’s the amount of doom and gloom around this place that is ridiculous! also, that’s a super weak argument WRT Pickett….38-3 and you still have something negative to say? Weak
  11. You’re not being realistic, you go immediately to worst case scenario. You assume all bad will happen to the Bills and then also assume that the teams around the Bills are all somehow going to go undefeated the rest of the season. maybe that makes you feel better about yourself, but there’s not a lot of reality in what you’re saying. If you were being realistic, you would’ve broken down the other teams like you have the Bills, you will see that they have ugly wins and/or losses, and you’d be objective about what you’re seeing. Granted, being objective for anyone on here is not likely, but the way you and some others are handling these threads after the Jets loss is making you guys look bitter
  12. There’s that giddy optimism we have all come to expect from you and a couple of others around here
  13. Honest question-outside of the attention that you obviously crave, why is every thread soaked in negativity? If they win this week will there be another one of these absurd threads talking about losing to the Browns? Or will you for once actually start a positive thread (although that won’t get you the traffic you clearly want). what if, and hear me out on this one, the lowly, clearly terrible Bills who will be lucky enough to make the playoffs go on a run (which they have done for the past couple of years) and finish with the one seed with a record of 14-3 or 13-4? Or will the “super bowl noise” be too much to handle?
  14. Just wait until he doesn't practice tomorrow! Out for the rest of this year and most of next - possibly even retirement!
  15. The way you originally worded it was poor then. You made it sound like the team didn’t care if they turned the ball over which obviously isn’t the case
  16. A huge part of the problem on here is people dissect every little thing that the Bills do wrong, but take the 10,000 ft view when looking at other teams. KC struggled the entire game the other night but people will look at them and go "well they're 6-2, doesn't matter how they got there" and don't dissect their troubles. Every team has weaknesses, but with this being a Bills discussion board we really only focus on what the Bills did bad/good
  17. So your plan as GM is to take a LB off the field even though they are getting run on (and replace him with who exactly?) and then to bring back 2 guys who are well past their prime and would not bring anything to the offense
  18. Couldn't have said it better - although people call for Beane's and McDermott's jobs when they win but don't win by enough. It is actually quite amusing that certain posters will come on here and complain about the lack of mental toughness from the players but then couldn't be more miserable and negative after a loss
  19. Up until yesterday Josh had been outplaying Mahomes the entire season, including when they went head to head a couple of weeks ago. It took overtime to beat a team where the QB only completed 5 passes - come back from the ledge
  20. I don't think the Chiefs are finishing the year 15-2 especially after what I saw last night - the Bills just have to keep pace with them (very doable) but surely have things they need to fix/clean up/change
  21. I’m actually really glad you said that because would there actually be a different perception? We applaud other teams for doing what needs to be done to win their games but then nitpick when the Bills don’t win by 20 (and even then people were calling for guys heads when the Bills beat the Steelers)
  22. You say all of this with such confidence but don’t say who you would replace them with. Forget about salaries, draft picks, all of that-who are you getting from other teams in straight up trades for any of the Bills players?
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