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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. Yes, and many times when it rises to where politicians are pressed to call for indictments and reinvestigations it is because of corrupt law enforcement in the first place. So your point is???? and for someone who is so knowledgeable about LEO issues in general (and I know you are) to claim you “never heard of” the rough ride BS? Head in the sand I guess.
  2. it only becomes “political” for some when someone does something that diverges from their own personal politics. So you’re exactly right Gun.
  3. can we also talk about the fact that your screen name is a partial quote from a movie (i.e., a piece of entertainment, like a football game) with an overt political message about conformity, elite control and anti-consumerism? My goodness the irony is thick as molasses.
  4. So many things wrong with this, but I’ll just point this one thing out: Switzerland is, in modern times, militarily neutral. That does not mean the country is apolitical. So you capped this whining post off with a false analogy. Congratulations ?
  5. Personally i couldn’t care less if they cut him yesterday. Barkley can do the job and hold an ipad. Let young man Fromm grind it out in the XFL (if they come back.)
  6. as long as people are teaching their kids that these things are purely notional, symbolic gestures that don’t really enforce any values in any real way, I suppose they’re fine. They’re reciting poems to a piece of cloth after all.
  7. At least this year, with Stidham, many of your wishes could very well come true. I can’t wait. I just hope their defense is still good enough to win them just enough games to take them out of the running for whichever top-tier QB comes out next year (I assume that’s Lawrence right now, but a lot can change.)
  8. I doubt that but it would certainly be funny to see Snyder squeal about it.
  9. I don’t and as a white person I would not even attempt to try because it’s not my place to determine appropriate responses to this issue. Goodell and the league need to work with its black players and leaders to determine what’s appropriate.
  10. found something related to this: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.axios.com/the-athletic-fundraising-round-series-d-e7026194-ccc7-4ec2-8415-6b8902c9a11a.html
  11. some god-tier backpedaling by Brees. That contract and that Wrangler endorsement must be worth more than Trump’s approval at this point. very fine timing as well - hours after the commissioner put out the statement that they (and Brees) were wrong. Wow, so brave, i’m tearing up.
  12. well you’re completely FOS and obviously don’t live here currently. And using ridiculous examples to boot: someone throws a brick through my window in the middle of the night. “Can I file a report?” ”Nah you don’t support cops enough, sorry we can’t do anything.” you’re DCTom’ed in my book. The two cops implicated in the shoving of this old man here make a combined >$200,000/year. Miss me with this “we don’t pay/fund them enough.” You’re completely wrong.
  13. the networks never broadcast the anthem before that either you revisionist. That was commercial time. Seriously gtfo if you’re going to try to bull your way into a “point.” In fact broadcasters started showing the anthem more AFTER the kaepernick protests took wind, since then it became another reason to keep eyeballs on screen.
  14. no prob and I could be off-base with my recollections regarding their funding as well. I do know the Athletic had the money to go on an aggressive hiring spree, poaching writers from every significant market and if the rumors are true, paying over market value for that talent. This could be a course correction for them, exacerbated by COVID-19. Sucks in any case for them, and for those laid off by PSE.
  15. also true. But from what I’ve seen and heard, hasn’t the Athletic received an astronomical amount of VC funding, as well as a surge in subscribers over the past year or so? Seems like even with thin margins, they’d have a lot of runway to weather this without cutting 8% of EEs and slashing pay across the board.
  16. i would hope the league is preparing to make more overtures than just that, but it’s a slim hope.
  17. that’s a bummer. And I assume Vogl will be in full CYA mode. Wouldn’t hurt to remind him of that past attitude though.
  18. After Goodell’s statement today, seems like the league itself has rejected Drew’s position.
  19. Anyone have any updates on the statuses of the Buffalo coverage people in particular?
  20. you’re both right. League is woefully miles and miles behind the NBA. But considering how insular, how slow-moving these owners are in the NFL, I think it can be characterized as momentous.
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