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Everything posted by DCofNC

  1. I have Fina’s autograph from probably 30 years ago now haha, he was a super nice guy.
  2. I sat in the luxury boxes with Nate Clements’ family for a game, Super friendly, his little one fell asleep half in the chair and half on me, cute kid. Met Flutie once, unfortunately that did change my opinion of him, he was quite smug towards everyone around. Not a player, but had a drink or two with Doug Whaley not long after Mario Williams signed. Super nice guy, loves the game, saw the value of getting big time players in the building. He was enjoyable to talk with, I was rooting for him to succeed, but IMO nobody was going to have any sustained success with the organization the way it was at the time.
  3. Tyrod put up similar numbers for entire seasons and there were people that thought he was a starter, I’ll assume you belong to that group.
  4. Tyrod is the best back up in the league now that Fitz retired. I’d love to have him back.
  5. No he hasn’t, he’s a game manager at best and he’s not much of anything when a play goes off script. GeNo is a backup that is better than the other backups Seattle has, making him a starter by default.
  6. I prefer the stand your ground states.. you broke an entry to my dwelling, you are considered a threat to my life, therefore, I’m not responsible for what happens to you.
  7. Life must be beautiful behind those rose colored glasses. If you really believed Diggs and a bunch of guys were not weak as a group prior to the season, you were snorting straight hopium.
  8. I can’t see this happening for at least another 5 years, if ever. That said, I could see Tre moving to FS in the late years of his career. He’s never been fast, so if he loses much of a step, he may not be a guy you want running with WRs. He’d have to put on some weight and take on tackling a lot more seriously, but he’s got a nose for the ball.
  9. I’ve always wondered when this would happen. I figured the argument would be a pro athlete used excessive force to stop a smaller person. I hope it falls under something like a good citizen clause and Wagner (nor any other athlete) can be charged.
  10. He should have known the Bills weren’t big on him after they traded down to avoid taking him in the first place.
  11. If we were talking about QB in the awful years would you be cool with “addressing” the position with 4th, 5th and 6th round picks? No. Outside of Diggs they have done NOTHING to support Allen at WR in the draft. They let Beasley go and didn’t even spend what he was making to get replacements. Basham and AJE were both awful picks due to the available options and Cook is another ***** RB prospect, who much to my dislike is exactly what I said he was, a pass catcher who can’t pass block and therefore can’t get on the field.
  12. I counter the argument with, you can’t continue to waste resources, especially higher draft picks on garbage players and say you addressed a position, no you used a pick and still left a hole. See RB, LB, DL, OL. The DL picks are coming around, but with the investment in it, they damn well better and you STILL had to go sign a real pass rusher. RB, are you kidding? WR, you have paid zero attention to since getting Diggs. You let go of Beasley and didn’t even spend the same amount back on the group as a whole. There are choices to be made and Beane has not made the best of them in many instances. Overall, Allen is covering the offensive gaffes, but how long can he do it behind that line?
  13. Elam has been doing his 1/11th. The stats are over blown to say the least. The really encouraging part, he has been able to stay in the framework and do his job well, more experience is going to continue to help him. The Secondary in general has done better than expected, the improved DL has certainly helped. Let’s hope the progress continues and there’s nothing to worry about when the playoffs come around.
  14. 100% agree, the only skill player on the O that consistently does his job is Diggs. It’s time to get some new talent on field and see what happens, if they bomb out, gotta make something happen to get OBJ here or make a pre-deadline trade for somebody. If they excel, great. They took a risk on Crowder being healthy.. didn’t happen, Davis staying healthy, didn’t happen, McKenzie stepping up, not looking good. And the rest was supposed to be depth, which even those guys are banged up. So it’s been a mess. I think more resources need(ed) to go the position players on the O, but they left the burden on JA. That’s a recipe for a certain amount of success, but Allen can’t do it all, every time. True he should have made the throw to McKenzie in Miami, but when you leave the gate of the whole team on one guy.. eventually it catches up.
  15. This is the EXACT reason I said WR in round 1, but I see the CB pick. Then WR in round 2, WTF? They must be planning round 3 then… ok.. So the masterBeaner came away with a 1st round CB, who can’t start over a 6th rounder, 2 completely wasted picks for rounds 2/3. A 5th round WR, said 6th round DB and a ST LB. Sounds like a draft genius to me, but man, none of that matters because the Homers “trust the process”. This isn’t to say this draft won’t work out with a good DB and possibly 2, and maybe Shakir will find himself a role, but it does question Beane’s ability to equate value to the rounds. Use your early picks on the positions that cost you money, not the ones where you can get cheap FAs or even really good players for half the cost of other positions. WR now costs 20M a year for a top player and you genuinely need at least 3 guys that play at a pretty high level for that position. RBs don’t command half of that. Why are you drafting RBs before WRs? Why have they wasted 3 picks in the 2nd and 3rd rounds in the last 4 years to still not have one. McBeane has built a good team here, but if they executed better, the team could be the best roster in football by a long stretch. Yet, I’m going to get all the dislikes here because the mouth breathers all want to tell me “we have the best and deepest team in football” , no you don’t. Here’s a litmus test, if Allen is out, does this team still stand a chance? No. When Maholmes went out, did they still win? Yep. Real stars and real depth allowed them to prevail with Chad Henne, put anybody else throwing to this rag tag team of “weapons” and you get a sub .500 team.
  16. how dare you! It was common knowledge all off season the team was in fact TOO stacked at WR, despite having exactly one guy who’s ever had 1k yards and the #2 who’s never been over 700.
  17. Right. Diggs had two seasons out of 5 that he got over 1000 yards and many thought he wasn’t even the best WR on his team in Minn. I questioned if he was truly a #1 based on his production. Jefferson took his role and is statistically better than Diggs even WITH Allen, I like Diggs, but this BS if him “making” Allen is a joke. Every single WR that’s played a full season with Allen has had a career year, yet it’s always “Allen has all the weapons”, BS. Allen is in that rare class that makes the guys around him markedly better than they are without him, Diggs included. Allen is in the class with Brady, Rodgers, Maholmes, and to my eye Burrow is there too, that make mediocre players average, average players good, good players great, and greats into Legends. Take away that QB, those guys all go down a tier. Look at Brady’s career and you see a laundry list of guys that were nothing without him, Rodgers same, the list is getting long for Allen already. The Moss, Adams, Hill types won’t fall off completely, but their lives are so much better with an elite pairing. Look at Robert Foster, Brown, Beasley etc. poof, nothing.
  18. idk about firing him, but I’m glad somebody is finally opening their eyes.
  19. Thus far, Lamar is the MVP, he’s done it all. The guy is playing lights out. Josh is on his heals, overall IT’S 3 GAMES IN TO THE SEASON, chill.
  20. 83% of the meme stats are made up of the first 5 pictures they can find on Google images.
  21. This story is getting old, the guy is a great player, I agree if you mean he’s top 10-15 player in the league, but as a QB? C’mon. He’s an average passer, but that dual threat is insane. Is he an injury away from having to recreate himself? Yep. Would I pay him? Nope. That said, he’s not average. This story is getting old, the guy is a great player, I agree if you mean he’s top 10-15 player in the league, but as a QB? C’mon. He’s an average passer, but that dual threat is insane. Is he an injury away from having to recreate himself? Yep. Would I pay him? Nope. That said, he’s not average. This story is getting old, the guy is a great player, I agree if you mean he’s top 10-15 player in the league, but as a QB? C’mon. He’s an average passer, but that dual threat is insane. Is he an injury away from having to recreate himself? Yep. Would I pay him? Nope. That said, he’s not average.
  22. I just hope the kid is ok, if they knowingly sent him back out there with a head injury, somebody needs to be fired, then curb stomped.
  23. Agreed, the announcers saying his hands are a neuro response to head trauma put the NFL in a bind. They are going to protect the shield and waste Miami.
  24. pretty easy to win when you come in fresh in garbage time vs a team you have been destroying all day.
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