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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. Sorry, but his height does hinder him. This isn't college. Just because he can run around like his head is cut off and find some throwing lanes, he does not possess the zip on the ball or the accuracy in the short and intermediate passing game. So he makes some plays once and awhile. He's a hell of an athlete, but his deficiencies limit him. Watching him is literally identical to watching Flutie. If he has issues between his ears outside of just lacking the skills to be a pro football QB than I don't know what to say. I wouldn't take him if you paid me.
  2. After watching him get dismantled and quit on his team in the playoffs. Including a clause in his initial contract that required him to put in additional time studying. Then seeing his agent put out a public statement basically demanding a new contract. It looked awful as far as how it reflected on what's supposed to be the leader of your team. At the time all I could think of was he knew defenses were figuring him out and he did not want to play another year risking what damage would be done to his next contract. His leveraging, to my surprise, worked. I have no idea what Arizona was thinking. They had all of 2022 with a 2023 option. Instead they're on the hook for 230 million with 190 of it guaranteed. Watching this guy, I would be so disappointed if I was a Cardinal fan. Running around like this is arena ball just to float a wounded duck 15 yards. He just doesn't have NFL skills. Even in today's dual threat era, he doesn't have the skills to be successful. I think perhaps the greatest curse a team can fall victim to is paying a Franchise QB without really knowing for sure if he is. If I'm an NFL GM I have a rule in place. If my QB makes to the last year of his deal and I don't know for sure, move on. The risk of making the wrong decision in this spot will kill your franchise.
  3. I was placing my wager on the Jets, first one went through at -6.5 -110, then I was doing a teaser and the second one kept updating before I could push it through. -6 -120, -7 -110, -7 -115, now -7.5 -110, I pushed it through at -7 -110 on a 7 point teaser. So I'm not a Peterman fan today. I remember dropping like 2k in live bets the year we played on the road against the Chargers. His infamous 4 INT performance. We know what we will get from him. Trent Edwards on steroids. Can he limit the mistakes? I hope he can do well long term so if he busts my bets against a divisional rival I'm not going to be too bent out of shape.
  4. I'm going to get some Noxema, I'll be back in a couple of hours
  5. Just saw our boy on this commercial. Is this the first national spot by a Bills player since Bruce?
  6. Awhile back I remember a thread about the Patriots run basically clouding peoples judgement. Almost as if that run forever skewed the reality of what you expect from a team and coach. Which in large part I agree with. Andy Reid won the Super Bowl 1 time in 17 playoff appearances Pete Carrol won the Super Bowl 1 time in 10 playoff appearances John Harbaugh won the Super Bowl 1 time in 8 playoff appearances Mike McCarthy won the Super Bowl 1 time in 10 playoff appearances Sean Payton won the Super Bowl 1 time in 9 playoff appearances Mike Tomlin won the Super Bowl 1 time in 10 playoff appearances Sean McVay, Doug Pederson, Bruce Arians, and Bill Belichick have much different stories ranging from too soon to tell, to lightning in a bottle, and perhaps the best of all time. None really are good for context outside of maybe McVay. Those are your recent SB winning coaches. As much as I hate to see the data, it is overwhelming in how common it is to be a bridesmaid in this thing. Most SB winning coaches will experience 10 playoff losses for every one title. It's the SB lottery and you only increase your chances of hitting it by getting to the playoffs. Very logical, but not something I want to accept because OP, I feel you as far as often thinking McDermott can't take us the distance but most of them couldn't, until they did. It's just the way this thing tends to go.
  7. He was an elite college coach at Baylor. It would be a huge upgrade for Nebraska. As for Rhule, not a bad program to go to. The Big Ten is more fun when Nebraska is good. If true I hope he can help turn things around. I never thought Frost would turn out as bad as he did after what he did with UCF.
  8. I don't disagree with this. As for schematics, that's not what this thread is about. More game day coaching. I still think our schemes leaves a good deal to be desired. Although we ARE seeing pressure dialed up and the traditional running game, two missing pieces, we aren't seeing creativity on offense. How much we could install the last few weeks with our circumstances is likely low, but the playbook progression on offense is a question mark no doubt.
  9. I'm more critical of McDermott than most. Plenty are critical of Frazier. Dorsey has been under the radar, but I think fans would give him a neutral mark on the season. In the game against Detroit, I really think this was one of the better coached games we have seen from the entire staff. On offense, we ran the ball in the traditional running game with frequency and success. This was now two weeks in a row we did not abandon the run and used it as a stabilizing factor. We were also aggressive late in the game. If you look at the throw to Diggs, you could make an argument to play conservative. We had 23 seconds to go 35 yards, any mistake and you likely lose. Josh had done almost nothing in the deep passing game the last two weeks and made some critical errors. We trusted our guys to go get it done. I think this is a play that will help Josh get back on track from a mental perspective. On defense, we have seen the level of aggressiveness increase as our DB play has declined which I'm thankful for. The death by a thousand cuts was getting torturous. In perhaps the most pivotal play of the game on the Lions last drive, 3rd down and 1, in a spot we always seem to be conservative, we went all in. We sent everybody and forced the Lions to execute. Far too often we seem to be in reactionary mode in that spot. The Lions had an open guy but failed to execute against our pressure. We forced a FG which allowed us to set up the eventual game winning FG. So while we love to torch our coaches, yesterday they beat the Lions coaches in time management and were not afraid to be aggressive. The did almost everything we complain about well. We even landed an elusive within 7 point victory. I think the coaches are learning and they played a big role in the W yesterday. Hopefully we see this trend continue.
  10. I don't disagree, much in the way we have seen Diggs used this year. That is what I would also prefer vs going after a pure slot WR. In this layout, we go back to a place where Davis and even McKenzie have much more value. We just can't afford to waste the arm talent. Getting a high end compliment to Diggs would make this offense lethal.
  11. I don't know how WR is not looked at pretty high in the upcoming draft. Perhaps with our #1. The lack of a pure slot WR has shown to really hurt. Davis made his money on go routes, skinny posts, deep shots, then toe tapping on Allen scramble drills. He does not have elite quickness or route running. He's not high end on 50/50 balls. Can he create on his own? The answer is no. We need at least one option outside of Diggs where that is a resounding yes.
  12. Josh is a gunslinger and he knows his body is limiting him. You can see it on the zip with his throws. He nailed Diggs on that deep pass late, but he had to really muscle a lot of passes you usually see him flick with minimal effort. Then how many deep shots did we take today? Zero. It's something he can play with it seems perhaps only impacting some of his throws. He needs some rest to get better. At this point I have no doubts it's impacting him.
  13. Allen was almost due for some negative regression. It felt for a couple years now, perhaps based on his arm strength, the defense just couldn't come up with many that seemed like they should have. Not so lucky this year. Seems like every tipped ball is landing in the wrong spot. Reminds me of Mahomes at the start of last season.
  14. Right now we just have a disconnect from what we actually are at this moment and what we, the fans, expect we should be. I wrote this below in the Lions thread earlier this week which outlined using advanced stats, how we appeared to be more like a 5 point favorite on a neutral field, so a 2 point favorite on the road. Which ended up playing out. The Lions are actually pretty damn good. I keep saying at this moment, currently, right now, etc. We are taking every teams best and we are exhausted. Injuries, travel, all of it. In time we can be closer to what I think all of us expected, but we need a break desperately and we need to get healthy. At some point it starts to become silly to think we could meet expectations with the majority of our elite players hurt. At some point that does impact even the best. To the Bills credit they have ripped off two ugly wins in Detroit against teams that could beat us. We won games while being at a fraction of what we are capable of. We need a break to get right. We need some breaks with health. It's exhausting to take everybody's best effort every week while fighting against the breaks. Huge credit to Diggs today. After arguably his worst performance as a Bill, he seemed to be our QB on those last drives rallying the troops. Unlike most WR 1's he didn't sulk, he willed the team. Super impressed with how he was able to respond. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will not be a roll over game, not with the way the Lions have been playing on offense. The Lions were a 3 point underdog to the Giants on the road. So Vegas see's them as even, DVOA has the Lions 6 spots ahead of the Giants. To give you an idea, 4 spots ahead of the Lions, is Tennessee, 3 spots ahead are the Jets, 2 spots ahead are the Packers, 1 spot ahead are the Browns. We have played all 4 teams. I would not use the Titans game for reference, we were so much healthier and crisp at that time. Against the Packers, Browns, and Jets we went 2-1 with an average score of 25-20. The Lions are ranked much higher in DVOA in the weighted version. I used the non weighted version. Just as we are ranked lower in the weighted version (#1 non weighted). We should win, yes, but this is not the same old Lions. They can threaten us. We will have to play well. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Lions are in the playoff discussion at years end.
  15. This has been Steph's worst game in a Bills uniform and he's hanging his head. Needs to be a leader on this drive.
  16. I think this was the last time I remember Bills fans being very positive about Sammy.
  17. I think we will retain him. I just don't see a market for him out there that the Bills would not be competitive in.
  18. This will not be a roll over game, not with the way the Lions have been playing on offense. The Lions were a 3 point underdog to the Giants on the road. So Vegas see's them as even, DVOA has the Lions 6 spots ahead of the Giants. To give you an idea, 4 spots ahead of the Lions, is Tennessee, 3 spots ahead are the Jets, 2 spots ahead are the Packers, 1 spot ahead are the Browns. We have played all 4 teams. I would not use the Titans game for reference, we were so much healthier and crisp at that time. Against the Packers, Browns, and Jets we went 2-1 with an average score of 25-20. The Lions are ranked much higher in DVOA in the weighted version. I used the non weighted version. Just as we are ranked lower in the weighted version (#1 non weighted). We should win, yes, but this is not the same old Lions. They can threaten us. We will have to play well. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Lions are in the playoff discussion at years end.
  19. I grew up in the Detroit burbs. Detroit Pizza is my favorite. That said, Cincinnati has great chili dogs and Cinci is my favorite city in either Michigan or Ohio. Awesome place to be downtown.
  20. What his skeptics are critical about is schemes and game day decisions. Not his ability to connect with players. Clearly he does a great job In that area.
  21. Oh god, the Will Levis #1 talk, I have seen Levis play half a dozen times, multiples years. Decent player. Maybe they like his skill set? Just never could see him as even a top 10. Anthony Richardson? How are either of these…… Anyway Caleb looks MUCH bigger than he actually is. This thread is actual garbage now that I see his size. Ok, just one Josh still.
  22. I have not watched him all year, just his bowl game last year, which he looked very unpolished but talented. UCLA’s defense is garbage but his performance in this game, it was the closest thing I have seen to Josh so far. Absolute rocket arm, power runner, fast, excellent throws on the run. I imagine we will hear a ton of Allen comparisons. Which is weird because I never thought we would get an Allen comp.
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