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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. So it’s not about a sport that has elite athletes anymore, but more about how the game is conducted, That should cause a shudder down the NFLs back... ?
  2. Being he will be around what? 33 years old before he would be able to play again, who in there right mind is going to sign a WR who is gonna be pushing his mid thirties hasn’t played in two plus years, and who is shown himself to be a wack job?? Oh yeah, the pats...?
  3. I agree with your point that the NFL has no interest in the XFL becoming a farm system. Being that the college ranks fulfill that role already, and do so for all the major sports, and it essentially is a free service for the pro sports leagues. I keep coming back to what is essentially a league of sub practice squad level players, and really who wants to watch a bunch of guys who never made it to the NFL or got cut off teams and no one wanted to hire them?? In the end, what does it say about the NFL if the XFL succeeds?
  4. This^^ progressing through his reads is called seeing the field by others, it is a really important ability for a QB.
  5. If Josh gets two more receivers that can actually catch the ball when it matters most, on top of Brown and Beasley, and does not have 16 fumbles (that’s pretty inexcusable ya gotta admit regardless of how many were lost), and does the other things you stated, he will be considered very a successful QB, and we will all be happy, except for Tex and a few others, they are always the grumpy and unhappy bills fans, they are entertaining though, ?? Go Bills!!!
  6. Fair assessment, on my end I guess I don’t see many folk watching the same guys that most said were horrible players before the were cut, not counting player who never got drafted to begin with. Is the XFL basically the practice squad league...? anyway semi pro leagues historically don’t last long unless they become a farm league, which college football already is... same with college basketball, the feeder system is already in place.
  7. Seriously, Is there any real chance this league is still around six months from now?
  8. Although many here don’t think he will make the 53, and they are probably right, I’m going the underdog route, thinking he makes the active roster, ya ya, I know, but it’s fun to root for the underdog... Go Bills!!!
  9. I just read we are 18th in the league revenue wise, that puts a bunch of teams below us.
  10. Sure hope that doesn’t happen, that would be taking a RB with the first pick in the draft bad imo... can’t see him opposite John Brown as the big upgrade our team needs or expects at WR.
  11. What are we gonna do you ask, well, either nothing or something, either way it will cause massive controversy and create a great schism that will rupture the very fabric of time space.... heady discussions like this are not for the mere sports forum, but should be kept behind closed doors and never spoken of in public.... or I could be altogether wrong, ya never know about these things...
  12. Just click bait gossip imo, the only think I have read is that Burrow would be fine with being a bengal.
  13. Saw that, and a bit on a 30% restriction/ requirement when entering the last year of the CBA when it comes to paying extensions iirc, don’t fully understand that stipulation, lots of financial juggling is going to happen. No worries though, Beane will do his thing.
  14. Agree on the buddies thing, and sure hope they both stay here for the next two decades.., Go Bills!!!
  15. Gotta agree with that, It’s more like a, “it’s everyone else’s fault tour”, the guy is hopeless at this point, he has a very limited time to get his three-hundred pounds of BS into a ten pound bag.... he is over thirty, and the clock is ticking.
  16. That would be a stat I would like to see, it would seriously effect a pass catches pay don’t ya think. Go Bills!!!
  17. Not relevant to the question asked. Ralph did some good things, but screwed the pooch the majority of the time. It was under his management that the team acquired the bad reputation that the current team is still trying to shed.
  18. A bad attempt at a sad view of humor... or he is upset that those he is referring to speak more languages than he does... it is likely one or the other,
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