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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Kudos to Alex, talk about a determined SOB, good on him? I will admit I kinda cringed a little watching him..
  2. Its what ya get when you think with your penis, just sayin ?
  3. just busting your chops, dude ?, I’ll work on my sarcasm more, but is still showed how poor a team the jets were to lose that game, so we ended up the better team that day, and I agree on the pats game, it was an intensional head shot. And imo injures are sometimes a valid excuse, just not always the full reason for a loss, just razing those that love to say “injuries are not an excuse” A sixteen point lead erased, we’ve been on the other side too... for much the same reasons, as you know. Go Bills!!!
  4. You are wrong, two teams played under the same circumstances, and one failed to perform well enough during all four quarters, so the other team won, it just showed how bad the jets team was, that and injures are not an excuse, next man up.
  5. The NFL does NOT want accountability in any fashion on any issue. Just look at the refs, they don’t know the rules, so they make stuff up, tuck rule cough cough, The Refs are not good at what they do, and the league doesn’t care.
  6. I think Kirby is correct, by measure they are not a good team, put any other jersey on that roster and everyone would say that’s not a team to fear.
  7. I especially can’t wait to see their stats on stuff that doesn’t actually happen.... that the best stuff right there..so telling,
  8. AJE, ZM, Bass, both receivers, and the QB are keepers. I think Foster who has trouble tracking the ball and really has not performed at all, and McKenzie who only does one thing, get replaced by the new guys, plenty of talent on the team to cover the jet sweeps, and STs needs. I can see moving on from Roberts being he is only doing KR, he not what you would call versatile.
  9. Only the guys who want to be cut, no room for error this up coming season.
  10. It is a nice looking receivers group, Nice upgrade at the #1 with Diggs, who will take some pressure off Brown and Beasley, not to mention two good prospects to bring along that can catch anything thrown to them. With the two new guys we can trade/cut Foster and McKenzie, and still have more than enough talent to run jet sweeps and cover STs needs, we could as well potentially deal Roberts who is really only a KR, being that we already have the talent to fill that position on the roster as well. This all bodes well for the season. More catches = more passing yards that = more points which = more wins. All of which boost QB stats as well. Go Bills!!!
  11. A front office with a plan, and a guy who is implementing it successfully. Pretty damn refreshing wouldn’t you say fellow Bills fans? ?
  12. Lots of potential that’s for sure, ?but, the next step is yet to happen. 1st the O line needs to raise its game, (won and lost in the trenches...) 1a Josh has to raise his game, (he had a sh-t ton of fumbles etc) 1a again, the receivers group needs to first and foremost catch the damn ball, (two years running we have not been good as a group on this basic requirement). These three things have to happen at the same time, starting with the first snap of the first game of the season. Now all that said, we have all the pieces to win the east division and get to the AFC championship, Dare I say more? yup, it’s gonna be hard, no doubt, especially pushing Baltimore and Kansas City out of the way.
  13. Not bitter toward you at all, I will admit I did not read your entire post, sorry to cause this minor disruption. We seem to think of this differently is all. If I ever get to Hawaii again The beer is on me. Not a fan of them, likely never will be. They have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar to often. Go Bills!!!
  14. I’ll bet that every international game was canceled by the host countries. No way are they going to chance a infection spike happening in their countries with the way our national government has handled this pandemic. I am certain they told the NFL very nicely, no F ing chance buddy...
  15. This is funny as hell, for many “fans” getting drunk is far more important than actual football, oh the gnashing of teeth, oh my “rights” are being violated, damn it hurts more when I use use my body to break tables when I’m not drunk, my azs hole boss is pissed off that I come to work hungover every Monday, damn it I got rights to be obnoxious to anyone I wanna be obnoxious to, this is Merica damn it. For the love of god someone get me a beer... ????? ... meanwhile back at the ranch, our hero... ? Go Bills!!!
  16. I don’t include the pats in any rankings, they just don’t exist.
  17. Shula was far more classy, trustworthy, and has won more games, and has an undefeated season, and wasn’t a cheating piece of ? When a very talented team such as the pAts comes to relying on cheating to enhance there own obvious skill, they can no longer be counted among the great teams. They are and always will be a tainted organization.
  18. I watched a YouTube with Zach and the host yesterday, the host had Zach doing film reviews of some of his college games. It appears he is well adept at reading defenses at the line as well the D backs. He explained his concept on how to use his blockers to avoid not only the opponent in front but as well coming laterally from behind. He has a good spin move, knows exactly we’re to place a stiff arm, and use techniques he referred to as an old school leg movement to avoid low tacklers on the D. Really smart kid, knows what he is up to. Excellent pick by Beane, who also knows what he is up to. ?? Go Bills!!!
  19. Don’t hold back tell us what you really think ? I agree, they cheat at all aspects of life not just sports, it’s an institutional point of pride for the Kraft empire to lie and cheat wherever and whenever they can. We have all witnessed it repeatedly.
  20. Without having players poached in the process of up to the 53 and back to the PS.
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