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Buffalo Junction

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Everything posted by Buffalo Junction

  1. I’d love them to nab Ejiro Evero if he doesn’t get a HC gig. He’s worked under Kiffin, Dom Capers, Wade, Raheem Morris, and Fangio so he’s experienced with multiple personnel groupings and schemes.
  2. In Apple’s defense…. He might actually be that ignorant and incompetent. 🤷‍♂️ “I worry about him because of off-the-field issues,” one scout said. “The kid has no life skills. At all. Can’t cook. Just a baby. He’s not first round for me. He scares me to death.”
  3. They certainly are. I’m of the opinion that you probably need to take a chance on a few guys who are high end talent over character, injury, experience concerns coming out if you want to find difference makers outside of the top 10-20. Rousseau is an example of that as well with his Covid year off. Simmons… https://www.tennessean.com/story/sports/nfl/titans/2019/04/26/titans-jeffery-simmons-video/3585708002/ Lawrence… https://www.si.com/.amp/college/2018/12/24/clemson-dexter-lawrence-drug-test-ostarine-fail-college-football-playoff
  4. IIRC, Lawrence failed a PEE test and was held out of the college playoffs…. and Simmons wasn’t invited to the combine after a video leaked out of him hitting a woman and he took a plea deal for assault.
  5. I have no clue what’s going on with the Broncos after the Hackett firing, but if they’re cleaning house I’d be all for replacing Frazier with Ejiro Evero. All his players love him, and his scheme would likely mesh with McDermotts. He may be. However, he’s still growing into who he is as a player. Rousseau will likely keep improving, especially since he missed a year from Covid… He simply wasn’t equipped to beat the double teams and extra chips he caught after Von went down. Maybe a few more counters and weight training. One thing I will say…. Regardless of which drafted D-line player we want to bring up (Groot, Basham, Epenesa, Oliver, etc) they haven’t lifted up to their draft status or developed at a normal pace. Either they were poor picks for our scheme, Frazier failed with concepts, or Eric Washington failed to coach them up. I certainly don’t have the answer to that equation, but it certainly seemed like Bill Teerlinck got better results from some of the same talent (Shaq, Phillips). 🤷‍♂️
  6. The equipment guy… “The shoes? The shoes. It’s gotta be the shoes.”
  7. To an extent, but you can only play with the pieces you have. im not gonna say Daboll would be better than McD, but he was certainly better than Dorsey this season in some critical spots
  8. RT is getting away with some serious holding almost every play.
  9. Without a bonafide CB2 Boyers blitz heavy approach couldn’t work. Same goes for Rex’s Ds. Need two top man corners and at least one pass rushing stud to succeed.
  10. Don’t care. Things will play out on Sunday. If they’re really talking ***** then they can talk all they want. They’ll just look like ingrates if they’re talking and the players from both teams kneel down for a group prayer together before the game.
  11. Now I’m gonna have “Antonio Brown pummeled by Waffle House employees after outburst” in my list of things to not be surprised by.
  12. That case was dismissed with prejudice, and she followed up with a lawsuit about Shady being a negligent landlord by deactivating the security system.
  13. John Brown was rather vocal about that when his stats dropped after they switched from Flacco. How much of that is Lamar vs Roman IDK, but there are certainly reason why WRs don’t want to play in Baltimore.
  14. I’m okay with any position as long as they hit on the picks. This team is at the point where young guys need to perform for cap reasons, and a poor draft could knock them out of contention down the line.
  15. The big thing with Von - Hyde as well - is the timely plays. Certain guys make plays in moments when a play is needed. Losing two of those - all pro- guys in a single season is extremely difficult to overcome; especially when it’s on the same side of the ball.
  16. And Daboll swiped Kafka for his OC. And Daboll swiped Kafka for his OC.
  17. If Frazier gets a HC gig it’s probably going to be as a stabilizing presence for a dysfunctional franchise. He may turn those down though. I really think his best shot was Chicago last year, and that didn’t happen for him.
  18. That’s my fear. Plus, what happens to this Bills team emotionally if Tua gets knocked around and has another fencing incident.
  19. It’s all good for the Bengals until those guys have to get paid and Mike Brown has put all the guaranteed money in escrow.
  20. I’d be a bit miffed if it went to Sirianni. That Eagles team has been blessed most of the season when it comes to adversity. In the past two weeks they’ve shown the inability to overcome injuries or adapt their gameplan for them…. The award should go to Daboll, Shanahan, Campbell, or McDermott. All four have overcome obstacles that other coaches simply haven’t successfully faced this season; whether that’s a franchise turnaround, tragedy, or injuries. The best coaches face adversity and overcome by leading men through the storm. That should be the mark for coach of the year.
  21. Likely. At this point I’m not sure if some of what I remember in the before and after is my memories or remembered stories from others.
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