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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. That is a fair take. Agree Darnold's story is probably not fully told.
  2. I'm really curious how you see Darnold better than Jackson?
  3. Ugh.... we are rolling out COVID vaccine and I'm now on the front line to help the process this weekend. Will not be able to watch much of the game.
  4. The more this week goes by the more it feels like a trap game.... Biggest win of the season last week and the Patriots next week. Everyone has already assumed a win and a division title. All this positive press. First the kid that went to Disney because of Milano and Davis and now Diggs is main story on ESPN website. Very scared right now...
  5. Say what??? He started 25 games in college. Most QB prospects only play two years of college. Joe Burrow 28 starts. Kyle Murray 14 starts.
  6. Interesting choices. I agree that was the consensus. It took years for Elway to reach his full potential. It took a couple for Manning (28 picks his first year). Luck was good right out of the gate but had double digit interceptions every year except one. And of course there was at least some debate about Manning/Leaf and Luck/RGIII. So even those years it was not an absolute
  7. Just to be clear the same organization drafted and same coaching staff started Nathan Peterman No one wants to admit it, but there is a fair amount of luck in this process. I had Allen #1 but would have been happy with Rosen. Many on here hated the Allen pick and wanted Rosen or others. I do agree that coaching and culture play a crucial role. But no culture or coaching is going to make a weak arm work.
  8. A convicted sex offender with borderline credentials? Not a chance in he.... I may be wrong, but Biscuit's were AFC DPOY where those others are NFL DPOY. Still impressive but I don't think you are comparing apple to apples
  9. It's Lean Management or Toyota Production System. McD calls it process. Others call it continuous improvement. Lexus calls it the Pursuit of Perfection.
  10. I chose Indianapolis. I would take Rivers and that old broken down shoulder in the cold any day over the other teams. Miami and a rookie QB would be my second choice but would not want to play them in back to back weeks even if they can rest their starters in week 17.
  11. This is silly. KC has one loss and killed the Bills without even trying to throw the ball.
  12. Agreed. Denver is a classic trap game before New England but they don't need Brown to beat them.
  13. Who do you want to see in the playoffs? Who do you fear most? Though the defense has played much better lately I still fear teams with power run games. Therefore I would rather avoid Cleveland, Tennessee, and Baltimore. I'm not saying the Bills couldn't beat all of those teams. Each is flawed in some way or another. The most favorable matchups would be Miami, Indianapolis, and Pittsburgh even if they had to travel to Pittsburgh.
  14. Silly premise. Should McD have benched Allen after a fumble and interception in the first half? Should Beasley and Davis quit on Allen after he missed them badly when they were wide open? This is not Madden. Nobody makes every catch. Knox gets open more than any TE they have had in years. If he is open keep throwing him the ball. He should be no more than the 4th or 5th most targeted player with the weapons they have on offense. But he should get a designed play or two a game to use his size and speed combo. Davis has been amazing all year. Why mess with his head over one dropped pass?
  15. I get the OPs point. My take is I would want to win the SB as much every year if they had already won one, but would be a little less disappointed if they were eliminated from the playoffs. I think the sting of not winning won't hurt as much if you can fall back on the recent memory of a SB win.
  16. Ha...there was no internet when Vince Ferragamo was taking snaps for the Bills. I can only imagine how this board would be if they had back to back 2-14 seasons in the social media era.
  17. He was too tense early on. It was amazing - you could see it in his eyes and it persisted through the entire first half. He relaxed as the game went on. We have to remember he is still young and has played in only a handful of meaningful games. He played really well from FG drive right up until the first and goal at the 1. No idea what happened on the next three plays but they were all bad throws. Overall he played well enough to win and was dominant at times. Agree with other posters - still needs to learn to put some air under the ball on those deep shots. If that is his only long term weakness, I can live with it. It is a dink and dunk league and if he is safe with the ball and keeps his completion % up he will be fine.
  18. Concussion protocol on a short week, probably less than 10% chance he plays against Denver.
  19. Passing yards is an irrelevant stat just as 300 yard games are. It's TD/INT ratio and YPA that matter. Allen is playing great. They are winning throwing the ball. I am one who believes they can win even in the cold with that type of offense. If the Bills had a better run game and had 50 yards more rushing a game sure I would take it. Balance is fine. But there is no reason to try to achieve balance just for balance sake. The four best players on offense are Allen, Diggs, Beasley, and Brown. Play to your strength.
  20. It’s XP not EP It looked super close but was above the upright so not reviewable as was the case earlier this year.
  21. Never seen it happen before. Kickers are always warming up on the sidelines. He had just kicked a FG and a kickoff only a few minutes before. The only argument that makes sense is the half was almost over, so the Bills would not have needed the timeout. He just missed. It was mental not physical. He has been really good most of the year. At least two kickers I saw yesterday issued three FG attempts in one game. I’m just glad McD didn’t bench the rookie to teach him a lesson. You know he has to learn those points are important.
  22. Agree with Levi and Josh. How about Morse though? He had a few bad plays but played injured and also played well in the second half in both the run and pass game.
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