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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. He didn't and Allen will probably be credited with the fumble. But if you watch Moss didn't do a good job of taking the ball from Allen. He closed his arms too quickly.
  2. Yup. You got it perfectly. They had three timeouts to maneuver down the field. Nice job McD! I blast McD often but he has been solid today.
  3. Levy said they started with good field position. They started at the 10 yard line with under 2 minutes. Awful. Griese is solid tonight
  4. Don't bother explaining the rules on this board. It doesn't work. A significant minority think the games are fixed.
  5. Technically yes but if the TE had stopped it would have been a perfect pass. Take it.
  6. Up and down. So far 1 great play a couple of routine plays and a few mis reads
  7. I bet Allen gets credited with that fumble as he was the last one with possession of the ball.
  8. Beasley is back. Singletary is back I believe. Don't know about Moss yet
  9. He praised the Bills first drive and now the Bills are getting trashed on defense. What do you want him to say?
  10. Watch the replay. It was the only place to throw it. It hits him in the head if he stops and settles
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