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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. It was easier in the sense that I fully expected it, even at 9-0. It was tough that we had to lose that way. I really wanted Josh to play well and make some incredible plays, but it obviously didn't happen. Not just him, pretty much everyone on the team.
  2. I hope Brandon does his dressed as he was in the 12 days of Christmas, holding a glass of booze
  3. You thought it was closer than the score? I thought the score flattered us a bit. It felt like an annihilation. Even at 9-0 up I had no doubts that KC would roll over us. KC moved with ease, up and down the field. Our offense looked Elvis-level constipated and every yard earned was HARD work. It's not just the discrepancy in talent or the home field advantage, the Chiefs looked so much more confident, which partly comes from being champs and partly comes from their belief that they're so much better than us. When we went up 9-0 there was a shot of Mahomes walking up the bench telling his guys it was no problem, basically "we got this". They knew they'd come rolling back and they did. The Bills need to know how badly they got their asses handed to them if they ever hope to improve and I think they do know. I doubt they'll be blaming bad luck or whatever. They need to regroup, change some stuff up and come back for revenge next season. I haven't watched much from the talking heads today but I saw a bit of GMFB and the guys were almost laughing at how bad the Chiefs made us look. They seemed embarrassed to be laughing at the Bills because they've all enjoyed our team this season, but I'm sure the team will feel completely embarrassed by how they got handled and if they have the right stuff they'll use it as motivation to come back stronger
  4. I'd like a RB who doesn't just have the burst and first move to hit the hole but a guy who is a true danger out of the backfield as well. Get that and a good TE who can consistently get open and we'll be good.
  5. Titans game had fans. But then the first game against KC didn't. This thought had crossed my mind a few times recently but we won't know if there's anything to it until next season. I do think the lack of fans has helped with certain QBs developments, especially some of the rookies. Josh is a guy who obviously gets very pumped up before games, he even said he listens to more chilled music now to bring him down a bit before games, so I absolutely think with these big games the addition of the crowd pumps him up even more and maybe makes it harder for him to calm down. But it's more likely the fact that it's a new experience. Last year's WC he went nuts for a while and looked shaken on the sidelines. This year against the Colts he kept his cool for pretty much the whole game. Yes it was at home but he'd been in that situation before. If he reaches another Championship game next year I'd expect him to handle it much better, even if the game is going badly as it did yesterday.
  6. So you're saying the 5k I just laid on them for the SB is definitely safe?
  7. Maybe our offense was a bit too predictable in the playoffs. All the games felt like hard yards. When Diggs was covered it was hard to move to another tactic so hopefully in the offseason they scheme some things up that allow the offense to do that when one thing isn't working. The most obvious thing is a running game. It would really help Josh if the opposing defense had any sort of worry that we could actually run it down their throats. Next would be getting the TEs more involved. Knox showed a few flashes here and there during the season but I really thought going into the season that TE would be a bigger part of our game. Defense obviously a pass rush would help. I've been disappointed in Oliver since we drafted him but as people have said he needs a big body next to him to help free him up. Hughes has been great for us over the years but he's getting up there in age now and disappears for long stretches. A true wrecking ball that teams have to scheme for would really change this defense and open things up for guys like Oliver. One thing about our D that is really noticeable is they don't play nasty. Even when they're having a good game it's more about them being disciplined and athletic. KC's defense was pure nastiness last night, they roughed up our receivers and their D line was aggressive the whole game. They had that killer instinct. It was basically the first fight between Clubber Lang and Rocky. They seemed hungrier, nastier and they knocked us out
  8. I have a feeling Virgil's "thoughts about the game" will just be: f***
  9. We weren't good enough. Heartbroken for me was last years Houston game when we were in FG range in OT. This game never looked like ours, even at 9-0, that's nothing against this team. The offense and defense were outmatched unfortunately. Just have to move on to the offseason. I love this team but life goes on and it's not the worst thing in the world! It was a great season and yes I probably wouldn't say that if I was a fan of the Chiefs or Pats so you can call it loser talk but this team has been losers of the worst kind for so many years, this season was great over all. Sad to lose this way in the end but at least they can see where they need to improve now
  10. Now the fallout starts. Looking forward to the extreme overreactions (Josh sucks, fire McD) over the next few days
  11. This is a bad look for the Bills. The Chiefs have had some dirty shots but the Bills looking like sore losers. Need to man up and learn from it, then get revenge next time you play
  12. another 3 points coming. They just need to end this and get in the locker room
  13. Okay, this is depressing but Josh tossing the ball at his head made me laugh out loud
  14. Chiefs have just out roughed us. They were nastier and tougher on both sides of the ball. Especially on D. Our D looked soft in comparison. They've been roughing our guys up even when they've made a play
  15. Jesus how did allen throw it that far when he was falling to the ground???
  16. As much as I hate Brady if he somehow beats the Chiefs I'll be so impressed that I'll fly to Tampa and kiss him like I was his son
  17. Yep. I never expected them to win to be honest but thought we'd be a bit better than this, especially on offense. Only thing you can do is learn from stuff, not cry about it. They learnt from the loss to Houston last season so hopefully they learn from this and get over the hump next season. It's been a good season and a welcome distraction in such a ***** year for the world
  18. That's the game. Romo is right, every yard is hard, even when they have a little success
  19. Chiefs D is just having fun,playing loose and aggressive. That's what having a nice cushion does.
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