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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. 4m to practice and watch film. I know it must be tough not getting to play but the life of a backup QB isn't a bad one really.
  2. Well at least Goff knows his knee caps are safe now
  3. I'd like to see that, a lot more than the probowl anyway. You'd have to have a massive incentive for it to work. Money for the players and also a draft pick to the winning team. But then of course the super bowl loser would want a draft pick, and then the super bowl winner would say why the ***** don't we get one when we got further than all those guys?
  4. I don't condone this stuff and yes it was petulant but I have not problem saying the slow mo replay of Josh tossing the ball at the guy's head did make me laugh out loud. It was the only thing that lightened the mood
  5. I was surprised Josh didn't run more. I haven't watched a replay of the game but I read somewhere he had a lot of lanes open but didn't take off. Not sure how accurate that is
  6. He should spread the credit and get one made of the dwarf who threw it. At least they wouldn't have to use much gold
  7. I like this thinking. Not sure it's enough to beat KC but would definitely make us a lot lot better. Also, with Star back it improves our run D a lot. I know a lot of people don't care for him because he's not a stats guy but there's no doubt we were more solid with him in there. And Oliver should show up more as well. A premier pass rusher could have the same effect on this D as DIggs had on the offense - make everyone else look so much better because teams are having to key on stopping him that it gives guys like Oliver the opportunity to make more plays.
  8. Same here. I didn't even know he was on the team
  9. I noticed this several times (the fact that they mostly ran when Josh was under center) and wondered if it was just something I was imagining. Good to see some stats on it. It's pretty bad when an idiot like me can see a running play coming from a mile away, so it must have been pretty easy for opposing defenses.
  10. What's the problem with putting Watson over Allen? I love Josh but the fact is he's only been elite for one year. Watson has been doing it for a while now. And this season he was great with a terrible team around him. Talk about a competitor. Whatever people think about him demanding a trade, the fact is he was sensational on a really bad team and was still playing his ass off in a meaningless week 17 game, dragging his team up and down the field.
  11. You have to think as excited as Phins and Jets fans must be now, they must also be terrified about losing out and him landing at the other spot and having to play Allen and Watson 4 times a year.
  12. It is a tough matchup to pick a side in. On one side you have Brady, Gronk and Brown, then on the other you have the human scum that is Bell. Not to mention the cheap shot artists on their defense. Plus the KC fans seem like they should all be drinking and watching games in the Star Wars cantina. I also see no way Tampa wins this. To me their only hope at all is to have several pieces of incredible luck early on, like the fumbled punt we got, together with some tipped passes for interceptions giving them short fields so they can build a healthy lead and try to maintain it the rest of the way.
  13. Very true. The recency effect is huge in sports. When you look at some of the teams we beat, and how we beat them, a lot of that gets forgotten. Everyone was talking about how good Miami's D was and how few points they'd given up. We DESTROYED them with ease. Then people were saying how good the Ravens were, how the weather in Buffalo would benefit their world beating run game, and we held them to 3 points and made Lamar look so bad a lot of their fans are now questioning whether they can ever reach a SB with him, let alone win one. Everyone was high on the bills before this game and yeah, we got stomped. But KC is light years ahead of every other team in the league. Obviously we need to aspire to be able to beat them, but we're not suddenly an average team because they beat us. We're a very good team who you'd put money on to beat pretty much any team in the league right now... except KC.
  14. Good point. I think I might switch my answer
  15. I want Brady to win. Something I thought I'd never say. I don't so much have a problem with the Chiefs, more their fans. Of course the fact that I now want Brady to win means he'll probably lose by 60
  16. A miracle has happened. I've decided I want Brady to win this Super Bowl. I've always despised the guy even though I appreciate how obviously incredible he is. But I've heard so much crap from arrogant KC fans who are going round with their chests stuck out like a bunch of 40 year old virgins who have just broken their cherries that I would love them to lose this game to a 43 year old QB. I can't see it happening on any level but it would be great
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