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Everything posted by Nelius

  1. Right? Like I kind of get it, but I don't really get. Yes, it's a lot of money, but no, it's not a lot of football money. I don't know if his point is that they should have given somebody else a vet minimum salary, or tried to pay him less than the vet minimum somehow, or...? My only point is that the guy is getting his ass kicked for LOW FOOTBALL MONEY and is being a professional about it. He doesn't need to be doing this. It's a miserable situation but it's probably the best stopgap for right now as long as good ol' Derek is the consummate boring professional in the locker room and doesn't get his neck broken on the football field until Josh gets back. That's it, I'm not trying to argue wealth distribution or some larger socioeconomic argument here. No matter what they have to pay somebody money to be on the field.
  2. But he's not a backup anymore. He's getting his ass kicked as one of the lowest paid quarterbacks in the league. Calm down, Francis. I constantly see you getting all emotional in these threads. I'm sorry that we apparently disagree on the insanely unimportant topic of Derek Anderson's salary...
  3. It's all relative. Compared to younger quarterbacks who won't get his as much...no, it's really not. Yes, dude, we get it. Far more than you or me or anybody who actually works for a living, but when it comes to playing QB in professional football, it is absolutely a low salary.
  4. Huh, I see it completely differently. He left his family to get completely beat up for a relatively low salary. There was no real plan for him to start yet the worst happened, and now he's currently getting his ass kicked for the franchise and saying the right things while it happens. It's not going to be enjoyable football but the dude is being a complete professional and actually limiting the total embarrassment that this franchise could be going through right now.
  5. Apparently there are still quite a few people who are willing to give Daboll some rope. This poor, abused fanbase. Stockholm Syndrome for real. Daboll is awful, folks.
  6. I'm refusing to vote. This is a new low. Craig Nall's only 39?
  7. Daboll needs to go, at minimum. He has failed, he is not doing his job, hold him accountable. I'll hold on to the sliver of hope that I have left for McBeane if he's gone tomorrow.
  8. Yup. This is where I'm at. This is not going in the right direction.
  9. Yeah, you're probably right. Hey it's okay everybody, we might be good at some nebulous point in the future maybe, possibly, just keep accepting this miserable BS that is actually happening right now. McDermott sucks.
  10. Hey uh, just got blown out again. This time by the Colts. McDermott might have to go. This has to be worse than they even thought possible.
  11. This post game should be more entertaining than the game, even with McRobot deflecting all questions with his shield of canned coached speak "gotta watch the film" answers. Hope some drunk fan cries.
  12. No, he didn't want any of this. I'm honestly glad he didn't retire at halftime or his knee didn't explode. This is still somehow, as horrible and miserable and ridiculous as it is, better than Peterman.
  13. I'm not impressed with Indy at all. We are heading in an awful direction and being destroyed by this lameass team is all the proof you need. Marlon Mack?!
  14. Oh my bad, didn't catch that. Tiny step in the right direction then I guess but he's still terrible.
  15. I wonder what Daboll is dining on while calling this stellar game from his perch. Why the hell is he still not on the sidelines?
  16. Seems to be the latter. I want McDermott to make the tough decisions and stir things up, but hell, Peterman's still on the damn team. I'm starting to doubt that McD has what it takes.
  17. I'll grit my teeth and keep rooting for the general McBeane experiment, but a coordinator or two has to go at this point. This is awful. If we're supposed to have faith in any kind of process then people need to be held accountable. Brian Daboll is simply not doing his damn job at this point.
  18. Right? Replace them with anybody. Why are the process drones okay with spending time and money on a historically bad team? Does anybody have faith in Daboll at this point? Get rid of him.
  19. Daboll has been terrible since day 1. We're halfway through the season. Terrible coordinators have been fired for less. Get rid of him.
  20. Somebody asked me who we should fire in the past thread but it got locked. I say start with Daboll and Castillo and go from there. This is awful. If there is an actual process and we're supposed to trust it then people need to be held accountable. Crossman needs to go too, screw it.
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