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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. It probably tastes better than Genny.
  2. The most important thing is keeping the pimp hand strong, IMO.
  3. Who was your fav NKOTB? Donnie was such a G.
  4. Thanks. I don't even remember posting that last night either.
  5. Yes. I believe they still exist because they aren't traceable. You can pay cash and leave, or watch videos and leave. Married dudes covering up their tracks.
  6. I'm watching The Yanks/Sox game and am wondering why they've never torn down that ridiculously high wall and built more seats. I guess because they want to honor the history of that stadium. I'm all about renovations, but don't forget the history of The Ralph. NO NEW STADIUM!
  7. I never knew who Kelvin was until he became a Bill. That's how much of a stud he is.
  8. The porn shop is more quiet than the library.
  9. Well, I guess they better learn to start hangin' tough.
  10. Word on the streets is Glen hired the same writers that orchestrated Roger Goodell's heel turn. Gonna be epic, brah.
  11. I did ride a motorcycle once. That's how I got my nickname JVD - Jerk Van Damme.
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